This namespace contains some utility classes to help rendering glTF models with client graphics engines which typically use GPU accelerated resources.
The process is this; first of all we load a glTF model:
var model = SharpGLTF.Schema2.ModelRoot.Load("model.gltf");
Now, lets say you have an AwesomeEngine which defines an AwesomeMesh that is the equivalent of a glTF Mesh, so for each logical glTF Mesh we find in Model.LogicalMeshes, we create the equivalent AwesomeMesh:
var awesomeMeshes = new AwesomeMesh[model.LogicalMeshes.Count];
for(int i=0; i < model.LogicalMeshes.Count; ++i)
awesomeMeshes[i] = new AwesomeMesh(model.LogicalMeshes[i]);
Next, we create a scene template from the default glTF scene:
// a SceneTemplate is an immutable object that
// represent the resource asset in memory
var modelTemplate = SharpGLTF.Runtime.SceneTemplate(model.DefaultScene,true);
// SceneInstances are lightweight objects that reference
// the original template and can be animated separately.
// each SceneInstance can be set to a specific animation/time,
// and individual nodes can be edited at will, without affecting
// the state of sibling instances.
var inst1 = modelTemplate.CreateInstance();
inst1.SetAnimationFrame("Walking", 2.17f);
var inst2 = modelTemplate.CreateInstance();
inst2.SetAnimationFrame("Running", 3.523f);
var inst3 = modelTemplate.CreateInstance();
inst3.SetAnimationFrame("Running", 1.32f);
inst3.SetWorldMatrix("Head", Matrix.LookAt(...) ); // example of manually setting a single node matrix
Finally, we render the instances like this:
RenderInstance(inst1, Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(-10,0,0));
RenderInstance(inst2, Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation( 0,0,0));
RenderInstance(inst3, Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation( 10,0,0));
void RenderInstance(SharpGLTF.Runtime.SceneInstance modelInstance, Matrix4x4 modelMatrix)
foreach(var drawable in modelInstance.DrawableInstances)
var awesomeMesh = awesomeMeshes[drawable.Template.LogicalMeshIndex];
switch(drawable.Transform) // choosing the appropiate transform mode for each mesh drawing
case SharpGLTF.Transforms.RigidTransform rigidXform:
AwesomeEngine.DrawRigidMesh(awesomeMesh, modelMatrix, rigidXform.WorldMatrix);
case SharpGLTF.Transforms.SkinnedTransform skinXform:
AwesomeEngine.DrawSkinnedMesh(awesomeMesh, modelMatrix, skinXform.SkinMatrices);
case SharpGLTF.Transforms.InstancingTransform InstancingXform:
AwesomeEngine.DrawInstancedMeshes(awesomeMesh, modelMatrix, InstancingXform.WorldTransforms);