A vim plugin to make using dialyzer easier and faster from inside vim.
Command completion
(https://github.com/tpope/vim-dispatch) -
Clone this repo into your vim-path. With pathogen.vim would be:
cd ~/.vim/bundle && git clone https://github.com/fishcakez/vim-dialyzer.git
Exactly the same as dialyzer
; to run dialyzer --plt app.plt ebin
:Dialyzer --plt app.plt ebin
Or in the background
:Dialyzer! --plt app.plt ebin
Then to create quickfix list:
Or to view all the output in a quickfix list:
To run dialyzer
in a new, focused, window (no quickfix support):
:Dialyzer!! --build_plt --output_plt .plt --apps erts kernel stdlib
To run dialyzer
in a new, unfocused, window (no quickfix support):
:Dialyzer!!! --build_plt --output_plt .plt --apps erts kernel stdlib