Here we test the Ethereum test suite against the new IELE VM. Actual execution of IELE is defined in the IELE file.
requires "iele.k"
requires "iele-binary.k"
imports IELE
An Ethereum simulation is a list of Ethereum commands. Some Ethereum commands take an Ethereum specification (eg. for an account or transaction).
syntax EthereumSimulation ::= ".EthereumSimulation"
| EthereumCommand EthereumSimulation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
rule .EthereumSimulation => .
rule ETC:EthereumCommand ETS:EthereumSimulation => ETC ~> ETS
syntax EthereumSimulation ::= JSON
// ----------------------------------
rule <k> JSONINPUT:JSON => run JSONINPUT success .EthereumSimulation </k>
For verification purposes, it's much easier to specify a program in terms of its op-codes and not the hex-encoding that the tests use.
To do so, we'll extend sort JSON
with some IELE specific syntax, and provide a "pretti-fication" to the nicer input form.
syntax JSON ::= Int | WordStack | Ops | Map | SubstateLogEntry | Account
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax JSONList ::= #sortJSONList ( JSONList ) [function]
| #sortJSONList ( JSONList , JSONList ) [function, klabel(#sortJSONListAux)]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #sortJSONList(JS) => #sortJSONList(JS, .JSONList)
rule #sortJSONList(.JSONList, LS) => LS
rule #sortJSONList(((KEY : VAL) , REST), LS) => #insertJSONKey((KEY : VAL), #sortJSONList(REST, LS))
syntax JSONList ::= #insertJSONKey ( JSON , JSONList ) [function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
rule #insertJSONKey( JS , .JSONList ) => JS , .JSONList
rule #insertJSONKey( (KEY : VAL) , ((KEY' : VAL') , REST) ) => (KEY : VAL) , (KEY' : VAL') , REST requires KEY <String KEY'
rule #insertJSONKey( (KEY : VAL) , ((KEY' : VAL') , REST) ) => (KEY' : VAL') , #insertJSONKey((KEY : VAL) , REST) requires KEY >=String KEY'
syntax Bool ::= #isSorted ( JSONList ) [function]
// -------------------------------------------------
rule #isSorted( .JSONList ) => true
rule #isSorted( KEY : _ ) => true
rule #isSorted( (KEY : _) , (KEY' : VAL) , REST ) => KEY <=String KEY' andThenBool #isSorted((KEY' : VAL) , REST)
on the<k>
cell so that execution of the loaded state begin.flush
on the<k>
cell once it sees#end
in the<k>
cell, clearing any exceptions it finds.
syntax EthereumCommand ::= "start"
// ----------------------------------
rule <mode> NORMAL </mode> <k> start => #load #regRange(#sizeRegs(VALUES)) VALUES ~> #execute ... </k> <callData> VALUES </callData> <fid> _ => 1 </fid>
rule <mode> VMTESTS </mode> <k> start => #load #regRange(#sizeRegs(VALUES)) VALUES ~> #execute ... </k> <callData> VALUES </callData> <fid> _ => 1 </fid>
// rule <mode> GASANALYZE </mode> <k> start => #load #regRange(#sizeRegs(VALUES)) VALUES ~> #gasAnalyze ... </k> <callData> VALUES </callData> <fid> _ => 1 </fid>
syntax EthereumCommand ::= "flush"
// ----------------------------------
rule <k> #end ~> flush => #finalizeTx(false) ... </k>
rule <k> #exception ~> flush => #finalizeTx(false) ~> #exception ... </k>
computes the sender of the transaction, and places loadTx on thek
loads the next transaction to be executed into the current state.#adjustGas
fakes the gas usage of the transaction since the EVM-to-IELE conversion does not preserve gas usage.finishTx
is a place-holder for performing necessary cleanup after a transaction.
