This is a broad-strokes calendar of anticipated topics. The detailed readings will be announced at least one week in advance.
References to the following standard textbooks will be included in the detailed (typically a reference to equivalent sections in each of the three standard textbooks):
- [SAK] J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics (1985)
- [LB] M. Le Bellac, Quantum Physics (2012)
- [GY] K. Gottfried, T.-M. Yan, Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals (2003)
- Introduction of the course and objectives
- Quantum mechanical systems in finite dimensions (two states)
- Quantum mechanical systems in finite dimensions (two states)
- The postulates of quantum mechanics
- The postulates of quantum mechanics
- Symmetries and conservation laws
- Quantum mechanical systems in finite dimensions (more than two states)
- Quantum mechanical systems in finite dimensions (more than two states)
- Entangled quantum states
- Quantum mechanical systems in infinite dimensions
- Wave mechanics
- Wave mechanics
- Symmetries in quantum mechanics
- Theory of angular momentum
- Theory of angular momentum