diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 0d452e1..3677ff3 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+## [0.0.7](https://github.com/wessberg/cjs-to-esm-transformer/compare/v0.0.6...v0.0.7) (2019-06-21)
## [0.0.6](https://github.com/wessberg/cjs-to-esm-transformer/compare/v0.0.5...v0.0.6) (2019-05-29)
## [0.0.5](https://github.com/wessberg/cjs-to-esm-transformer/compare/v0.0.4...v0.0.5) (2019-05-09)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8e663c4..5792731 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -365,9 +365,9 @@ Do you want to contribute? Awesome! Please follow [these recommendations](./CONT
## Maintainers
-| |
-| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [Frederik Wessberg](mailto:frederikwessberg@hotmail.com)
Twitter: [@FredWessberg](https://twitter.com/FredWessberg)
_Lead Developer_ |
+| |
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| [Frederik Wessberg](mailto:frederikwessberg@hotmail.com)
Twitter: [@FredWessberg](https://twitter.com/FredWessberg)
Github: [@wessberg](https://github.com/wessberg)
_Lead Developer_ |
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 0afcaa6..7fa6540 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@wessberg/cjs-to-esm-transformer",
- "version": "0.0.6",
+ "version": "0.0.7",
"description": "A Custom Transformer for Typescript that transforms Node-style CommonJS to tree-shakeable ES Modules",
"scripts": {
"generate:readme": "scaffold readme --yes",
diff --git a/src/transformer/built-in/built-in-module-map.ts b/src/transformer/built-in/built-in-module-map.ts
index 62fe5cf..29c2d99 100644
--- a/src/transformer/built-in/built-in-module-map.ts
+++ b/src/transformer/built-in/built-in-module-map.ts
@@ -2,1011 +2,937 @@
* @file This file is auto-generated. Do not change its contents.
-import { ElementOf } from "../util/element-of";
-import { ModuleExports } from "../module-exports/module-exports";
+import {ElementOf} from "../util/element-of";
+import {ModuleExports} from "../module-exports/module-exports";
export const BUILT_IN_MODULE = new Set([
- "assert",
- "async_hooks",
- "buffer",
- "child_process",
- "cluster",
- "console",
- "constants",
- "crypto",
- "dgram",
- "dns",
- "domain",
- "events",
- "fs",
- "http",
- "http2",
- "https",
- "inspector",
- "module",
- "net",
- "os",
- "path",
- "perf_hooks",
- "process",
- "punycode",
- "querystring",
- "readline",
- "repl",
- "stream",
- "string_decoder",
- "timers",
- "tls",
- "trace_events",
- "tty",
- "url",
- "util",
- "v8",
- "vm",
- "worker_threads",
- "zlib"
+ "assert",
+ "async_hooks",
+ "buffer",
+ "child_process",
+ "cluster",
+ "console",
+ "constants",
+ "crypto",
+ "dgram",
+ "dns",
+ "domain",
+ "events",
+ "fs",
+ "http",
+ "http2",
+ "https",
+ "inspector",
+ "module",
+ "net",
+ "os",
+ "path",
+ "perf_hooks",
+ "process",
+ "punycode",
+ "querystring",
+ "readline",
+ "repl",
+ "stream",
+ "string_decoder",
+ "timers",
+ "tls",
+ "trace_events",
+ "tty",
+ "url",
+ "util",
+ "v8",
+ "vm",
+ "worker_threads",
+ "zlib"
] as const);
export type BuiltInModule = ElementOf;
-export type BuiltInModuleMap = { [Key in BuiltInModule]: ModuleExports };
+export type BuiltInModuleMap = {
+ [Key in BuiltInModule]: ModuleExports;
-export function isBuiltInModule(
- moduleName: string
-): moduleName is BuiltInModule {
- return BUILT_IN_MODULE.has(moduleName as BuiltInModule);
+export function isBuiltInModule(moduleName: string): moduleName is BuiltInModule {
+ return BUILT_IN_MODULE.has(moduleName as BuiltInModule);
export const BUILT_IN_MODULE_MAP: BuiltInModuleMap = {
- assert: {
- namedExports: new Set([]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- async_hooks: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "createHook",
- "executionAsyncId",
- "triggerAsyncId",
- "AsyncResource"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- buffer: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "Buffer",
- "SlowBuffer",
- "transcode",
- "kMaxLength",
- "kStringMaxLength",
- "constants",
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- child_process: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "ChildProcess",
- "fork",
- "exec",
- "execFile",
- "spawn",
- "spawnSync",
- "execFileSync",