syntax EthereumCommand ::= "startTx"
// ------------------------------------
rule <k> startTx => #finalizeBlock ... </k>
<txPending> .List </txPending>
rule <k> startTx => loadTx(#sender(TN, TP, TG, TT, TV, #unparseByteStack(DATA), TW, TR, TS)) ... </k>
<txPending> ListItem(TXID:Int) ... </txPending>
<msgID> TXID </msgID>
<txNonce> TN </txNonce>
<txGasPrice> TP </txGasPrice>
<txGasLimit> TG </txGasLimit>
<to> TT </to>
<value> TV </value>
<v> TW </v>
<r> TR </r>
<s> TS </s>
<data> DATA </data>
syntax EthereumCommand ::= loadTx ( Int )
// -----------------------------------------
rule <k> loadTx(ACCTFROM)
=> #create ACCTFROM #newAddr(ACCTFROM, NONCE) (GLIMIT -Int G0(SCHED, CODE, true)) VALUE #dasmOps(CODE) #sizeWordStack(CODE) .Regs
~> #codeDeposit #newAddr(ACCTFROM, NONCE) #sizeWordStack(CODE) #dasmOps(CODE) %0 ~> #adjustGas ~> #finalizeTx(false) ~> startTx
<schedule> SCHED </schedule>
<gasPrice> _ => GPRICE </gasPrice>
<origin> _ => ACCTFROM </origin>
<callDepth> _ => -1 </callDepth>
<txPending> ListItem(TXID:Int) ... </txPending>
<msgID> TXID </msgID>
<txGasPrice> GPRICE </txGasPrice>
<txGasLimit> GLIMIT </txGasLimit>
<to> .Account </to>
<value> VALUE </value>
<data> CODE </data>
<acctID> ACCTFROM </acctID>
<balance> BAL => BAL -Int (GLIMIT *Int GPRICE) </balance>
<nonce> NONCE => NONCE +Int 1 </nonce>
<activeAccounts> ... ACCTFROM |-> (_ => false) ... </activeAccounts>
rule <k> loadTx(ACCTFROM)
=> #call ACCTFROM ACCTTO ACCTTO "deposit" (GLIMIT -Int G0(SCHED, DATA, false)) VALUE VALUE (#sizeWordStack(DATA) #asUnsigned(DATA) .Regs) false
~> #finishTx ~> #adjustGas ~> #finalizeTx(false) ~> startTx
<schedule> SCHED </schedule>
<gasPrice> _ => GPRICE </gasPrice>
<origin> _ => ACCTFROM </origin>
<callDepth> _ => -1 </callDepth>
<txPending> ListItem(TXID:Int) ... </txPending>
<msgID> TXID </msgID>
<txGasPrice> GPRICE </txGasPrice>
<txGasLimit> GLIMIT </txGasLimit>
<to> ACCTTO </to>
<value> VALUE </value>
<data> DATA </data>
<acctID> ACCTFROM </acctID>
<balance> BAL => BAL -Int (GLIMIT *Int GPRICE) </balance>
<nonce> NONCE => NONCE +Int 1 </nonce>
<activeAccounts> ... ACCTFROM |-> (_ => false) ... </activeAccounts>
requires ACCTTO =/=K .Account
syntax EthereumCommand ::= "#adjustGas"
// ---------------------------------------
rule <k> #adjustGas => . ... </k>
<gas> _ => GLIMIT -Int GUSED </gas>
<refund> _ => 0 </refund>
<gasUsed> GUSED </gasUsed>
<txPending> ListItem(TXID:Int) ... </txPending>
<msgID> TXID </msgID>
<txGasLimit> GLIMIT </txGasLimit>
syntax EthereumCommand ::= "#finishTx"
// --------------------------------------
rule <k> #exception ~> #finishTx => #popCallStack ~> #popWorldState ~> #popSubstate ... </k>
rule <k> #revert ~> #finishTx => #popCallStack ~> #popWorldState ~> #popSubstate ~> #refund GAVAIL ... </k> <gas> GAVAIL </gas>
rule <k> #end ~> #finishTx => #popCallStack ~> #dropWorldState ~> #dropSubstate ~> #refund GAVAIL ... </k>
<id> ACCT </id>
<gas> GAVAIL </gas>
<txPending> ListItem(TXID:Int) ... </txPending>
<msgID> TXID </msgID>
<to> TT </to>
requires TT =/=K .Account
is used to signal that block finalization procedures should take place (after transactions have executed).#rewardOmmers(_)
pays out the reward to uncle blocks so that blocks are orphaned less often in Ethereum.
