All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add support for October CMS 3.0
- !!! October 2.x required
- Add .gitattributes file.
- Update composer version constraints for composer/installers package.
- Add version constraint for october/system.
- Add missing CHANGELOG file.
- Add Sign Key implementation (please add
to your.env
- Improved plugin documentation.
- Drop support for PHP 7.1 (minimum required PHP version 7.4)
- !!! October Build 1.1.0 required
- Make laravel 6 compatible.
- Move thumbnail generation logic to a (re-usable) Helper.
- Catch exception when file cannot be found or image could not be created.
- First version of Vdlp.Glide