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File metadata and controls

772 lines (674 loc) · 35.7 KB


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The SDK provides a set of screens to allow capturing of identity documents and face photos. In addition, the SDK provides a possibility to add a customisable screen for users to enter text information about themselves. Finally, it uploads the captured data to GetID server.

The SDK does not provide methods for obtaining verification results. Use GetID API on your backend to get ones.

Getting started


  • Xcode 10.2+
  • Swift 5.0+
  • iOS 11+

Obtaining an API key

In order to start using GetID SDK, you will need an SDK KEY and API URL. Both can be found and modified either through your GetID Dashboard or via contacting our integration support.

Note: In your GetID Dashboard, you can get and set API KEY and SDK KEY. API KEY grants you access to public API calls and SDK API calls. SDK KEY grants you access to SDK API calls only. For security reasons, strongly recommended using the SDK KEY in your SDK.

Camera usage description

The SDK uses the camera for capturing photos during verification. The app is responsible for describing the reason for using the camera. You must add NSCameraUsageDescription to the Info.plist of the app.

Using in Objective-C apps

If you app is written entirely in Objective-C, you should set Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries to YES in your app target's build settings.



GetID SDK is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'GetID'

Note: in case of Unable to find a specification for 'GetID' error, try pod repo update and then pod install again.


GetID SDK is compatible with Carthage. Add it to your Cartfile:

github "vvorld/getid-ios-sdk"

Swift Package Manager

In Xcode (11.2+), select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency. Follow the prompts using the URL for this repository and a minimum semantic version of 1.8.0.


import GetID
@import GetID;

Use GetIDFactory to create an instance of GetIDViewController.

For security reasons, you will need to generate a short-lived JSON Web Token (JWT) every time you initialise the SDK. To generate JWT make a POST request with SDK KEY in the header on your designated API URL:

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "apikey: SDK_KEY" -X POST API_URL/sdk/v1/token

This request should be performed by your backend. Then your app should retrieve the token from your backend. Do not store SDK KEY in your app!

GetIDFactory.makeGetIDViewController(token: "JWT", url: "API_URL") { (viewController, error) in
    guard let getIDViewController = viewController else {
    self.present(getIDViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
[GIDFactory makeGetIDViewControllerWithToken:@"JWT" url:@"API_URL" then:^(GetIDViewController *viewController, NSError *error) {
    [self presentViewController:viewController animated:YES completion:nil];

In case you don't want your clients to complete verification more than once or for any other identification purposes you can pass customerId parameter when generating the token.

$ curl -d '{"customerId":"ID"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "apikey: SDK_KEY" -X POST API_URL/sdk/v1/token

Possible errors

GetIDFactory.makeGetIDViewController method can return an error. Here is a list of possible errors:

Domain Code Description
GetID.Auth 10 Invalid URL.
GetID.Auth 13 SDK version is not supported. Please, update GetID SDK (or try to use another GetID server).
GetID.Auth 14 Invalid key provided.
GetID.Configuration 20 .flowItems should not be empty.
GetID.Configuration 21 .formFields should not be empty if .flowItems contains .form.
GetID.Configuration 22 None of set .acceptableDocuments countries is supported.
GetID.Configuration 23 None of set .acceptableDocuments document types is supported.
GetID.Configuration 24 None of set .acceptableDocuments countries and document types is supported.
GetID.Configuration 25 .thanks item should be the last one.
GetID.Configuration 26 .form can not be the only flow item if all fields are hidden.
GetID.Configuration 27 .flowItems should contain .selfie and .document if .verificationTypes contains .faceMatching.
GetID.Configuration 28 .flowItems should contain .document if .verificationTypes contains .dataExtraction.
GetID.Configuration 29 .flowItems should contain .document or .formFields should contain .firstName, .lastName and .dateOfBirth if .verificationTypes contains .watchlists.

Also, an unrecoverable error can occur during the flow. You'll be informed about it in getIDDidFail(_:error:) method of GetIDCompletionDelegate.

Domain Code Description
GetID.Flow 50 Invalid token. Probably, the session is expired.
GetID.Flow 51 An application with this customerId already exists.
GetID.Flow 52 This version of SDK is not supported by the liveness server.


Flow customisation

You can customise the SDK flow. Create an instance of the Configuration class, change its properties and pass it to GetIDFactory.