- "execSync"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- cluster: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "isWorker",
- "isMaster",
- "Worker",
- "workers",
- "settings",
- "schedulingPolicy",
- "setupMaster",
- "fork",
- "disconnect"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- console: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "log",
- "warn",
- "dir",
- "time",
- "timeEnd",
- "timeLog",
- "trace",
- "assert",
- "clear",
- "count",
- "countReset",
- "group",
- "groupEnd",
- "table",
- "debug",
- "info",
- "dirxml",
- "error",
- "groupCollapsed",
- "Console",
- "profile",
- "profileEnd",
- "timeStamp",
- "context"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- constants: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "E2BIG",
- "EBADF",
- "EBUSY",
- "EDOM",
- "EFBIG",
- "EIDRM",
- "EINTR",
- "EIO",
- "ELOOP",
- "ENOSR",
- "ENXIO",
- "EPERM",
- "EPIPE",
- "EROFS",
- "ESRCH",
- "ETIME",
- "EXDEV",
- "SIGUSR1",
- "SIGUSR2",
- "SIGIO",
- "O_RDWR",
- "S_IFMT",
- "S_IFREG",
- "S_IFDIR",
- "S_IFCHR",
- "S_IFBLK",
- "S_IFIFO",
- "S_IFLNK",
- "O_CREAT",
- "O_EXCL",
- "O_TRUNC",
- "O_SYNC",
- "O_DSYNC",
- "S_IRWXU",
- "S_IRUSR",
- "S_IWUSR",
- "S_IXUSR",
- "S_IRWXG",
- "S_IRGRP",
- "S_IWGRP",
- "S_IXGRP",
- "S_IRWXO",
- "S_IROTH",
- "S_IWOTH",
- "S_IXOTH",
- "F_OK",
- "R_OK",
- "W_OK",
- "X_OK",
- "SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2",
- "SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3",
- "SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1",
- "SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1",
- "SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2",
- "defaultCoreCipherList",
- "defaultCipherList"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- crypto: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "createCipheriv",
- "createDecipheriv",
- "createDiffieHellman",
- "createDiffieHellmanGroup",
- "createECDH",
- "createHash",
- "createHmac",
- "createPrivateKey",
- "createPublicKey",
- "createSecretKey",
- "createSign",
- "createVerify",
- "getCiphers",
- "getCurves",
- "getDiffieHellman",
- "getHashes",
- "pbkdf2",
- "pbkdf2Sync",
- "generateKeyPair",
- "generateKeyPairSync",
- "privateDecrypt",
- "privateEncrypt",
- "publicDecrypt",
- "publicEncrypt",
- "randomBytes",
- "randomFill",
- "randomFillSync",
- "scrypt",
- "scryptSync",
- "sign",
- "setEngine",
- "timingSafeEqual",
- "getFips",
- "setFips",
- "verify",
- "Certificate",
- "Cipher",
- "Cipheriv",
- "Decipher",
- "Decipheriv",
- "DiffieHellman",
- "DiffieHellmanGroup",
- "ECDH",
- "Hash",
- "Hmac",
- "KeyObject",
- "Sign",
- "Verify",
- "constants"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- dgram: {
- namedExports: new Set(["createSocket", "Socket"]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- dns: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "lookup",
- "lookupService",
- "Resolver",
- "setServers",
- "EOF",
- "FILE",
- "NOMEM",
- "getServers",
- "resolve",
- "resolve4",
- "resolve6",
- "resolveAny",
- "resolveCname",
- "resolveMx",
- "resolveNaptr",
- "resolveNs",
- "resolvePtr",
- "resolveSoa",
- "resolveSrv",
- "resolveTxt",
- "reverse",
- "promises"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- domain: {
- namedExports: new Set(["Domain", "createDomain", "create", "active"]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- events: {
- namedExports: new Set([]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- fs: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "appendFile",
- "appendFileSync",
- "access",
- "accessSync",
- "chown",
- "chownSync",
- "chmod",
- "chmodSync",
- "close",
- "closeSync",
- "copyFile",
- "copyFileSync",
- "createReadStream",
- "createWriteStream",
- "exists",
- "existsSync",
- "fchown",
- "fchownSync",
- "fchmod",
- "fchmodSync",
- "fdatasync",
- "fdatasyncSync",
- "fstat",
- "fstatSync",
- "fsync",
- "fsyncSync",
- "ftruncate",
- "ftruncateSync",
- "futimes",
- "futimesSync",
- "lchown",
- "lchownSync",
- "lchmod",
- "lchmodSync",
- "link",
- "linkSync",
- "lstat",
- "lstatSync",
- "mkdir",
- "mkdirSync",
- "mkdtemp",
- "mkdtempSync",
- "open",
- "openSync",
- "readdir",
- "readdirSync",
- "read",
- "readSync",
- "readFile",
- "readFileSync",
