This part of the pipeline provide useful notification steps for build results.
💡 If you want to send messages during the build have a look at Instant Messaging (im)
With jenkins pipeline the sending of notifications lost some functionality. For example the
- Still Failing
- Still Unstable and
- Fixed
results are no longer available (at the moment)
The notify.*
steps bring back parts of this convenience.
The notify.*
steps support build result
specific configurations.
With the configuration options for the build status, like
you have the following configuration options. Simply enable it by
setting the configuration option to true
, or disable it by setting the
value to false
In more complex scenarios you can specify build result specific configurations like:
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
(NOTIFY) : [
(NOTIFY_TO) : "",
(NOTIFY_TO) : "",
So you are able to configure custom options for each build result. You
can use each non build result specific configuration options again in
these configs maps (because placing a (NOTIFY_ON_FAILURE)
inside a
wouldn't make sense).
💡 Please be aware that the build result specific
configuration is merged with the "root" configuration! This especially
affects the ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_RECIPIENT_PROVIDERS
since this is a
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
(NOTIFY) : [
(NOTIFY_TO): "recipient1@domain.tld,recipient2@domain.tld"
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
(NOTIFY) : [
(NOTIFY_ON_ABORT) : false,
(NOTIFY_ON_FIXED) : false,
(NOTIFY_RECIPIENT_PROVIDERS): [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider']]
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
(NOTIFY) : [
(NOTIFY_SUBJECT): 'Custom notification for ${PROJECT_NAME} with status: ${NOTIFICATION_TRIGGER}',
❗ Make sure to use single quotes here because environment variables would otherwise be directly evaluated!
This step supports the Generic Configuration mechanism for loading and applying a FQJN based auto-lookup for the appropriate configuration options.
💡 FQJN = Fully-Qualified Job Name =
💡 This method of configuration is recommended!
When using this mechanism the step expects a YAML pipeline resource with
the path resources/jenkins-pipeline-library/config/notify/mail.yaml
💡 An example for this mail.yaml
is here:
Complete list of all configuration options.
All configuration options must be inside the notify
) map element to be
evaluated and used by the step.
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
(NOTIFY) : [
(NOTIFY_TO): "recipient@domain.tld"
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_ATTACH_LOG |
Type | Boolean |
Default | false |
Controls if the log should be attached to the mail.
💡 See Email Extension Plugin
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_ATTACHMENTS_PATTERN |
Type | String , comma separated list of ANT patterns |
Default | '' |
The pattern(s) for the attachments which should be send along with the email.
💡 See Email Extension Plugin
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_BODY |
Type | String |
Default | ${DEFAULT_CONTENT} |
The body of the mail. The pipeline script assumes that you have a configured email template in place so default values is used ${DEFAULT_CONTENT}
💡 See Email Extension Plugin
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_COMPRESS_LOG |
Type | Boolean |
Default | false |
When set to true
the log is attached to the mail as compressed zip.
💡 See Email Extension Plugin
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_ENABLED |
Type | Boolean |
Default | true |
Disables the notifications when set to false
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_MIME_TYPE |
Type | String |
Default | null |
The mimeType of the mail. The pipeline script assumes that you have configured the mimeType in the "Extended E-mail Notification" section of your Jenkins instance.
💡 See Email Extension Plugin
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_ON_ABORT |
Type | Boolean or Map with custom configuration |
Default | false |
When set to true
a notification is send when the job is aborted.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_ON_FAILURE |
Type | Boolean or Map with custom configuration |
Default | true |
When set to true
a notification is send when the job swiches to
failure (first failure)
❗ For controlling the behavior when a job failes more than one time in a row see onStillFailing
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_ON_STILL_FAILING |
Type | Boolean or Map with custom configuration |
Default | true |
When set to true
a notification is send when the job failed and the
previous build failed.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_ON_FIXED |
Type | Boolean or Map with custom configuration |
Default | true |
When set to true
a notification is send when the job status switches
from a non successful to successful.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_ON_SUCCESS |
Type | Boolean or Map with custom configuration |
Default | false |
When set to true
a notification is send every time a job is
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_ON_UNSTABLE |
Type | Boolean or Map with custom configuration |
Default | true |
When set to true
a notification is send when the job switches to unstable.