Property Description Default value
flowItems Specifies the screens to be displayed and their order. See paragraph below. [.document, .selfie, .thanks]
formFields Specifies the fields to be displayed on the form screen. See paragraph below. []
multiScreenForm Allows to create a multi-screen form step. If non-empty then formFields property is ignored. See paragraph below. []
consentInForm A flag that determines whether to display the data-processing consent checkbox on the form screen. false
prefillForm A flag that determines whether to prefill form with values extracted from the document. See paragraph below. false
interactiveDocumentStep A flag that determines whether the .document step should be "interactive". See paragraph below. false
allowDocumentPhotosFromGallery A flag that determines whether to use the photo gallery as a document images' source. false
acceptableDocuments Specifies a list of document types accepted for verification. See paragraph below. [.defaultCountryKey: DocumentType.allCases]
let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.setFlowItems([.form, .selfie, .thanks])
configuration.setFormFields([FormField(title: "Birth place", valueType: .country)])

GetIDFactory.makeGetIDViewController(token: "JWT", url: "API_URL", configuration: configuration) { (viewController, error) in
    // ...
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
[configuration setFlowItems:@[GIDFlowItemObject.consent, GIDFlowItemObject.document]];

[GIDFactory makeGetIDViewControllerWithToken:@"JWT" url:@"API_URL" configuration:configuration then:^(GetIDViewController *viewController, NSError *error) {
    // ...

Changing flow content

You can specify which screens should be displayed in the verification flow and the order of them. In order to do that assign a non-empty array of FlowItemObject objects to flowItems property of GetID.Configuration. The possible values are .consent, .form, .document, .selfie, .liveness, .video and .thanks.

Note: all duplicates in flowItems array are ignored. So, [.form, .form, .thanks] is the same as [.form, .thanks].

let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.setFlowItems([.selfie, .thanks])
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
[configuration setFlowItems:@[GIDFlowItemObject.consent, GIDFlowItemObject.document]];

Consent screen setup

The SDK provides a customisable data-processing consent screen. By default, this screen is not displayed. If you want to display this screen then add .consent value to flowItems property of GetID.Configuration (see Changing flow content section). You can customise links and some texts on this screen. See the properties of ConsentConfiguration in the table below.

Property Description
consentText The text at the top of the screen.
companyName The company name.
termsOfUseURL The link to Terms of Use.
privacyPolicyURL The link to Privacy Policy.
let configuration = Configuration()
let consentConfiguration = Configuration.ConsentConfiguration()
consentConfiguration.companyName = "Company"
configuration.consentConfiguration = consentConfiguration
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
GIDConsentConfiguration *consentConfiguration = [GIDConsentConfiguration new];
consentConfiguration.companyName = @"Company";
configuration.consentConfiguration = consentConfiguration;

Animated guides

The SDK can display animated guides that explain how to photograph a document and to take a selfie so that verification is more likely to succeed. The guides for document and selfie steps can be enabled separately.

let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.displayGuideAtDocumentStep = true
configuration.displayGuideAtSelfieStep = true
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
configuration.displayGuideAtDocumentStep = YES;
configuration.displayGuideAtSelfieStep = YES;

Interactive document step

You can make .document step "interactive". In this case, the screen where the user picks the document type and the issuing country won't be displayed. Instead, the SDK will ask the user to provide a photo of a document. Then the photo will be validated and if we need another side's photo then the SDK will ask the user to take a photo of the other side. And the SDK won't allow the user to pass further if the photo does not contain a document or the quality of the photo is poor. In such cases, the user has to retake the photo.

In short, .interactiveDocumentStep increases the quality of the photos of documents that are sent to the verification. We recommend enabling this flag.

Also, if this feature is enabled, the form prefill feature works for all the supported documents (not only for documents with MRZ).

let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.interactiveDocumentStep = true
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
configuration.interactiveDocumentStep = YES;

Note: .acceptableCountries and .acceptableDocumentTypes settings are ignored if .interactiveDocumentStep is enabled.

