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Insert the device owner Contact profile

This library provides the ProfileInsert API that allows you to insert one or more RawContacts and Data.

ℹ️ There can be only one device owner Contact, which is either set (not null) or not yet set (null). However, like other regular Contacts, the Profile Contact may have one or more RawContacts.

An instance of the ProfileInsert API is obtained by,

val insert = Contacts(context).profile().insert()

ℹ️ If you want to create/insert non-Profile Contacts, read Insert contacts.

A basic insert

To create/insert a raw contact with a name of "John Doe" who works at Amazon with a work email of "" (in Kotlin),

val insertResult = Contacts(context)
    .rawContacts(NewRawContact().apply {
        name = NewName().apply {
            givenName = "John"
            familyName = "Doe"
        organization = NewOrganization().apply {
            company = "Amazon"
            title = "Superstar"
        emails.add(NewEmail().apply {
            address = ""
            type = EmailEntity.Type.WORK

Or alternatively, in a more Kotlinized style using named arguments,

val insertResult = Contacts(context)
        name = NewName(
            givenName = "John",
            familyName = "Doe"
        organization = NewOrganization(
            company = "Amazon",
            title = "Superstar"
        emails = mutableListOf(NewEmail(
            address = "",
            type = EmailEntity.Type.WORK

Or alternatively, using extension functions,

val insertResult = Contacts(context)
    .rawContact {
        setName {
            givenName = "John"
            familyName = "Doe"
        setOrganization {
            company = "Amazon"
            title = "Superstar"
        addEmail {
            address = ""
            type = EmailEntity.Type.WORK

Allowing blanks

The API allows you to specify if you want to be able to insert blank contacts or not,


For more info, read about Blank contacts.

ℹ️ This may affect performance. When this is set to false, the API executes extra lines of code to perform the validation, which may result in a slight performance hit. You can disable this internal check, perhaps increasing insertion speed, by setting this to true.

Blank data are not inserted

Blank data are data entities that have only null, empty, or blank primary value(s). Blanks are ignored and are not inserted by insert APIs.

For more info, read about Blank data.

Allowing multiple RawContacts per Account

The API allows you to insert a profile RawContact with an Account that already has a profile RawContact,


According to the ContactsContract.Profile documentation;

... each account (including data set, if applicable) on the device may contribute a single raw contact representing the user's personal profile data from that source.

In other words, one account can have one profile RawContact. However, despite the documentation of "one profile RawContact per one Account", the Contacts Provider allows for multiple RawContacts per Account, including multiple local RawContacts (no Account).

ℹ️ This may affect performance. When this is set to false, the API executes extra lines of code to perform the validation, which may result in a slight performance hit. You can disable this internal check, perhaps increasing insertion speed, by setting this to true.

Associating an Account

New RawContacts can be associated with an Account in order to enable syncing,

newRawContact.account = account
// or newRawContact.setAccount(account)

ℹ️ Prior to version 0.3.0, setting the account is done via the ProfileInsert.forAccount function.

For example, to associated the new RawContact to an account,

newRawContact.account = Account("", "")
// or newRawContact.setAccount(Account("", ""))

ℹ️ For more info, read Query for Accounts.

Account validation

By default, all Accounts in the system are queried in order to ensure that each NewRawContact.account is in the system. For Accounts that are not in the system, null is used instead. This guards against invalid accounts.

You may explicitly enable or disable this,


ℹ️ This may affect performance. When this is set to true, the API executes extra lines of code to perform the validation, which may result in a slight performance hit. You can disable this internal check, perhaps increasing insertion speed, by setting this to false.

Group memberships validation

By default, all Groups belonging to the NewRawContact.account are queried to ensure that each NewRawContact.groupMemberships points to a Group in that list. Group memberships that are not pointing to a group that belong to the NewRawContact.account are not inserted. This guards against invalid accounts.

You may explicitly enable or disable this,


ℹ️ This may affect performance. When this is set to true, the API executes extra lines of code to perform the validation, which may result in a slight performance hit. You can disable this internal check, perhaps increasing insertion speed, by setting this to false.

Local RawContacts

If no Account is provided, or null is provided, or if an incorrect account is provided, the RawContacts inserted will not be associated with an Account. RawContacts inserted without an associated account are considered local or device-only contacts, which are not synced.

ℹ️ For more info, read Sync contact data across devices.

Including only specific data

To include only the given set of fields (data) in each of the insert operation,


For example, to only include email and name fields,

.include { Email.all + Name.all }

For more info, read Include only certain fields for read and write operations.

Executing the insert

To execute the insert,


Handling the insert result

The commit function returns a Result,

val contactsApi =  Contacts(context)
val newRawContact = NewRawContact(...)

val insertResult = contactsApi

To check if the insert succeeded,

val insertSucess = insertResult.isSuccessful

To get the RawContact IDs of the newly created RawContact,

val rawContactId = insertResult.rawContactId

Once you have the RawContact ID, you can retrieve the newly created Contact via the Query API,

val contacts = contactsApi
    .where { RawContact.Id equalTo rawContactId }

ℹ️ For more info, read Query contacts (advanced).

Alternatively, you may use the extensions provided in ProfileInsertResult. To get the newly created Contact,

val contact =

To instead get the RawContact directly,

val rawContacts = insertResult.rawContact(contactsApi)

Cancelling the insert

To cancel an insert amid execution,

.commit { returnTrueIfInsertShouldBeCancelled() }

The commit function optionally takes in a function that, if it returns true, will cancel insert processing as soon as possible. The function is called numerous times during insert processing to check if processing should stop or continue. This gives you the option to cancel the insert.

For example, to automatically cancel the insert inside a Kotlin coroutine when the coroutine is cancelled,

launch {
    withContext(coroutineContext) {
        val insertResult = insert.commit { !isActive }

Performing the insert and result processing asynchronously

Inserts are executed when the commit function is invoked. The work is done in the same thread as the call-site. This may result in a choppy UI.

To perform the work in a different thread, use the Kotlin coroutine extensions provided in the async module. For more info, read Execute work outside of the UI thread using coroutines.

You may, of course, use other multi-threading libraries or just do it yourself =)

ℹ️ Extensions for Kotlin Flow and RxJava are also in the project roadmap.

Performing the insert with permission

Inserts require the android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS and android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS permissions. If not granted, the insert will do nothing and return a failed result.

ℹ️ For API 22 and below, the permission "android.permission.WRITE_PROFILE" is also required but only at the manifest level. Prior to API 23 (Marshmallow), permissions needed to be granted prior to installation instead of at runtime.

To perform the insert with permission, use the extensions provided in the permissions module. For more info, read Permissions handling using coroutines.

You may, of course, use other permission handling libraries or just do it yourself =)

Custom data support

The ProfileInsert API supports custom data. For more info, read Insert custom data into new or existing contacts.

RawContact and Contact aggregation

As per documentation in android.provider.ContactsContract.Profile,

The user's profile entry cannot be created explicitly (attempting to do so will throw an exception). When a raw contact is inserted into the profile, the provider will check for the existence of a profile on the device. If one is found, the raw contact's RawContacts.CONTACT_ID column gets the _ID of the profile Contact. If no match is found, the profile Contact is created and its _ID is put into the RawContacts.CONTACT_ID column of the newly inserted raw contact.

Inserting photos and thumbnails

To set full-sized photos (and by API design thumbnails), read Get set remove full-sized and thumbnail contact photos.