title: esyN
description: Build networks interactively: automatically retrieve interaction data and build a network.
published: true
date: 2020-07-23T18:23:19.726Z
tags: genes, proteins, functional association, data visualization, network, interaction, protein-protein
editor: markdown
esyN (“easy networks”) is a free and open source tool to facilitate the exchange of biological network models between researchers. esyN acts as a searchable database of user-created networks from any field.
In addition to its basic tools, esyN contains a number of logical templates that can be used to create models more easily. The ability to use previously published models as building blocks makes esyN a powerful tool for the construction of models and network graphs. Users are able to save their own projects online and share them either publicly or with a list of collaborators. The latter can be given the ability to edit the network themselves, allowing online collaboration on network construction.
esyN is designed to facilitate unrestricted exchange of this increasingly important type of biological information. Ultimately, the aim of esyN is to bring the advantages of Open Source software development to the construction of biological networks. {.is-info}
- esyN Main Page {.links-list}
Allows for generation, customization, download, upload and visualization of gene/protein interaction networks for model organism; pulls data from specific interaction databases
Very easy to use, but limited by its specificity in its use for research, etc.
- Bean, D. M., Heimbach, J., Ficorella, L., Micklem, G., Oliver, S. G., & Favrin, G. (2014). esyN: network building, sharing and publishing. PloS one, 9(9), e106035. {.grid-list}