Form screen setup

The SDK provides a customisable form screen. By default, this screen is not displayed. If you want to display this screen then add .form value to flowItems property of GetID.Configuration (see Changing flow content section). Also, you have to assign a non-empty array of FormField objects to formFields property of GetID.Configuration.

let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.setFormFields([.firstName, .lastName])
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
[configuration setFlowItems:@[GIDFlowItemObject.form]];
[configuration setFormFields:@[[GIDFormField makeFirstNameWithValue:@"John"],
                               [GIDFormField makeLastNameWithValue:@"Johnson"]]];

Alternatively, you can create a multi-screen form.

let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.multiScreenForm = [FormScreen(title: "Screen 1", fields: [.firstName, .lastName]), 
                                 FormScreen(title: "Screen 2", fields: [.email])]
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
configuration.multiScreenForm = @[[[GIDFormScreen alloc] initWithTitle:@"Screen 1" fields:@[GIDFormField.firstName]], 
                                  [[GIDFormScreen alloc] initWithTitle:@"Screen 2" fields:@[]]];

And you can ask users to attach some files to the form:

let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.multiScreenForm = [FormScreen(title: "Personal data", 
                                            fields: [.firstName, .lastName], 
                                            fileAttachments: [FileAttachment(title: "Proof of address")])]
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
configuration.multiScreenForm = @[[[GIDFormScreen alloc] 
                                    initWithTitle:@"Personal data" 
                                    fileAttachments:@[[[GIDFileAttachment alloc] initWithTitle:@"Proof of address"]]]];

To create a FormField object one should pass the field title and its value type to the constructor:

let autorityField = FormField(title: "Authority", valueType: .text)
let birthPlaceField = FormField(title: "Birth place", valueType: .country)
GIDFormField *authorityField = [[GIDFormField alloc] initWithTitle:@"Authority" valueType:GIDFieldValueTypeText];
GIDFormField *birthPlaceField = [[GIDFormField alloc] initWithTitle:@"Birth place" valueType:GIDFieldValueTypeCountry];

Supported value types: .text, .date, .sex and .country. See the value formats for each type in the table below.

Value type Format
.text Plain String
.date Date represented as a String in yyyy-MM-dd format
.sex String, "male" or "female"
.country String in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format

Note: all duplicates (fields with same titles) in formFields array are ignored. So, [.init(title: "City", valueType: .text), .init(title: "City", valueType: .text)] is the same as [.init(title: "City", valueType: .text)].

Optionally, you can prepopulate some fields by known values. Pass the values according to formats listed in the table above. For example, you know user's first name:

let firstNameField = FormField(title: "First name", valueType: .text, value: "John")
GIDFormField *authorityField = [[GIDFormField alloc] initWithTitle:@"Authority" valueType:GIDFieldValueTypeText value:@"John"];

There are several shortcuts for your convenience: .firstName, .lastName and others. Titles of the fields created by these shortcuts are automatically localized. You can find all of them in FormField's public header.

let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.setFlowItems([.consent, .form])
configuration.setFormFields([.firstName, .lastName])
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
[configuration setFlowItems:@[GIDFlowItemObject.consent, GIDFlowItemObject.form]];
[configuration setFormFields:@[[GIDFormField makeFirstNameWithValue:@"John"],
                               [GIDFormField makeLastNameWithValue:@"Johnson"]]];

Also, you can create fields with a finite set of possible values. In this case, users will choose a value using a picker, instead of typing it. The valueType of such fields is .text.

let field = FormField(title: "City", possibleValues: ["Tallinn", "Tartu"])
GIDFormField *field = [[GIDFormField alloc] initWithTitle:@"City" possibleValues:@[@"Tallinn", @"Tartu"]];

You can pass validators to .text fields. In order to do that, create an instance of TextFieldValidator type. Its initializer accepts a validation closure and, optionally, a message that will be shown to the user if the input is invalid.

let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.setFlowItems([.form, .thanks])
    [.makeTextField(title: "Number", validator: TextFieldValidator { $0.allSatisfy { $0.isNumber } }),
     .makeTextField(title: "City", validator: .init(invalidValueMessage: "Should contain letters only") { $0.allSatisfy { $0.isLetter } })])
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
[configuration setFlowItems:@[GIDFlowItemObject.consent, GIDFlowItemObject.form]];
GIDTextFieldValidator *validator = [[GIDTextFieldValidator alloc] initWithClosure:^BOOL(NSString * _Nonnull string) {
    return [string integerValue];
[configuration setFormFields:@[[GIDFormField makeTextFieldWithTitle:@"Number" validator:validator]]];

You can pass ranges to .date fields. Create DateFieldRange object, passing minDate and maxDate (or only one of them) to its initializer or use predefined ranges like .past and .future.

let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.setFlowItems([.form, .thanks])
    [.makeDateField(title: "Date of expiry", range: .future),
     .makeDateField(title: "Date", range: .init(minDate: minDate, maxDate: maxDate))])
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
[configuration setFlowItems:@[GIDFlowItemObject.consent, GIDFlowItemObject.form]];
[configuration setFormFields:@[[GIDFormField makeDateFieldWithTitle:@"Date of issue" range:[GIDDateFieldRange past]]]];

