This version is probably the only one that supports both types of backups: Storable and JSON. Use it to migrate your data from 0.5.x to 0.6.x.
Deprecation: Storable backups are marked as deprecated now. Use JSON backup instead.
Feature: Add support for independent JSON backup and restore
Fix: Non-ANSI usernames are now properly encoded with UTF-8 on the Publications page
Fix: External link to DateTime formats uses now permalink to CPAN
Fix: Show recenlty added/modified works correctly for less than 10 objects in system
Fix: Harden tests for less than 10 objects in system
Internal: Add SerializableBase to BibSpace Entities
- Code refactoring: perltidy
- Code refactoring: perlcritic severity 5
- Partial code refactoring: perlcritic severity 4
- Add support for dockerizing
- Move json files to json_data directory
- remove Redis-based caching
- Big refactoring
- add Data Access Objects for SmartArray, MySQL, and Redis (dummy)
- add LayeredRepository, Logger, IdProvider, many Roles (interfaces)
- use Storable to dump current state of the system as a backup
- simplify backups - no more mysql restore available
- add persistence controller
- cleanup two bibtex-2-html converters and integrate them into the system using a strategy pattern
- add new view of the logs
- add new view of the entries table
- improve author filtering
- upgrade bootstrap
- and a lot more (this was a major change)
- Code refactoring - separate code for landing pages for publications
- add Redis-based caching
- new look-and-feel for filtering publications on the landing pages
- Code refactoring - removed small parts of unused code
- add systemd .service profile
- add cpanfile stub
- rebuild edit author page
- fix remove user id from author
- add function merge authors
- add tab-pane with bibtex help for adding publications
- minor fixes and improvements # i love to write this :P
- Code refactoring - towards OO design and getting rid of - edit_author, authors, tags
- Various bugfixes, e.g., showing publications with no tag for autor no longer returns 404.
- Code refactoring - towards OO design and getting rid of
- Bugfix - saving publication creates now authors and provides updated preview
- Code refactoring
- Multiple improvements
- Add function to change download urls from direct file paths to file serving function
- Add function to remove attachments
- Fixing multiple minor bugs
- Fixing multiple minor bugs
- Improving code quality with perlcritic
- Packaging
- Fixing multiple minor bugs
- Improve redirects
- Change name to BibSpace
- Fix Travis CI script
- Update installation and Readme
- Add license
- Publications can now be hidden and unhidden without deleting them
- get_publications_main was replaced by get_publications_main_hashed_args. Calls to get_publications_main return now undef.
- Minor bugfixes
- Installation procedure
- Mojolicious updated to 6.24
- Talks introduced. Every entry is now described with entry_type. Possible types are: paper, talk.
- Filtering filed type has been removed. The fields entry_type and bibtex_type should be used now.
- Added field month and sort_month to DB. Normally sort_month = month. For now, sort_month cannot be set other as via setting month field in bibtex. This may change in the future.
- Publications and talks are now sorted first by year, then by month. If month does not exist in Bibtex then month=0
- All entries without field month can be listed
- Adding talks by assigning Talk tag is now deprecated
- User management view added (admin only)
- Automatic assignment of entry_type based on talk tag. This function can turn paper into talk, but not otherwise.
- Automatic extraction of month field for all papers - based on month bibtex field.
- Logging-in is now based on mysql database (connector errors are not a problem anymore). Sqlite is deprecated now.
- Various bugfixes
- If an entry is hidden, the pdf/slides can still be downloaded if url of the file is known
- Talks are not shown on landing pages with years if entry_type is not specified (as requested by Samuel/Jürgen)
- ISBN field of incollection is not printed (Bibtex does not support such field as isbn)
- Several minor antipatterns are still left in code