syntax EthereumCommand ::= "#finalizeBlock" | #rewardOmmers ( JSONList )
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule <k> #finalizeBlock => #rewardOmmers(OMMERS) ... </k>
<schedule> SCHED </schedule>
<ommerBlockHeaders> [ OMMERS ] </ommerBlockHeaders>
<coinbase> MINER </coinbase>
<acctID> MINER </acctID>
<balance> MINBAL => MINBAL +Int Rb < SCHED > </balance>
<activeAccounts> ... MINER |-> (_ => false) ... </activeAccounts>
rule <k> (.K => #newAccount MINER) ~> #finalizeBlock ... </k>
<coinbase> MINER </coinbase>
<activeAccounts> ACCTS </activeAccounts>
requires notBool MINER in_keys(ACCTS)
rule <k> #rewardOmmers(.JSONList) => . ... </k>
rule <k> #rewardOmmers([ _ , _ , OMMER , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , OMMNUM , _ ] , REST) => #rewardOmmers(REST) ... </k>
<schedule> SCHED </schedule>
<coinbase> MINER </coinbase>
<number> CURNUM </number>
<acctID> MINER </acctID>
<balance> MINBAL => MINBAL +Int Rb < SCHED > /Int 32 </balance>
<acctID> OMMER </acctID>
<balance> OMMBAL => OMMBAL +Int Rb < SCHED > +Int (OMMNUM -Int CURNUM) *Int (Rb < SCHED > /Int 8) </balance>
<activeAccounts> ... MINER |-> (_ => false) OMMER |-> (_ => false) ... </activeAccounts>
only clears from the<k>
cell if there is an exception preceding it.failure_
holds the name of a test that failed if a test does fail.
syntax EthereumCommand ::= "exception" | "failure" String | "success"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
rule <k> #exception ~> exception => . ... </k>
rule <k> success => . ... </k> <exit-code> _ => 0 </exit-code>
rule failure _ => .
runs a given set of Ethereum tests (from the test-set).
Note that TEST
is sorted here so that key "network"
comes before key "pre"
syntax EthereumCommand ::= "run" JSON
// -------------------------------------
rule run { .JSONList } => .
rule run { TESTID : { TEST:JSONList } , TESTS }
=> run ( TESTID : { #sortJSONList(TEST) } )
~> #if #hasPost?( { TEST } ) #then .K #else exception #fi
~> clear
~> run { TESTS }
syntax Bool ::= "#hasPost?" "(" JSON ")" [function]
// ---------------------------------------------------
rule #hasPost? ({ .JSONList }) => false
rule #hasPost? ({ (KEY:String) : _ , REST }) => (KEY in #postKeys) orBool #hasPost? ({ REST })
are all the JSON nodes which should be considered as loads before execution.
syntax Set ::= "#loadKeys" [function]
// -------------------------------------
rule #loadKeys => ( SetItem("env") SetItem("pre") SetItem("blockHeader") SetItem("transactions") SetItem("uncleHeaders") SetItem("network") SetItem("genesisRLP") )
rule run TESTID : { KEY : (VAL:JSON) , REST } => load KEY : VAL ~> run TESTID : { REST } requires KEY in #loadKeys
rule run TESTID : { "blocks" : [ { KEY : VAL , REST1 => REST1 }, .JSONList ] , ( REST2 => KEY : VAL , REST2 ) }
rule run TESTID : { "blocks" : [ { .JSONList }, .JSONList ] , REST } => run TESTID : { REST }
are all the JSON nodes which should be considered for execution (between loading and checking).