Also, you can create optional fields. Users will be able to skip them.

let fields: [FormField] = 
    [FormField(title: "City", possibleValues: ["Tallinn", "Tartu"], optional: true),
     FormField(title: "Address", valueType: .text, value: nil, optional: true),
     .makeTextField(title: "Number", validator: .init { Int($0) != nil }, optional: true)]
GIDFormField *field = [[GIDFormField alloc] initWithTitle:@"City" possibleValues:@[@"Tallinn", @"Tartu"] optional:YES];

If you have some information about the user that you want to verify using GetID, but you do not want to allow the user to edit this info, you can create hidden fields.

let hiddenField = FormField(title: "Last name", valueType: .text, value: "Johnson", hidden: true)
GIDFormField *hiddenField = [[GIDFormField alloc] initWithTitle:@"Last name" valueType:GIDFieldValueTypeText value:@"Johnson" hidden:YES];

Note: if all the fields are hidden then .form step is skipped.

Also, if you want the user to consent to the processing of his personal data not on a separate .consent screen, but on the .form screen, then you need to set .consentInForm property of GetID.Configuration to true.

let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.consentInForm = true
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
configuration.consentInForm = YES;

Setting acceptable documents

You can limit the list of acceptable documents and issuing countries. In order to do that one should create an instance of Configuration class, call setAcceptableDocuments(_:) method of this instance and then pass this configuration to GetIDViewController constructor. The method accepts a single parameter - a dictionary where keys are ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes and values are arrays of document types. Supported document types are .passport, .idCard, .drivingLicence and .residencePermit. Also, there is default key which allows to set acceptable documents for countries not listed in the dictionary.

If GetID does not support any specified document types from any specified countries then GetIDViewController initializer will throw an error.

let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.setAcceptableDocuments(["ee": [.idCard, .passport], "default": [.passport]])
GetIDFactory.makeGetIDViewController(token: "JWT", url: "API_URL", configuration: configuration) { (viewController, error) in
    // ...
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
[configuration setAcceptableDocumentTypes:@[@"ee": @[GIDDocumentType.passport]]];
[GIDFactory makeGetIDViewControllerWithToken:@"JWT" url:@"API_URL" configuration:configuration then:^(GetIDViewController *viewController, NSError *error) {
    // ...

Note: this setting makes sense only if GetIDViewController.flowItems contains .document.

Video screen setup

The SDK provides a customisable screen for recording a video with a user saying a phrase. By default, this screen is not displayed. If you want to display this screen then add .video value to flowItems property of GetID.Configuration (see Changing flow content section). Also, you have to provide the instructions to the user (a phrase he/she should say). And you can set the limit of the video length. Finally, you must add NSMicrophoneUsageDescription to the Info.plist of the app.

let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.setFlowItems([.document, .selfie, .video, .thanks])
let videoConfiguration = Configuration.VideoFlowItemConfiguration()
videoConfiguration.instructions = "Hello, my name is ..."
videoConfiguration.durationLimit = 20
configuration.videoFlowItemConfiguration = videoConfiguration
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
[configuration setFlowItems:@[GIDFlowItemObject.document, GIDFlowItemObject.selfie,]];
GIDThanksConfiguration *videoConfiguration = [GIDVideoFlowItemConfiguration new];
videoConfiguration.instructions = @"Hello, my name is ...";
configuration.videoFlowItemConfiguration = videoConfiguration;

Note: this feature can be not included in your tariff plan. In this case, .video in .flowItems is ignored.

Thanks screen setup

The SDK provides a customisable "Thank you" screen. If you want to display this screen then add .thanks value to flowItems property of GetID.Configuration (see Changing flow content section). You can customise texts on this screen. See the properties of ThanksConfiguration in the table below.

Property Description
title The title of the screen.
detailsText The secondary text below the title.
buttonTitle The button title.
let configuration = Configuration()
let thanksConfiguration = Configuration.ThanksConfiguration()
thanksConfiguration.title = "Congratulations!"
configuration.thanksConfiguration = thanksConfiguration
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
GIDThanksConfiguration *thanksConfiguration = [GIDThanksConfiguration new];
thanksConfiguration.title = @"Congratulations!";
configuration.thanksConfiguration = thanksConfiguration;

UI customisation

You can customize some colors used in the SDK. Create an instance of the Style class, change its properties and pass it to the constructor of GetIDViewController.

