#Parse and Log Username from HTTP requests
HTTP logging is essential from most of the Web/App deployments where you want to capture the traffic details passing through. Authorization header in HTTP request carries the username which is important data to log for accountability of changes. This example shows how to parse and log the username from the Authorization header of HTTP Requests.
authorization_header = avi.http.get_header("Authorization")
basic_authorization = authorization_header:find("Basic")
if basic_authorization == 1 then
credentials = {}
-- user_id = credentials[1]
-- password = credentials[2]
authorization_decoded = avi.utils.base64_decode(authorization_header:sub(7))
for match in authorization_decoded:gmatch("([^:]+),?") do
user_id = credentials[1]
-- avi.vs.log optional, as user_id logged through avi.http.set_userid method
avi.vs.log("Authorization Username:"..user_id)