- "readlink",
- "readlinkSync",
- "realpath",
- "realpathSync",
- "rename",
- "renameSync",
- "rmdir",
- "rmdirSync",
- "stat",
- "statSync",
- "symlink",
- "symlinkSync",
- "truncate",
- "truncateSync",
- "unwatchFile",
- "unlink",
- "unlinkSync",
- "utimes",
- "utimesSync",
- "watch",
- "watchFile",
- "writeFile",
- "writeFileSync",
- "write",
- "writeSync",
- "Dirent",
- "Stats",
- "ReadStream",
- "WriteStream",
- "FileReadStream",
- "FileWriteStream",
- "F_OK",
- "R_OK",
- "W_OK",
- "X_OK",
- "constants",
- "promises"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- http: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "Agent",
- "ClientRequest",
- "IncomingMessage",
- "OutgoingMessage",
- "Server",
- "ServerResponse",
- "createServer",
- "get",
- "request",
- "maxHeaderSize",
- "globalAgent"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- http2: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "connect",
- "constants",
- "createServer",
- "createSecureServer",
- "getDefaultSettings",
- "getPackedSettings",
- "getUnpackedSettings",
- "Http2ServerRequest",
- "Http2ServerResponse"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- https: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "Agent",
- "globalAgent",
- "Server",
- "createServer",
- "get",
- "request"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- inspector: {
- namedExports: new Set(["open", "close", "url", "console", "Session"]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- module: {
- namedExports: new Set([]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- net: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "connect",
- "createConnection",
- "createServer",
- "isIP",
- "isIPv4",
- "isIPv6",
- "Server",
- "Socket",
- "Stream"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- os: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "arch",
- "cpus",
- "endianness",
- "freemem",
- "getPriority",
- "homedir",
- "hostname",
- "loadavg",
- "networkInterfaces",
- "platform",
- "release",
- "setPriority",
- "tmpdir",
- "totalmem",
- "type",
- "userInfo",
- "uptime",
- "tmpDir",
- "constants",
- "EOL"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- path: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "resolve",
- "normalize",
- "isAbsolute",
- "join",
- "relative",
- "toNamespacedPath",
- "dirname",
- "basename",
- "extname",
- "format",
- "parse",
- "sep",
- "delimiter",
- "win32",
- "posix"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- perf_hooks: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "performance",
- "PerformanceObserver",
- "monitorEventLoopDelay",
- "constants"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- process: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "version",
- "versions",
- "arch",
- "platform",
- "release",
- "moduleLoadList",
- "binding",
- "domain",
- "config",
- "abort",
- "umask",
- "chdir",
- "cwd",
- "dlopen",
- "uptime",
- "reallyExit",
- "hrtime",
- "cpuUsage",
- "memoryUsage",
- "kill",
- "exit",
- "getuid",
- "geteuid",
- "getgid",
- "getegid",
- "getgroups",
- "initgroups",
- "setgroups",
- "setegid",
- "seteuid",
- "setgid",
- "setuid",
- "stdout",
- "stderr",
- "stdin",
- "openStdin",
- "allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags",
- "assert",
- "features",
- "setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback",
- "hasUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback",
- "emitWarning",
- "nextTick",
- "env",
- "title",
- "argv",
- "execArgv",
- "pid",
- "ppid",
- "execPath",
- "debugPort",
- "argv0",
- "mainModule",
- "emit"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- punycode: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "version",
- "ucs2",
- "decode",
- "encode",
- "toASCII",
- "toUnicode"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- querystring: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "unescapeBuffer",
- "unescape",
- "escape",
- "stringify",
- "encode",
- "parse",
- "decode"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- readline: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "Interface",
- "clearLine",
- "clearScreenDown",
- "createInterface",
- "cursorTo",
- "emitKeypressEvents",
