This is a manually generated log to track changes to the repository for each release. Each section should include general headers such as Implemented enhancements and Merged pull requests. All closed issued and bug fixes should be represented by the pull requests that fixed them. Critical items to know are:
- renamed commands
- deprecated / removed commands
- changed defaults
- backward incompatible changes
- changed behaviour
- ensuring a better error message is given when watchme config missing (0.0.29)
- updating documentation to match library, more notes (0.0.28)
- addition of GPU task, including terminal and process monitor (0.0.27)
- adding linting, cleaning up an error for psutils watcher (0.0.26)
- loop values should be checked for None first (0.0.25)
- Connections aren't being parsed (0.0.24)
- But with printing output to screen for monitor (should be json) (0.0.23)
- Adding terminal monitor command group (0.0.22)
- Print of task should be "add-task" (0.0.21)
- Custom WATCHME_ENV variables added to monitoring decorator/task (0.0.20)
- Adding decorator for system (psutils) monitoring (0.0.19)
- Reorganizing task functions to belong with TaskBase (0.0.17)
- Adding option for regular expression for URL wachers, user agent header (0.0.16)
- requests is missing from install dependencies (0.0.15)
- small bug fixes (0.0.14)
- added headers, params, and json args for post and get urls. (0.0.13)
- added ability to specify URL params for Get and Get with selector functions (0.0.12)
- first beta release of watchme, all commands and docs (0.0.11)
- adding changelog, and original skeleton for client (0.0.1)