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Put your view transitions through their paces in the Inspection Chamber!
The @vtbag website can be found at https://vtbag.pages.dev/
The current version also includes smaller improvements, moving the Chamber closer to becoming a stable product rather than just a prototype.
For details, see the CHANGELOG
v1.0.5 introduced the ability to switch single animations on and off as you navigate through the timeline of view transitions. For example, you can temporarily disable fades while investigating a morph animation or disable morphing to focus on other features of your transition.
v1.0.4 improves opening the Chamber on mobiles, adds an explicit close button to the inner panel and fixes some styling issues.
v1.0.3 fixes some teething issues. The main areas affected are:
- Better integration into same-document and cross-document transitions.
- Further optimizations for identifying transition elements on the screen.
The Inspection Chamber is your ultimate playground for experimenting with the View Transition API. Whether you're working with same-document or cross-document transitions, this test bench has got you covered.
With a comprehensive set of controls at your fingertips, you can interactively test and fine-tune your view transitions to perfection. Dive in and explore all the features the Inspection Chamber offers to elevate your web development projects!
Find the documentation of the Inspection Chamber at https://vtbag.pages.dev/inspection-chamber/!
The Inspection Chamber is the inaugural tool under the @vtbag umbrella. If the name reminds you of vtbot, that's no coincidence.
When Chrome introduced the (same-document) View Transition API, Astro quickly became an early adopter, offering a client-side router to transform MPAs into smooth SPAs. As a community-driven project, astro-vtbot, the Bag of Tricks for Astro's View Transitions, delivered numerous technical demos, reusable components, and a wealth of information about View Transitions within Astro and the View Transition API at large.
With the View Transition API now being adopted by more browsers and even supporting cross-document navigation, vtbot has evolved. Meet its framework-independent sibling: @vtbag
is set to provide a treasure trove of useful tools, tips (and of course tricks!) to enhance your experience with View Transitions, no matter which framework you're using, or even if you're using none at all.