syntax Set ::= "#execKeys" [function]
// -------------------------------------
rule #execKeys => ( SetItem("exec") SetItem("lastblockhash") )
rule run TESTID : { KEY : (VAL:JSON) , NEXT , REST } => run TESTID : { NEXT , KEY : VAL , REST } requires KEY in #execKeys
rule run TESTID : { "exec" : (EXEC:JSON) } => load "exec" : EXEC ~> start ~> flush
rule run TESTID : { "lastblockhash" : (HASH:String) } => startTx
are a subset of#checkKeys
which correspond to post-state account checks.#checkKeys
are all the JSON nodes which should be considered as checks after execution.
syntax Set ::= "#postKeys" [function] | "#allPostKeys" [function] | "#checkKeys" [function]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #postKeys => ( SetItem("post") SetItem("postState") )
rule #allPostKeys => ( #postKeys SetItem("expect") SetItem("export") SetItem("expet") )
rule #checkKeys => ( #allPostKeys SetItem("logs") SetItem("callcreates") SetItem("out") SetItem("gas")
rule run TESTID : { KEY : (VAL:JSON) , REST } => run TESTID : { REST } ~> check TESTID : { "post" : VAL } requires KEY in #allPostKeys
rule run TESTID : { KEY : (VAL:JSON) , REST } => run TESTID : { REST } ~> check TESTID : { KEY : VAL } requires KEY in #checkKeys andBool notBool KEY in #allPostKeys
are all the JSON nodes in the tests which should just be ignored.
syntax Set ::= "#discardKeys" [function]
// ----------------------------------------
rule #discardKeys => ( SetItem("//") SetItem("_info") SetItem("rlp") )
rule run TESTID : { KEY : _ , REST } => run TESTID : { REST } requires KEY in #discardKeys
clears all the execution state of the machine.
syntax EthereumCommand ::= "clear"
// ----------------------------------
rule <k> clear => . ... </k>
<analysis> _ => .Map </analysis>
<schedule> _ => DEFAULT </schedule>
(<iele> _ </iele> => <iele> ... .Bag </iele>)
creates an account with the supplied ID (assuming it's already been chopped to 160 bits).
syntax EthereumCommand ::= "mkAcct" Int
// ---------------------------------------
rule <k> mkAcct ACCT => #newAccount ACCT ... </k>
loads an account or transaction into the world state.
syntax EthereumCommand ::= "load" JSON
// --------------------------------------
rule load DATA : { .JSONList } => .
rule load DATA : { KEY : VALUE , REST } => load DATA : { KEY : VALUE } ~> load DATA : { REST }
requires REST =/=K .JSONList andBool DATA =/=String "transactions"
rule load DATA : [ .JSONList ] => .
rule load DATA : [ { TEST } , REST ] => load DATA : { TEST } ~> load DATA : [ REST ]
Here we perform pre-proccesing on account data which allows "pretty" specification of input.
rule load "pre" : { (ACCTID:String) : ACCT } => mkAcct #parseAddr(ACCTID) ~> load "account" : { ACCTID : ACCT }
rule load "account" : { ACCTID: { KEY : VALUE , REST } } => load "account" : { ACCTID : { KEY : VALUE } } ~> load "account" : { ACCTID : { REST } } requires REST =/=K .JSONList
rule load "account" : { ((ACCTID:String) => #parseAddr(ACCTID)) : ACCT }
rule load "account" : { (ACCT:Int) : { "balance" : ((VAL:String) => #parseWord(VAL)) } }
rule load "account" : { (ACCT:Int) : { "nonce" : ((VAL:String) => #parseWord(VAL)) } }
rule load "account" : { (ACCT:Int) : { "code" : ((CODE:String) => #parseByteStack(CODE)) } }
rule load "account" : { (ACCT:Int) : { "storage" : ({ STORAGE:JSONList } => #parseMap({ STORAGE })) } }
The individual fields of the accounts are dealt with here.