- "moveCursor"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- repl: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "writer",
- "REPLServer",
- "start",
- "Recoverable"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- stream: {
- namedExports: new Set([]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- string_decoder: {
- namedExports: new Set(["StringDecoder"]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- timers: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "setTimeout",
- "clearTimeout",
- "setImmediate",
- "clearImmediate",
- "setInterval",
- "clearInterval",
- "active",
- "unenroll",
- "enroll"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- tls: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "getCiphers",
- "convertALPNProtocols",
- "checkServerIdentity",
- "parseCertString",
- "createSecureContext",
- "SecureContext",
- "TLSSocket",
- "Server",
- "createServer",
- "connect",
- "createSecurePair"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- trace_events: {
- namedExports: new Set(["createTracing", "getEnabledCategories"]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- tty: {
- namedExports: new Set(["isatty", "ReadStream", "WriteStream"]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- url: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "Url",
- "parse",
- "resolve",
- "resolveObject",
- "format",
- "URL",
- "URLSearchParams",
- "domainToASCII",
- "domainToUnicode",
- "pathToFileURL",
- "fileURLToPath"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- util: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "callbackify",
- "debuglog",
- "deprecate",
- "format",
- "formatWithOptions",
- "getSystemErrorName",
- "inherits",
- "inspect",
- "isArray",
- "isBoolean",
- "isBuffer",
- "isDeepStrictEqual",
- "isNull",
- "isNullOrUndefined",
- "isNumber",
- "isString",
- "isSymbol",
- "isUndefined",
- "isRegExp",
- "isObject",
- "isDate",
- "isError",
- "isFunction",
- "isPrimitive",
- "log",
- "promisify",
- "TextDecoder",
- "TextEncoder",
- "types"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- v8: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "cachedDataVersionTag",
- "getHeapSnapshot",
- "getHeapStatistics",
- "getHeapSpaceStatistics",
- "setFlagsFromString",
- "Serializer",
- "Deserializer",
- "DefaultSerializer",
- "DefaultDeserializer",
- "deserialize",
- "serialize",
- "writeHeapSnapshot"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- vm: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "Script",
- "createContext",
- "createScript",
- "runInContext",
- "runInNewContext",
- "runInThisContext",
- "isContext",
- "compileFunction"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- worker_threads: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "isMainThread",
- "MessagePort",
- "MessageChannel",
- "moveMessagePortToContext",
- "threadId",
- "Worker",
- "parentPort",
- "workerData"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- },
- zlib: {
- namedExports: new Set([
- "Deflate",
- "Inflate",
- "Gzip",
- "Gunzip",
- "DeflateRaw",
- "InflateRaw",
- "Unzip",
- "BrotliCompress",
- "BrotliDecompress",
- "deflate",
- "deflateSync",
- "gzip",
- "gzipSync",
- "deflateRaw",
- "deflateRawSync",
- "unzip",
- "unzipSync",
- "inflate",
- "inflateSync",
- "gunzip",
- "gunzipSync",
- "inflateRaw",
- "inflateRawSync",
- "brotliCompress",
- "brotliCompressSync",
- "brotliDecompress",
- "brotliDecompressSync",
- "createDeflate",
- "createInflate",
- "createDeflateRaw",
- "createInflateRaw",
- "createGzip",
- "createGunzip",
- "createUnzip",
- "createBrotliCompress",
- "createBrotliDecompress",
- "constants",
- "codes"
- ]),
- hasDefaultExport: true
- }
+ assert: {
+ namedExports: new Set([]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ async_hooks: {
+ namedExports: new Set(["createHook", "executionAsyncId", "triggerAsyncId", "AsyncResource"]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ buffer: {
+ namedExports: new Set(["Buffer", "SlowBuffer", "transcode", "kMaxLength", "kStringMaxLength", "constants", "INSPECT_MAX_BYTES"]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ child_process: {