❗ For controlling the behavior when a job is unstable more than one time in a row see onStillUnstable
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_ON_STILL_UNSTABLE |
Type | Boolean or Map with custom configuration |
Default | true |
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_RECIPIENT_PROVIDERS |
Type | List of Map with RecipientProvider classes |
Default | [[$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider'],[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'],[$class: 'FailingTestSuspectsRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'FirstFailingBuildSuspectsRecipientProvider'],[$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider'][$class: 'UpstreamComitterRecipientProvider']] |
The list of recipient providers used to determine who should receive a
notification. Per default all recipent providers (except ListProvider
are used.
💡 See Email Extension Plugin
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_SUBJECT |
Type | String |
The subject for the mail.
💡 See Email Extension Plugin
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_REPLY_TO |
Type | String |
Default | ${DEFAULT_REPLYTO} |
The reply to mail address.
💡 See Email Extension Plugin
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_TO |
Type | String , comma separated list of email adresses |
Default | null |
Recipients that should always get a notification. This list has to be a comma separated String of mail adresses.
💡 See Email Extension Plugin
The notify.mattermost
step uses im.mattermost
to send build notifications.
💡 If you want to send messages during the build have a look at Instant Messaging (im)
This step supports the Generic Configuration mechanism for loading and applying a FQJN based auto-lookup for the appropriate configuration options.
💡 FQJN = Fully-Qualified Job Name =
💡 This method of configuration is recommended!
When using this mechanism the step expects a YAML pipeline resource with
the path resources/jenkins-pipeline-library/config/notify/mattermost.yaml
💡 An example for this mattermost.yaml
is here: mattermost.yaml
Complete list of all configuration options.
All configuration options must be inside the NOTIFY_MATTERMOST
map element to be evaluated and used by the step.
You have to provide at least a NOTIFY_MATTERMOST_CHANNEL
and either a
or a credential containing the endpoint by
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
NotificationTriggerHelper triggerHelper = this.getTriggerHelper()
String defaultMattermostMessage = "**${triggerHelper.getTrigger()}** - <${env.BUILD_URL}|${env.JOB_NAME} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}>\n <${env.BUILD_URL}console|open console>"
String defaultColor = triggerHelper.getTrigger().getColor()
(NOTIFY_MATTERMOST_MESSAGE) : defaultMattermostMessage,
(NOTIFY_ON_ABORT) : false,
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_MATTERMOST_ENABLED |
Type | Boolean |
Default | true |
Enables / disables mattermost notifications.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_MATTERMOST_CHANNEL |
Type | String |
Default | null |
The channel to post messages to.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_MATTERMOST_COLOR |
Type | String |
Default | Result.getColor() |
The color for the message. When using the defaults the color is retrieved from the parsed build result object. See Result.groovy for the color definition.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_MATTERMOST_ENDPOINT |
Type | String |
Default | null |
Configures the mattermost endpoint (e.g. webhook) to use. Overwrites
when set. Refer to
Mattermost Notification Plugin documentation
for more information.
Type | String |
Default | null |
Specifies a secret text (String) credential to use as the Mattermost
endpoint. Will not be used when endpoint
is configured.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_MATTERMOST_FAIL_ON_ERROR |
Type | Boolean |
Default | false |
Controls if the step will fail when there are issues during sending the message.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_MATTERMOST_ICON |
Type | String |
Default | null |
The icon to use for the message. Refer to Mattermost Notification Plugin documentation for more information.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_MATTERMOST_MESSAGE |
Type | String |
Default | `"${triggerHelper.getTrigger()} - ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} (<${env.BUILD_URL} |
The message of the mattermost notification. Refer to Mattermost Notification Plugin documentation for more information.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_MATTERMOST_TEXT |
Type | String |
Default | null |
Optional text. Refer to Mattermost Notification Plugin.
The notify.mqtt
step is basically a wrapper for the MQTT Notification
This step is designed to send an mqtt default message that is compatible with wcm_io_devops.jenkins_xfd which displays the build status using hardware from Cleware.
This step supports the Generic Configuration
mechanism for loading and applying SCM_URL
auto-lookup for the appropriate configuration options.
💡 This method of configuration is recommended!
When using this mechanism the step expects a YAML pipeline resource with
the path resources/jenkins-pipeline-library/config/notify/mqtt.yaml
💡 An example for this mqtt.yaml
is here:
Complete list of all configuration options.