rule <k> load "account" : { ACCT : { "balance" : (BAL:Int) } } => . ... </k>
<acctID> ACCT </acctID>
<balance> _ => BAL </balance>
<activeAccounts> ... ACCT |-> (EMPTY => #if BAL =/=Int 0 #then false #else EMPTY #fi) ... </activeAccounts>
rule <k> load "account" : { ACCT : { "code" : (CODE:WordStack) } } => . ... </k>
<acctID> ACCT </acctID>
<code> _ => #dasmOps(CODE) </code>
<codeSize> _ => #sizeWordStack(CODE) </codeSize>
<activeAccounts> ... ACCT |-> (EMPTY => #if CODE =/=K .WordStack #then false #else EMPTY #fi) ... </activeAccounts>
rule <k> load "account" : { ACCT : { "nonce" : (NONCE:Int) } } => . ... </k>
<acctID> ACCT </acctID>
<nonce> _ => NONCE </nonce>
<activeAccounts> ... ACCT |-> (EMPTY => #if NONCE =/=Int 0 #then false #else EMPTY #fi) ... </activeAccounts>
rule <k> load "account" : { ACCT : { "storage" : (STORAGE:Map) } } => . ... </k>
<acctID> ACCT </acctID>
<storage> _ => STORAGE </storage>
Here we load the environmental information.
rule load "env" : { KEY : ((VAL:String) => #parseWord(VAL)) }
requires KEY in (SetItem("currentTimestamp") SetItem("currentGasLimit") SetItem("currentNumber") SetItem("currentDifficulty"))
rule load "env" : { KEY : ((VAL:String) => #parseHexWord(VAL)) }
requires KEY in (SetItem("currentCoinbase") SetItem("previousHash"))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rule <k> load "env" : { "currentCoinbase" : (CB:Int) } => . ... </k> <coinbase> _ => CB </coinbase>
rule <k> load "env" : { "currentDifficulty" : (DIFF:Int) } => . ... </k> <difficulty> _ => DIFF </difficulty>
rule <k> load "env" : { "currentGasLimit" : (GLIMIT:Int) } => . ... </k> <gasLimit> _ => GLIMIT </gasLimit>
rule <k> load "env" : { "currentNumber" : (NUM:Int) } => . ... </k> <number> _ => NUM </number>
rule <k> load "env" : { "previousHash" : (HASH:Int) } => . ... </k> <previousHash> _ => HASH </previousHash>
rule <k> load "env" : { "currentTimestamp" : (TS:Int) } => . ... </k> <timestamp> _ => TS </timestamp>
rule load "exec" : { KEY : ((VAL:String) => #parseWord(VAL)) }
requires KEY in (SetItem("gas") SetItem("gasPrice") SetItem("value"))
rule load "exec" : { KEY : ((VAL:String) => #parseHexWord(VAL)) }
requires KEY in (SetItem("address") SetItem("caller") SetItem("origin"))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule <k> load "exec" : { "gasPrice" : (GPRICE:Int) } => . ... </k> <gasPrice> _ => GPRICE </gasPrice>
rule <k> load "exec" : { "gas" : (GAVAIL:Int) } => . ... </k> <gas> _ => GAVAIL </gas>
rule <k> load "exec" : { "address" : (ACCTTO:Int) } => . ... </k> <id> _ => ACCTTO </id>
rule <k> load "exec" : { "caller" : (ACCTFROM:Int) } => . ... </k> <caller> _ => ACCTFROM </caller>
rule <k> load "exec" : { "gas" : (GAVAIL:Int) } => . ... </k> <gas> _ => GAVAIL </gas>
rule <k> load "exec" : { "value" : (VALUE:Int) } => . ... </k> <callValue> _ => VALUE </callValue>
rule <k> load "exec" : { "origin" : (ORIG:Int) } => . ... </k> <origin> _ => ORIG </origin>
rule <k> load "exec" : { "code" : ((CODE:String) => #parseByteStack(CODE)) } ... </k>
rule load "exec" : { "data" : ((DATA:String) => #parseByteStack(DATA)) }
rule load "exec" : { "data" : ((DATA:WordStack) => [#asUnsigned(DATA), #sizeWordStack(DATA)]) }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule <k> load "exec" : { "data" : [DATA:Int, LEN:Int] } => . ... </k> <callData> _ => LEN DATA .Regs </callData>
rule <k> load "exec" : { "code" : (CODE:WordStack) } => . ... </k>
(<program> _ </program> => #loadCode(#dasmOps(CODE), #sizeWordStack(CODE)))
<schedule> SCHED </schedule>
The "network"
key allows setting the fee schedule inside the test.
