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File metadata and controls

67 lines (60 loc) · 5.72 KB

API and Configuration

Available imports

  • Router
  • Scene
  • Actions
  • ActionConst


Property Type Default Description
children required Scene root element
wrapBy Function allows integration of state management schemes like Redux (connect) and Mobx (observer)
sceneStyle Style Style applied to all scenes (optional)


Property Type Default Description
key       string required Will be used to call screen transition, for example, Must be unique.
type   string push Optional type of navigation action. You could use replace to replace current scene with this scene
component React.Component semi-required The Component to be displayed. Not required when defining a nested Scene, see example.
navBar React.Component Optional React component to render custom NavBar
headerMode string float Specifies how the header should be rendered: float (render a single header that stays at the top and animates as screens are changed. This is a common pattern on iOS.), screen (each screen has a header attached to it and the header fades in and out together with the screen. This is a common pattern on Android) or none (No header will be rendered)
initial   boolean false Set to true if this is the first scene to display among its sibling Scenes
modal     boolean false Defines scene container as 'modal' one, i.e. all children scenes will have bottom-to-top animation. It is applicable only for containers (different from v3 syntax)
clone     boolean false Scenes marked with clone will be treated as templates and cloned into the current scene's parent when pushed. See example.
on Function aka onEnter. Called when the Scene is navigated to. props are provided as a function param
onExit Function Called when the Scene is navigated away from.
success Function If on returns a "truthy" value then success is called.
failure Function If on returns a "falsey" value then failure is called.
tabs     boolean false load child scenes as TabNavigator. Other Tab Navigator props also apply here.
lazy     boolean false whether to lazily render tabs as needed as opposed to rendering them upfront
hideTabBar     boolean false hide the tab bar (only applies to scenes with tabs specified)
tabBarPosition     string Specifies tabbar position. Defaults to bottom on iOS and top on Android.
activeTintColor     string Specifies the active tint color for tabbar icons
tabBarComponent React.Component React component to render custom tab bar
swipeEnabled     boolean true Enable or disable swiping tabs.
animationEnabled     boolean true Enable or disable animating tabs on switch.
showLabel     boolean true Boolean to show or not the tabbar icons labels
drawer     boolean false load child scenes inside DrawerNavigator
drawerImage Image Image to substitute drawer 'hamburger' icon, you have to set it together with drawer prop
contentComponent React.Component Component used to render the content of the drawer (e.g. navigation items).
onLeft     boolean false load child scenes as DrawerNavigator
navTransparent     boolean false nav bar background transparency
navigationBarStyle     Style Style applied to nav bar
hideNavBar     boolean false hide the nav bar
title string Text to be displayed in the center of the nav bar.
titleStyle Style Style applied to the title
onLeft Function Called when the left nav bar button is pressed.
onRight Function Called when the right nav bar button is pressed.
leftButtonImage Image Image to substitute for the left nav bar button
leftButtonTextStyle Style Style applied to left button text
rightButtonImage Image Image to substitute for the right nav bar button
rightButtonTextStyle Style Style applied to right button text
headerBackTitle string Specifies the back button title for scene
back     boolean false Show a back button on the left side of the nav bar that calls Actions.pop on press.
all other props Any other props not listed here will be pass on to the specified Scene's component


Property Type Default Description
[key] Function Scenes are "automagically" added as functions on the Actions object by key. To navigate to a scene, call Actions.{key}. The function takes an Object which gets passed to the Scene as React props.
pop Function Go back to the previous scene by "popping" the current scene off the nav stack
refresh Function "Refresh" the current scene. The function takes an Object which gets passed to the Scene as React props.