14 June 2018 Bug fixes -Fix issues regarding Iphone X support. Do the following: -Upgrade to "cordova-ios": "~4.5.0" -Regenerate the resources by running: ionic cordova resources --force
16 April 2018 NEW FEATURES -Firebase Authentication: Facebook, Google and Twitter social Authentication linked to firebase. Also email/password auth. -User profile connected to firebase with profile picture.
Bug fixes
-Added "typeRoots": [ "node_modules/@types" ],
in tsconfig.json to fix the "cannot find namespace 'google'" error in windows users.
-Changed some cordova plugin versions because a compatibility issue. To avoid issues, please use the versions stated on package.json
22 February 2018 NEW FEATURES -Wordpress Integration -Firebase Integration using Firestore Database
Updates -Updated to Ionic 3.9.2 and Angular 5.0.1 -Updated Bourbon to version 5.0 -Config variables are now in src/environment/environment.ts -Google maps now needs a key to work properly (it's free to get one). Get a key in https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key and put it in index.html
Bug fixes -Fixed a bug in the settings page in the language selector which was not picking up the current language -Transition direction bug fix. The navigation direction was always set to rtl. To fix it we updated src/app/app.component.ts file inside the subscription for the language change to be like the following:
this.translate.onLangChange.subscribe((event: LangChangeEvent) => { if(event.lang == 'ar') { platform.setDir('rtl', true); } else { platform.setDir('ltr', true); } //the rest of the code... }
19 September 2017 -Updated to Ionic 3.6.0 -Updated resources to match new dimensions -Added <script src="build/vendor.js"></script> to index.html -Added some configurations in IonicModule.forRoot() in src/app/app.module.ts -Fixed some styles in src/pages/notifications/notifications.scss -Fix an issue with image picker plugin