All configuration options must be inside the notifyMqtt
map element to be evaluated and used by the step.
import io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.NotificationTriggerHelper
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
NotificationTriggerHelper triggerHelper = this.getTriggerHelper()
Result buildResult = triggerHelper.getTrigger()
Integer timestamp = Integer.parseInt(sh(script: "echo \$(date +%s)", returnStdout: true).trim())
String defaultMqttMessage = """\
BUILD_NUMBER: ${Integer.parseInt(env.getProperty("BUILD_NUMBER"))}
BUILD_RESULT: '${buildResult.toString()}'
BUILD_RESULT_COLOR: '${buildResult.getColor()}'
BUILD_URL: '${env.getProperty("BUILD_URL")}'
JENKINS_URL: '${env.getProperty("JENKINS_URL")}'
JOB_BASE_NAME: '${env.getProperty("JOB_BASE_NAME")}'
JOB_DISPLAY_URL: '${env.getProperty("JOB_DISPLAY_URL")}'
JOB_NAME: '${env.getProperty("JOB_NAME")}'
TIMESTAMP: ${timestamp}"""
(NOTIFY_MQTT_MESSAGE) : defaultMqttMessage,
(NOTIFY_MQTT_TOPIC) : "jenkins/${env.getProperty('JOB_NAME')}",
The minimal configuration is as follows:
Map config = [
(NOTIFY_MQTT_BROKER) : "tcp://localhost:1883"
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_MQTT_BROKER |
Type | String |
Default | null |
This setting is mandatory. Example:
Map config = [
(NOTIFY_MQTT_BROKER) : "tcp://localhost:1883"
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_MQTT_CREDENTIALS_ID |
Type | String |
Default | '' |
Specifies the username/password credentials to use.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_MQTT_ENABLED |
Type | Boolean |
Default | true |
Enables/Disables the notifications.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_MQTT_MESSAGE |
Type | String |
Default | see below |
Specifies the MQTT message to send, default:
String defaultMqttMessage = """\
JOB_DISPLAY_URL: '${env.getProperty("JOB_DISPLAY_URL")}'
BUILD_RESULT: '${currentBuild.result}'
JOB_NAME: '${env.getProperty("JOB_NAME")}'
BUILD_NUMBER: '${env.getProperty("BUILD_NUMBER")}'"""
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_MQTT_QOS |
Type | String |
Default | '0' |
Specifies the MQTT qos to use.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_MQTT_RETAIN |
Type | Boolean |
Default | 'false' |
Sets the message retain option.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_MQTT_TOPIC |
Type | String |
Default | jenkins/${env.getProperty('JOB_NAME')} |
Specifies the MQTT topic to send.
The notify.teams
step uses im.teams
to send build notifications.
💡 If you want to send messages during the build have a look at Instant Messaging (im)
This step supports the Generic Configuration mechanism for loading and applying a FQJN based auto-lookup for the appropriate configuration options.
💡 FQJN = Fully-Qualified Job Name =
💡 This method of configuration is recommended!
When using this mechanism the step expects a YAML pipeline resource with
the path resources/jenkins-pipeline-library/config/notify/teams.yaml
💡 An example for this teams.yaml
is here: teams.yaml
Complete list of all configuration options.
All configuration options must be inside the NOTIFY_TEAMS
map element to be evaluated and used by the step.
You have to provide either a NOTIFY_TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL
or a credential containing the webhook URL by
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
NotificationTriggerHelper triggerHelper = this.getTriggerHelper()
String defaultColor = triggerHelper.getTrigger().getColor()
(NOTIFY_TEAMS_COLOR) : defaultColor,
(NOTIFY_ON_ABORT) : false,
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_TEAMS_ENABLED |
Type | Boolean |
Default | true |
Enables / disables MS Teams notifications.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL |
Type | String |
Default | null |
The URL of the webhook that Jenkins needs to send notifications to MS Teams. You will obtain this URL while setting up the Jenkins connector in your MS Teams channel. For more information, refer to Microsoft's documentation.
Type | String |
Default | null |
Specifies a secret text (String) credential to use as the MS Teams webhook URL.
Will not be used when endpoint
is configured.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_TEAMS_MESSAGE |
Type | String |
Default | null |
The message of the MS Teams notification. This defaults to null
since the plugin already provides a pretty detailed
message by default.
Constant | ConfigConstants.NOTIFY_TEAMS_COLOR |
Type | String |
Default | Result.getColor() |
The color for the message. When using the defaults the color is retrieved from the parsed build result object. See Result.groovy for the color definition.