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Multi-modal AI Assistant

License: MIT GitHub Stars HackerNews Karma Twitter Follow Twitter Follow

Introduction is a multi-modal AI Chatbot Assistant, offering a chat interface to interact with Large Language Models (LLMs) from various providers. Both via remote API or running locally with Ollama.

The application supports multi-modal conversations, seamlessly integrating text, images, and vision processing with LLMs.

[Beta] Multi-modal AI Assistant support via OpenAI's Assistant API function calling.

Key Features

  • [Beta] Assistant support: Enjoy the assistance of Multi-modal AI Assistant through OpenAI's Assistant API. It can write and run code to answer math questions.
  • Multi-Provider Support: Choose from a variety of LLM providers including OpenAI, Anthropic, and Google, with more to come.
  • Multi-Modal Conversations: Experience rich, multi-modal interactions by uploading text and image files. You can even drag and drop images for the model to analyze.
  • Real-time Responses: Stream responses from the LLM as they are generated.
  • Dynamic Settings: Customize model parameters such as temperature and top-p during your chat session.
  • Clean and Fast Interface: Built using Chainlit, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience.
  • Advanced Conversation Routing: Utilizes SemanticRouter for accurate and efficient modality selection.

Multi LLM Providers

Multi-modal Conversation

Getting Started


  • Python 3.7 or higher
  • (Optional -- Recommended) rye as the Python dependencies manager (installation guide below)
  • For using local models with Ollama:
A note on Python package/environment management
  1. You can use native Python pip to install packages dependencies without installing rye. If so, you can skip these steps and proceed to the Usage section below.
  2. [Recommended] If want to use rye, and had it installed from the Prerequisites step, you can skip these steps and proceed to the Usage section below. Otherwise you can install rye by following these steps:

a. Install rye (Python packages manager):

curl -sSf | bash

b. Source the Rye env file to update PATH (add this to your shell configuration file, e.g., .zprofile or .zshrc):

source "$HOME/.rye/env"


  1. Rename the .env.example file to .env and configure your desired LLM provider API keys. If using Ollama, you can leave the API keys blank.
  2. Create Python virtual environment: python3 -m venv .venv
  3. Activate the Python virtual environment: source .venv/bin/activate
  4. Packages management:
  • Using pip, start dependencies sync, by running this command: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • [Recommended] If you use rye, start dependencies sync, by running this command: rye sync
  1. (Optional) Run semantic trainer once. python src/router/
  2. Run the app with optional hot reload: chainlit run src/ -w
  3. Open the provided URL in your web browser (e.g., localhost:8000).
  4. Select an LLM model and start chatting or uploading files for multi-modal processing. If using Ollama, select the Ollama option from the model dropdown.
  5. To run Ollama server for serving local LLM models, you can use the following commands:
  • Example to use Meta's Llama 3 model locally from Ollama: ollama pull llama3 to download the llama3 model (replace with the desired model name)
  • ollama serve to start the Ollama server
  • ollama --help for more options and details

Technical Overview


  • Chainlit: A powerful library for building chat applications with LLMs, providing a clean and fast front-end.
  • LiteLLM: A versatile library for interacting with LLMs, abstracting away the complexities of different providers.
  • SemanticRouter: A high-performance library for accurate conversation routing, enabling dynamic modality selection.


Contributions are welcome! Here's how you can contribute:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request


See releases tags


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


For questions, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to reach out: