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File metadata and controls

328 lines (228 loc) · 10.3 KB

Filtering, Pagination and Sorting

Filtering, pagination and column sorting all work through the same mechanism in Fae.

To use any one of these, you'll need to add a route to access the built in filter action.

# config/routes.rb

resources :people do
  post 'filter', on: :collection


If you need to filter your content on your table views, Fae provides a system and helpers to do so.

Using the helpers provided, the filter form will POST to a filter action inherited from Fae::BaseController. You can override this action, but by default it will pass the params to a class method in your model called filter. It's then up you to scope the data that gets returned and rendered in the table.

Let's walk through an example. Using the Person model from above, let's say a person belongs_to :company and has_many :groups. We'll want to use select filters for companies and groups, and a keyword search to filter by people and company name.

View Helpers

Next we'll add the form to our view as the first child of .content:

/ app/views/admin/people/index.html.slim

/ ...

  == fae_filter_form do
    == fae_filter_select :company
    == fae_filter_select :groups

    / ...

The search field is built into fae_filter_form, but we'll need to provide a fae_filter_select for each select element in our filter bar.

Heavy customization of views can confuse the AJAX function that injects results into the table. This can be solved by adding the class js-results-table to the results table.

Class Methods

Finally we need to define our class methods to scope the Person class. This data will be assigned to @items and injected into the table via AJAX.


ModelName#filter(params) will be the scope when data is filtered. The params passed in will be the data directly from the fae_filter_select helpers we defined, plus params['search'] from the search field.

From the form above we can assume our params look like this:

  'search'  => 'text from search field',
  'company' => 12, # value from company select
  'groups'  => 3 # value from groups select

So let's use that data to craft our class method.

# app/models/person.rb

def self.filter(params)
  # build conditions if specific params are present
  conditions = {}
  conditions[:company_id] = params['company'] if params['company'].present?
  conditions[''] = params['groups'] if params['groups'].present?

  # use good 'ol MySQL to search if search param is present
  search = []
  if params['search'].present?
    search = [" LIKE ? OR LIKE ?", "%#{params['search']}%", "%#{params['search']}%"]

  # apply conditions and search from above to our scope
    .includes(:company, :groups).references(:company, :groups)

Fae Filter Form


Filter form

Displays the filter form, which includes the search field, submit, and reset buttons. It accepts options, followed by an optional block.

option type default description
action string "#{@index_path}/filter" the path the form submits to
title string "Search #{@klass_humanized.pluralize.titleize}" the h2 text in the filter form
search boolean true displays the search field
cookie_key string false set your cookie name on the fae_filter_form if you want to persist the selected filtered state


== fae_filter_form title: 'Search some stuff', search: false do
  // optional form elements

Fae Filter Select

fae_filter_select(attribute, options)

Filter select

Dislays a select tag to be used within a fae_filter_form.

option type default description
label string attribute.to_s.titleize label on select
collection ActiveRecord collection AttributeAsClass.for_fae_index the collection of AR objects to populate the select options
label_method symbol :fae_display_field the attribute to use as the label in the select options
placeholder string or boolean "All #{options[:label]}" the blank value in the select. It can be set to false to disable
options array [] an alternative array of options if the options aren't an ActiveRecord collection
grouped_options array [] an alternative array of grouped options if the options aren't an ActiveRecord collection
grouped_by symbol a Fae association on the models in collection. The association must have a fae_display_name method


== fae_filter_form do
  == fae_filter_select :group, label: 'Groupings', collection: Groups.for_filters
  == fae_filter_select :group, label: 'Groupings', collection: Groups.for_filters, grouped_by: :filter


Fae paginate

If your index tables are stacked with items and it's taking a while to load, you may consider adding pagination to them. To do this, just follow these steps.

Verify the object resources has the filter route:

# config/routes.rb

resources :people do
  post 'filter', on: :collection

Then call the fae_paginate helper under the table:


/ app/views/admin/people/index.html.slim

  / table stuff here

== fae_paginate @items

The fae_paginate helper can be called anywhere and will return correct links to paginate @items, given @items is an ActiveRecord collection. However, directly under the table is where our CSS supports it. Other places may need additional CSS.

Customize items per page

Pagination in Fae defaults to 25 items per page, but that can be customize in Fae's initializer:

# config/initializers/fae.rb

Fae.setup do |config|
  ## per_page
  # Sets the default number of items shown in paginated lists
  # Defaults to 25
  config.per_page = 50

Under the hood Fae uses Kaminari to power the pagination, so ther are additional ways to customize it, including:

  • adding paginates_per 50 to specific models
  • overriding Fae's Kaminari initializer with your own
  • ignore fae_paginate and use Kaminari's paginate directly
  • etc...

Enable Pagination in the Controller

Pagination is disabled in the Fae:BaseController by default. This can be customized with a private use_paginationmethod in controllers inheriting from Fae::BaseController.

# app/controllers/admin/example_controller.rb

module Admin
  class ExamplesController < Fae::BaseController


      def use_pagination


Column Sorting

Column sorting is easy to add in if you aren't paginating your table. Adding a js-sort-column class to the table will make the table headers clickable, allowing you to arrange the items in the table via the data in the column.

This method relies on the data already in the table, so if you are paginating your items, only the current page you're on will be sorted. This is probably not the expected functionality, but Fae has a second way of dealing with this.

Getting pagination and column sorting to play nice together

Again, verify the object resources has the filter route:

# config/routes.rb

resources :people do
  post 'filter', on: :collection

Then remove the old js-sort-column class from the table.

For each column you want enable, add a data-sort attr to the <th> following these conventions.

For an attribute on the current object:


To sort by an association's attribute:


association_name must be an existing column and association_name must be a defined association on the current object.

Here's an example:

/ app/views/admin/people/index.html.slim

      th data-sort="first_name" Name
      th data-sort="title" Title
      th data-sort="slug" Slug
      th data-sort="" Location
      th.-action-wide data-sort="updated_at" Modified
      th.-action-wide On Stage
      th.-action-wide On Prod
# app/models/person.rb

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Fae::BaseModelConcern

  belongs_to :office

Row Sorting

Fae uses jQuery UI Sortable to make your tables rows drag-and-drop sortable. To take advantage of this add a position attribute to your object when you scaffold it:

rails g fae:scaffold Person first_name last_name position:integer

If your object has already been created you'll have to do a couple steps to make it sortable.

  1. Add an integer position column on your object with a type of integer.

  2. Add a default scope to the object model to always order by position. Optionally you can config acts_as_list

class Person < ApplicationRecord
  acts_as_list add_new_at: :top
  default_scope { order(:position) }
  # ...
  1. In your HTML you must add the js-sort-row class to your <table>, and the sortable-handle class on the <td> you want to make draggable. Here is an example in slim:
table.js-sort-row / <---- here
      th.-action data-sorter='false'
      th Name
    - @items.each do |item|
      tr id=fae_sort_id(item)
        td.sortable-handle / <---- here
        td =