Property Description
backgroundColor The background color of all the screens.
tintColor The color of graphic elements such as guides on the camera screen and the back button.
textColor The primary text color.
placeholderColor The color of the placeholders on the form screen.
infoTextColor The text color of info messages.
buttonStyle.backgroundColor The background color of the main action button at the bottom of the screen.
buttonStyle.textColor The text color of the main action button at the bottom of the screen.
keyboardAppearance The appearance of the system keyboard used to fill the Form.
activityIndicatorStyle The style of the activity indicator shown while sending the captured data. Possible values: .light, .dark.
logoImage The image shown on the consent screen.
tickColor The color of the tick symbol in checkmark views.
invalidValueColor The color of invalid field values highlighting on the form screen.
cameraScreenBackgroundColor The background color of the camera screen. If nil then .backgroundColor is used.
cameraButtonColor The color of the camera button. If nil then .white is used.
poweredByStyle The style of GetID logo in Powered by GetID label. Possible values: .light, .dark.
successIconStyle The style of the icon used to display a successful result.
errorIconStyle The style of the icon used in error message alerts.
cautionIconStyle The style of the icon used in warnings.
let style = Style()
style.backgroundColor = .lightGray
let buttonStyle = Style.ButtonStyle()
buttonStyle.backgroundColor = .purple
style.buttonStyle = buttonStyle

GetIDFactory.makeGetIDViewController(token: "JWT", url: "API_URL", style: style) { (viewController, error) in
    // ...
GIDStyle *style = [GIDStyle new];
style.tintColor = [UIColor purpleColor];
GIDButtonStyle *buttonStyle = [GIDButtonStyle new];
buttonStyle.textColor = [UIColor blackColor];
style.buttonStyle = buttonStyle;

[GIDFactory makeGetIDViewControllerWithToken:@"JWT" url:@"API_URL" style:style then:^(GetIDViewController *viewController, NSError *error) {
    // ...

Verification types

You may also set desirable types of verification. In order to do that pass a non-empty array of VerificationTypeObject objects to setVerificationTypes(_:) method of GetID.Configuration. The possible values are .faceMatching, .dataExtraction and .watchlists.

let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.setVerificationTypes([.faceMatching, .watchlists])
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
[configuration setVerificationTypes:@[GIDVerificationType.faceMatching, GIDVerificationType.dataExtraction]];

Note: if you set verificationTypes, then make sure that .flowItems contains required steps, otherwise, you'll get an error instead of GetIDViewController instance. For example, .dataExtraction requires .document step in .flowItems.


You can attach some metadata to a verification. In order to do that pass a non-empty metadata dictionary to makeGetIDViewController method.

    token: token,
    url: "API_URL",
    configuration: .defaultConfiguration,
    style: .defaultStyle,
    metadata: ["department": "EST"],
    textRecognizer: nil,
    nfcReader: nil
) { viewController, error in {
    configuration:[GIDConfiguration defaultConfiguration]
    style:[GIDStyle defaultStyle]
    metadata:@{@"department": @"EST"}
    then:^(GetIDViewController *controller, NSError *error) {

Handling callbacks

There are multiple callbacks you can get from GetIDViewController. If you want to handle the verification process completion then assign an object that conforms to GetIDCompletionDelegate protocol to delegate property of GetIDViewController. If you want to receive the captured data then assign an object that conforms to GetIDCapturedDataDelegate protocol to capturedDataDelegate property of GetIDViewController. If you want to handle intermediate events then assign an object that conforms to GetIDIntermediateEventsDelegate protocol to intermediateEventsDelegate property of GetIDViewController. See description of all the methods of these protocols in the tables below.