Since IELE is a new language with no hard forks yet, we only support the latest EVM gas schedule.
rule <k> load "network" : SCHEDSTRING => . ... </k>
<schedule> _ => #asScheduleString(SCHEDSTRING) </schedule>
syntax Schedule ::= #asScheduleString ( String ) [function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------
rule #asScheduleString("Byzantium") => ALBE
The "blockHeader"
key loads the block information.
rule <k> load "blockHeader" : { "nonce" : (HN:String) } => . ...</k>
<blockNonce> _ => #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(HN)) </blockNonce>
rule <k> load "blockHeader" : { "receiptTrie" : (HE:String) } => . ...</k>
<receiptsRoot> _ => #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(HE)) </receiptsRoot>
rule load "blockHeader" : { "hash" : _ } => .
rule <k> load "blockHeader" : { "uncleHash" : (HO:String) } => . ...</k>
<ommersHash> _ => #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(HO)) </ommersHash>
rule <k> load "blockHeader" : { "mixHash" : (HM:String) } => . ...</k>
<mixHash> _ => #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(HM)) </mixHash>
rule <k> load "blockHeader" : { "parentHash" : (HP:String) } => . ...</k>
<previousHash> _ => #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(HP)) </previousHash>
rule <k> load "blockHeader" : { "extraData" : (HX:String) } => . ...</k>
<extraData> _ => #parseByteStack(HX) </extraData>
rule <k> load "blockHeader" : { "gasLimit" : (HL:String) } => . ...</k>
<gasLimit> _ => #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(HL)) </gasLimit>
rule <k> load "blockHeader" : { "number" : (HI:String) } => . ...</k>
<number> _ => #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(HI)) </number>
rule <k> load "blockHeader" : { "stateRoot" : (HR:String) } => . ...</k>
<stateRoot> _ => #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(HR)) </stateRoot>
rule <k> load "blockHeader" : { "difficulty" : (HD:String) } => . ...</k>
<difficulty> _ => #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(HD)) </difficulty>
rule <k> load "blockHeader" : { "timestamp" : (HS:String) } => . ...</k>
<timestamp> _ => #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(HS)) </timestamp>
rule <k> load "blockHeader" : { "coinbase" : (HC:String) } => . ...</k>
<coinbase> _ => #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(HC)) </coinbase>
rule <k> load "blockHeader" : { "transactionsTrie" : (HT:String) } => . ...</k>
<transactionsRoot> _ => #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(HT)) </transactionsRoot>
rule <k> load "blockHeader" : { "bloom" : (HB:String) } => . ...</k>
<logsBloom> _ => #parseByteStack(HB) </logsBloom>
rule <k> load "blockHeader" : { "gasUsed" : (HG:String) } => . ...</k>
<gasUsed> _ => #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(HG)) </gasUsed>
rule <k> load "uncleHeaders" : [ .JSONList ] => . ...</k>
<ommerBlockHeaders> _ => [ .JSONList ] </ommerBlockHeaders>
rule load "genesisRLP" : (VAL:String => #rlpDecode(#unparseByteStack(#parseByteStack(VAL))))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule <k> load "genesisRLP": [ [ HP, HO, HC, HR, HT, HE:String, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX, HM, HN, .JSONList ], _, _, .JSONList ] => .K ... </k>
<blockhash> .List => ListItem(#blockHeaderHash(HP, HO, HC, HR, HT, HE, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX, HM, HN)) ListItem(#asUnsigned(#parseByteStackRaw(HP))) ... </blockhash>
The "transactions"
key loads the transactions.
