This imixs/wildfly Docker image runs the Java application server WildFly in the latest version on OpenJDK 10. The image is based on the official OpenJDK Docker Image.
In addition the imixs wildfly image adds the eclipselink.jar into the module configuration of wildfly and JDBC driver support for PostgreSQL.
- inherit form officeal openJDK image
- runs latest wildfly with OpenJDK 10
- uses a non-privileged system user
- starts wildfly in standalone mode with management console
- creates an admin user on first usage
- adds support of eclipselink
- provides JDBC PostgreSQL driver
- installation path: /opt/wildfly
- linux user: imixs
- support debug mode
imixs/wildfly provides the following environment variables
- WILDFLY_HOME (/opt/wildfly)
- WILDFLY_DEPLOYMENT ($WILDFLY_HOME/standalone/deployments)
- WILDFLY_CONFIG ($WILDFLY_HOME/standalone/configuration)
The following image versions are available:
- imixs/wildfly:1.2.2 => Wildfly 10.0.0.Final
- imixs/wildfly:1.2.3 => Wildfly 11.0.0.Final
- imixs/wildfly:1.2.4 => Wildfly 12.0.0.Final
- imixs/wildfly:1.2.5 => Wildfly 13.0.0.Final (OpenJDK 8)
- imixs/wildfly:1.2.6 => Wildfly 13.0.0.Final (OpenJDK 10)
- imixs/wildfly:1.2.7 => Wildfly 15.0.1.Final (OpenJDK 10)
- imixs/wildfly:1.2.8 => Wildfly 16.0.0.Final (OpenJDK 10)
- imixs/wildfly:1.2.9 => Wildfly 18.0.0.Final (OpenJDK 10)
- imixs/wildfly:1.2.11 => Wildfly 18.0.0.Final (OpenJDK 10)
- imixs/wildfly:latest => Wildfly 20.0.0.Final (OpenJDK 10)
Follow the Docker installation instructions for your host system.
The container includes a start script which allows to start Wildfly with an admin password to grant access to the web admin console. You can start an instance of wildfly with the Docker run command:
docker run --name="wildfly" -d \
-p 8080:8080 -p 9990:9990 \
-e WILDFLY_PASS="admin_password" \
If you leave the environment parameter 'WILDFLY_PASS' empty, the start script will generate a random password. If you expose the ports 8080 and 9990 you can access Wildfly via http://:8080/ and http://:9990/
To stop and remove the Docker container run the Docker command:
docker stop wildfly && docker rm wildfly
After the server was started you can access the wildfly server from your browser:
To follow the wildfly server log run:
docker logs -f wildfly
To log into the bash:
docker exec -it wildfly bash
If you want to customize the configuration or deploy applications you can do so by defining external volumes at the following locations:
- /opt/wildfly/standalone/configuration/ => for custom configuration files like standalone.xml
- /opt/wildfly/standalone/deployments/ => to provide an external autodeploy directory.
This is an example to run imixs/wildfly with an external deployment volume:
docker run --name="wildfly" -d \
-p 8080:8080 -p 9990:9990 \
-e WILDFLY_PASS="admin_password" \
-v /path/to/deployments:/opt/wildfly/standalone/deployments/ \
You can now place a .war or .ear file into the deployments directory to be picked up by the wildfly deployment scanner.
Also an external configuration volume can be bound to the container:
docker run --name="wildfly" -d \
-p 8080:8080 -p 9990:9990 \
-e WILDFLY_PASS="admin_password" \
-v ~/git/imixs-office-workflow/src/docker/imixs/config/deployments:/opt/wildfly/standalone/deployments/ \
-v ~/git/imixs-office-workflow/src/docker/imixs/config/configuration/standalone.xml:/opt/wildfly/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml \
To start wildfly with a volumes shared from another application volume container run:
docker run --name="wildfly" -d \
-p 8080:8080 -p 9990:9990 \
-e WILDFLY_PASS="admin_password" \
--volumes-from my_data_container \
The Imixs Wildfly container start the wildfly server with a non-privileged system user having the uid and gid 901.
If you share a volume from your host to container, make sure that the user 901 has write permissions for the corresponding host directories:
chgrp -R 901 /path/to/deployments && chmod 775 -R /path/to/deployments
For Java enterprise applications you often need an additional database server. You can link the wildfly container to a database container using the docker overlay network which is automatically provided by docker. Within this network you can access a database server via the docker servcice name. See the following docker-compose.yml file d
version: "3.1"
image: postgres:9.6.1
image: imixs/wildfly
WILDFLY_PASS: adminadmin
POSTGRES_USER: "postgres"
POSTGRES_CONNECTION: "jdbc:postgresql://postgres/db"
- "8080:8080"
- "9990:9990"
- "8787:8787"
To run the container in debug mode the environment parameter 'DEBUG' can be set to 'true'. Note: You need to expose the port 8787 to attache a debugger tool.
docker run --name="wildfly"
-p 8080:8080 -p 8787:8787 -p 9990:9990 \
-e WILDFLY_PASS="admin_password" \
-e DEBUG=true \
The default memory setting for Wildfly are not very high and can be to less for productive applications. The default VM settings are typically:
- -Xms64m
- -Xmx512m
For production mode this can be increased by providing the VM options in the environment variable "JAVA_OPTS".
To increase the heap size from 512MB to 1GB add the following settings to your docker container:
-e JAVA_OPTS="-Xms64m -Xmx1g -XX:MetaspaceSize=96M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m -Djboss.modules.system.pkgs=$JBOSS_MODULES_SYSTEM_PKGS -Djava.awt.headless=true"
The source is available on Github. Please report any issues.
To build the image from the Dockerfile run:
docker build --tag=imixs/wildfly .
To test the image run the container in an interactive mode:
docker run --rm --name="wildfly" -it \
-p 8080:8080 -p 9990:9990 \
-e WILDFLY_PASS="admin_password" \
You can also log into the running wildfly with a bash:
docker exec -it wildfly /bin/bash
To push the image to a docker repo:
docker build -t imixs/wildfly:X.X.X .
docker push imixs/wildfly:X.X.X