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Vowel scripts

This folder contains two scripts:

  1. This Praat script goes through all the files in a folder and writes in a txt information about formants, duration, intensity and F0.
  2. A Praat script that extracts the whole formant of labelled intervals that contain a vowel. It can be used with a by-sentence segemntation, or by-syllable segmentation. From eacha time step it extracts a the formants value, intensity, F0 and duration of the interval. This type of dataset is valuable to use with GAMMs.


A sound and a Textgrid with THE SAME filename and without spaces in the filename. For example this_is_my_sentence.wav and this_is_my_sentence.TextGrid The format of the TextGrid must be: tier1 interval for each sound, the script will analyse only intervals with labels that have one of these symbols a, e, i ,o ,u, ɪ, ɛ, æ, ɑ, ɔ, ʊ, ʌ, ɝ


  1. Open the script (Open/Read from file...), click Run in the upper menu and Run again.
  2. Set the parameters. a) Folder where the files you want to analyse are b) Name of the txt where the results will be saved c) Data to optimise the formantic analysis d) Data for optimizing the pitch (F0) detection


The output is a tab separated txt file (can be dragged to Excel, beware decimals are ".") with the following information in columns. Depending on the script that you are using you will find an interval per row or a sample point per row. a) file name b) number of the Interval c) label of the interval in the tier of the analysis: vowel or sentence d) F0 e) F1 f) F2 h) F3 i) F4 j) Duration of the vowel k) Intensity of the vowel at its mid point or mean intensity in the interval.


(c) Wendy Elvira García Contact Laboratori de Fonètica (Universitat de Barcelona)