GetIDFactory.makeGetIDViewController(token: "JWT", url: "API_URL") { (viewController, error) in
    guard let getIDViewController = viewController else {
    getIDViewController.delegate = self
    getIDViewController.capturedDataDelegate = self
    getIDViewController.intermediateEventsDelegate = self
    self.present(getIDViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
[GIDFactory makeGetIDViewControllerWithToken:@"JWT" url:@"API_URL" then:^(GetIDViewController *viewController, NSError *error) {
    viewController.delegate = self;
    viewController.capturedDataDelegate = self;
    viewController.intermediateEventsDelegate = self;
    [self presentViewController:viewController animated:YES completion:nil];
GetIDCompletionDelegate method Description
getIDDidComplete(_:applicationID:) Tells the delegate that the user has completed the verification process and GetIDViewController has been dismissed.
getIDDidCancel(_:) Tells the delegate that the user has interrupted the verification process and GetIDViewController has been dismissed.
getIDDidFail(_:error:) Tells the delegate that the verification process has been failed and GetIDViewController has been dismissed. This can happen, for example, if the passed customerId has already been used.
GetIDCapturedDataDelegate method Description
getID(_:didSubmitForm:) Tells the delegate that the user has filled out the form and tapped the “Next” button on the form screen.
getID(_:didCaptureDocument:) Tells the delegate that photos of the user's document have been taken.
getID(_:didTakeSelfie:) Tells the delegate that a photo of the user's face was taken.
getID(_:didRecordSelfieVideo:) Tells the delegate that a video of the user's face was recorded.
GetIDIntermediateEventsDelegate method Description
getIDDidGetConsent(_:) Tells the delegate that the user has consented to the processing of his personal data.
getID(_:didChooseDocumentType:issuingCountry:) Tells the delegate that the type of document and country of issue have been chosen.
getIDDidUploadData(_:) Tells the delegate that the user data has been uploaded to GetID server.

Note: some of these callbacks can be called multiple times because a user can press back button, edit the data and go forward again.

Form prefill

The SDK provides the ability to prefill the form using a captured photo of a document. If you enable .interactiveDocumentStep, then this feature works for all the supported documents. Otherwise, it works only for documents that contain MRZ (machine-readable zone) - almost all passports, ID cards and Residence Permit cards. To enable this feature, one should set prifillForm value of Configuration object to true. And, obviously, .document step should preceed .form step.

There are two different technologies that SDK uses for text recognition - Apple's Vision and Tesseract. Vision is the default option. It doesn't increase the size of SDK (because of using a system framework) but works little bit worse than Tesseract. And Vision-based option works only for iOS 13+ users.

Note: if .interactiveDocumentStep is enabled then the OCR performed at the back-end, so you don't need to import GetIDOCR.

// Vision-based text recognition:
let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.prefillForm = true
configuration.setFlowItems([.document, .form])
// Vision-based text recognition:
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
configuration.prefillForm = YES;
[configuration setFlowItems:@[GIDFlowItemObject.document, GIDFlowItemObject.form]];

If you want to use Tesseract-based text recognition then you have to add one more line to your Cartfile or Podfile: github "vvorld/getid-ios-ocr" or pod 'GetIDOCR' respectively. Then you should create an instance of MRZTextRecognizer and pass it to GetIDFactory.

// Tesseract-based text recognition:
import GetID
import GetIDOCR
let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.prefillForm = true
configuration.setFlowItems([.document, .form])
    token: "JWT",
    url: "API_URL",
    configuration: configuration, 
    style: .default, 
    textRecognizer: MRZTextRecognizer()) { (viewController, error) in
    // ...
extension MRZTextRecognizer: TextRecognizer {}
// Tesseract-based text recognition:
@import GetID;
@import GetIDOCR;
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
configuration.prefillForm = YES;
[configuration setFlowItems:@[GIDFlowItemObject.document, GIDFlowItemObject.form]];
    textRecognizer:[MRZTextRecognizer new] 
    then:^(GetIDViewController *viewController, NSError *error) {
    // ...


GetID iOS SDK loads translations from the server at launch. The SDK also gets the user's preferred languages list from the operating system. Then the SDK compares this list with available translations and picks the best match.

It works automatically and doesn't require any additional configuration.

But if you want to override the list of preferred languages received from the operating system, you can pass one or more locales to preferredLocales property of a Configuration object.

let configuration = Configuration()
configuration.preferredLocales = ["et"]
GIDConfiguration *configuration = [GIDConfiguration new];
configuration.preferredLocales = @[@"et"];

Note: if you don't want SDK to load translations from the server but instead, you want to override translation locally using .strings files then set configuration.loadTranslationsFromTheServer = false. But we don't recommend to do so.

The list of supported languages:

  • English (en)
  • German (de)
  • French (fr)
  • Spanish (es_ES)
  • Russian (ru)
  • Portuguese (pt_PT)
  • Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR)
  • Italian (it)
  • Polish (pl)
  • Dutch (nl)
  • Greek (el)
  • Romanian (ro)
  • Hungarian (hu)
  • Slovenian (sl)
  • Albanian (sq)
  • Estonian (et)
  • Lithuanian (lt)
  • Latvian (lv)