rule load "transactions" : { TX } => load "transactions" : { #sortJSONList(TX) }
requires notBool #isSorted(TX)
rule <k> load "transactions" : { "data" : TI , "gasLimit" : TG , "gasPrice" : TP , "nonce" : TN , "r" : TR , "s" : TS , "to" : TT , "v" : TW , "value" : TV , .JSONList } => . ... </k>
<txOrder> ... .List => ListItem(!ID) </txOrder>
<txPending> ... .List => ListItem(!ID) </txPending>
( .Bag
=> <message>
<msgID> !ID:Int </msgID>
<txNonce> #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(TN)) </txNonce>
<txGasPrice> #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(TP)) </txGasPrice>
<txGasLimit> #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(TG)) </txGasLimit>
<to> #asAccount(#parseByteStack(TT)) </to>
<value> #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(TV)) </value>
<v> #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(TW)) </v>
<r> #padToWidth(32, #parseByteStack(TR)) </r>
<s> #padToWidth(32, #parseByteStack(TS)) </s>
<data> #parseByteStack(TI) </data>
checks if an account/transaction appears in the world-state as stated.
syntax EthereumCommand ::= "check" JSON
// ---------------------------------------
rule #exception ~> check J:JSON => check J ~> #exception
rule check DATA : { .JSONList } => . requires DATA =/=String "transactions"
rule check DATA : { (KEY:String) : VALUE , REST } => check DATA : { KEY : VALUE } ~> check DATA : { REST }
requires REST =/=K .JSONList andBool notBool DATA in (SetItem("callcreates") SetItem("transactions"))
rule check DATA : [ .JSONList ] => . requires DATA =/=String "ommerHeaders"
rule check DATA : [ { TEST } , REST ] => check DATA : { TEST } ~> check DATA : [ REST ] requires DATA =/=String "transactions"
rule check (KEY:String) : { JS:JSONList => #sortJSONList(JS) }
requires KEY in (SetItem("callcreates")) andBool notBool #isSorted(JS)
rule check TESTID : { "post" : POST } => check "account" : POST ~> failure TESTID
rule check "account" : { ACCTID: { KEY : VALUE , REST } } => check "account" : { ACCTID : { KEY : VALUE } } ~> check "account" : { ACCTID : { REST } } requires REST =/=K .JSONList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule check "account" : { ((ACCTID:String) => #parseAddr(ACCTID)) : ACCT }
rule check "account" : { (ACCT:Int) : { "balance" : ((VAL:String) => #parseWord(VAL)) } }
rule check "account" : { (ACCT:Int) : { "nonce" : ((VAL:String) => #parseWord(VAL)) } }
rule check "account" : { (ACCT:Int) : { "code" : ((CODE:String) => #parseByteStack(CODE)) } }
rule check "account" : { (ACCT:Int) : { "storage" : ({ STORAGE:JSONList } => #parseMap({ STORAGE })) } }
rule <k> check "account" : { ACCT : { "balance" : (BAL:Int) } } => . ... </k>
<acctID> ACCT </acctID>
<balance> BAL </balance>
rule <k> check "account" : { ACCT : { "nonce" : (NONCE:Int) } } => . ... </k>
<acctID> ACCT </acctID>
<nonce> NONCE </nonce>
rule <k> check "account" : { ACCT : { "storage" : (STORAGE:Map) } } => . ... </k>
<acctID> ACCT </acctID>
<storage> ACCTSTORAGE </storage>
requires #removeZeros(#adjustStorageValues(ACCTSTORAGE)) ==K STORAGE
rule <k> check "account" : { ACCT : { "code" : (CODE:WordStack) } } => . ... </k>
<acctID> ACCT </acctID>
<code> OPS </code>
<codeSize> SIZE </codeSize>
requires #dasmOps(CODE) ==K OPS andBool #sizeWordStack(CODE) ==Int SIZE
rule <k> check "account" : { ACCT : { "code" : .WordStack } } => . ... </k>
<acctID> ACCT </acctID>
<codeSize> 0 </codeSize>
syntax Map ::= #adjustStorageValues(Map) [function]
// ---------------------------------------------------
rule #adjustStorageValues(K |-> V M) => K |-> chop(V) #adjustStorageValues(M)
rule #adjustStorageValues(.Map) => .Map
Here we check the other post-conditions associated with an EVM test.
rule check TESTID : { "out" : OUT } => check "out" : OUT ~> failure TESTID
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule check "out" : ((OUT:String) => #parseHexWord(OUT))
rule <k> check "out" : OUT => . ... </k> <output> OUT .Regs </output>
rule <k> check "out" : 0 => . ... </k> <output> .Regs </output>
rule check TESTID : { "logs" : LOGS } => check "logs" : LOGS ~> failure TESTID
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule <k> check "logs" : HASH:String => . ... </k> <log> SL </log> requires #parseHexBytes(Keccak256(#rlpEncodeLogs(SL))) ==K #parseByteStack(HASH)
syntax String ::= #rlpEncodeLogs(List) [function]
| #rlpEncodeLogsAux(List) [function]
| #rlpEncodeTopics(WordStack) [function]
// --------------------------------------------------------
rule #rlpEncodeLogs(SL) => #rlpEncodeLength(#rlpEncodeLogsAux(SL), 192)
rule #rlpEncodeLogsAux(ListItem({ ACCT | TOPICS | DATA }) SL) => #rlpEncodeLength(#rlpEncodeBytes(ACCT, 20) +String #rlpEncodeLength(#rlpEncodeTopics(TOPICS), 192) +String #rlpEncodeString(#unparseByteStack(DATA)), 192) +String #rlpEncodeLogsAux(SL)
rule #rlpEncodeLogsAux(.List) => ""
rule #rlpEncodeTopics(TOPIC : TOPICS) => #rlpEncodeBytes(chop(TOPIC), 32) +String #rlpEncodeTopics(TOPICS)
rule #rlpEncodeTopics(.WordStack) => ""
rule check TESTID : { "gas" : GLEFT } => check "gas" : GLEFT ~> failure TESTID
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule check "gas" : ((GLEFT:String) => #parseWord(GLEFT))
rule <k> check "gas" : GLEFT => . ... </k> //<gas> GLEFT </gas>
rule check TESTID : { "callcreates" : CCREATES } => check "callcreates" : CCREATES ~> failure TESTID
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule check "callcreates" : { ("data" : (DATA:String)) , ("destination" : (ACCTTO:String)) , ("gasLimit" : (GLIMIT:String)) , ("value" : (VAL:String)) , .JSONList }
=> .
rule check TESTID : { "genesisBlockHeader" : BLOCKHEADER } => check "genesisBlockHeader" : BLOCKHEADER ~> failure TESTID
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule check "genesisBlockHeader" : { KEY : VALUE , REST } => check "genesisBlockHeader" : { KEY : VALUE } ~> check "genesisBlockHeader" : { REST } requires REST =/=K .JSONList
rule check "genesisBlockHeader" : { KEY : VALUE } => .K requires KEY =/=String "hash"
rule check "genesisBlockHeader" : { "hash": (HASH:String => #asUnsigned(#parseByteStack(HASH))) }
rule <k> check "genesisBlockHeader" : { "hash": HASH } => . ... </k>
<blockhash> ... ListItem(HASH) ListItem(_) </blockhash>
TODO: case with nonzero ommers.
rule check TESTID : { "uncleHeaders" : OMMERS } => check "ommerHeaders" : OMMERS ~> failure TESTID
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule <k> check "ommerHeaders" : [ .JSONList ] => . ... </k> <ommerBlockHeaders> [ .JSONList ] </ommerBlockHeaders>