+ namedExports: new Set(["ChildProcess", "fork", "exec", "execFile", "spawn", "spawnSync", "execFileSync", "execSync"]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ cluster: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "isWorker",
+ "isMaster",
+ "Worker",
+ "workers",
+ "settings",
+ "schedulingPolicy",
+ "setupMaster",
+ "fork",
+ "disconnect"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ console: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "log",
+ "warn",
+ "dir",
+ "time",
+ "timeEnd",
+ "timeLog",
+ "trace",
+ "assert",
+ "clear",
+ "count",
+ "countReset",
+ "group",
+ "groupEnd",
+ "table",
+ "debug",
+ "info",
+ "dirxml",
+ "error",
+ "groupCollapsed",
+ "Console",
+ "profile",
+ "profileEnd",
+ "timeStamp",
+ "context"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ constants: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "E2BIG",
+ "EBADF",
+ "EBUSY",
+ "EDOM",
+ "EFBIG",
+ "EIDRM",
+ "EINTR",
+ "EIO",
+ "ELOOP",
+ "ENOSR",
+ "ENXIO",
+ "EPERM",
+ "EPIPE",
+ "EROFS",
+ "ESRCH",
+ "ETIME",
+ "EXDEV",
+ "SIGUSR1",
+ "SIGUSR2",
+ "SIGIO",
+ "O_RDWR",
+ "S_IFMT",
+ "S_IFREG",
+ "S_IFDIR",
+ "S_IFCHR",
+ "S_IFBLK",
+ "S_IFIFO",
+ "S_IFLNK",
+ "O_CREAT",
+ "O_EXCL",
+ "O_TRUNC",
+ "O_SYNC",
+ "O_DSYNC",
+ "S_IRWXU",
+ "S_IRUSR",
+ "S_IWUSR",
+ "S_IXUSR",
+ "S_IRWXG",
+ "S_IRGRP",
+ "S_IWGRP",
+ "S_IXGRP",
+ "S_IRWXO",
+ "S_IROTH",
+ "S_IWOTH",
+ "S_IXOTH",
+ "F_OK",
+ "R_OK",
+ "W_OK",
+ "X_OK",
+ "SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2",
+ "SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3",
+ "SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1",
+ "SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1",
+ "SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2",
+ "defaultCoreCipherList",
+ "defaultCipherList"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ crypto: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "createCipheriv",
+ "createDecipheriv",
+ "createDiffieHellman",
+ "createDiffieHellmanGroup",
+ "createECDH",
+ "createHash",
+ "createHmac",
+ "createPrivateKey",
+ "createPublicKey",
+ "createSecretKey",
+ "createSign",
+ "createVerify",
+ "getCiphers",
+ "getCurves",
+ "getDiffieHellman",
+ "getHashes",
+ "pbkdf2",
+ "pbkdf2Sync",
+ "generateKeyPair",
+ "generateKeyPairSync",
+ "privateDecrypt",
+ "privateEncrypt",
+ "publicDecrypt",
+ "publicEncrypt",
+ "randomBytes",
+ "randomFill",
+ "randomFillSync",
+ "scrypt",
+ "scryptSync",
+ "sign",
+ "setEngine",
+ "timingSafeEqual",
+ "getFips",
+ "setFips",
+ "verify",
+ "Certificate",
+ "Cipher",
+ "Cipheriv",
+ "Decipher",
+ "Decipheriv",
+ "DiffieHellman",
+ "DiffieHellmanGroup",
+ "ECDH",
+ "Hash",
+ "Hmac",
+ "KeyObject",
+ "Sign",
+ "Verify",
+ "constants"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ dgram: {
+ namedExports: new Set(["createSocket", "Socket"]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ dns: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "lookup",
+ "lookupService",
+ "Resolver",
+ "setServers",
+ "EOF",
+ "FILE",
+ "NOMEM",
+ "getServers",
+ "resolve",
+ "resolve4",
+ "resolve6",
+ "resolveAny",
+ "resolveCname",
+ "resolveMx",
+ "resolveNaptr",
+ "resolveNs",
+ "resolvePtr",
+ "resolveSoa",
+ "resolveSrv",
+ "resolveTxt",
+ "reverse",
+ "promises"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ domain: {
+ namedExports: new Set(["Domain", "createDomain", "create", "active"]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ events: {
+ namedExports: new Set([]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ fs: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "appendFile",
+ "appendFileSync",
+ "access",
+ "accessSync",
+ "chown",
+ "chownSync",
+ "chmod",
+ "chmodSync",
+ "close",
+ "closeSync",
+ "copyFile",
+ "copyFileSync",
+ "createReadStream",
+ "createWriteStream",
+ "exists",
+ "existsSync",
+ "fchown",
+ "fchownSync",
+ "fchmod",
+ "fchmodSync",
+ "fdatasync",
+ "fdatasyncSync",
+ "fstat",
+ "fstatSync",
+ "fsync",
+ "fsyncSync",
+ "ftruncate",
+ "ftruncateSync",
+ "futimes",
+ "futimesSync",
+ "lchown",
+ "lchownSync",
+ "lchmod",
+ "lchmodSync",
+ "link",
+ "linkSync",
+ "lstat",
+ "lstatSync",
+ "mkdir",
+ "mkdirSync",
+ "mkdtemp",
+ "mkdtempSync",
+ "open",
+ "openSync",
+ "readdir",
+ "readdirSync",
+ "read",
+ "readSync",
+ "readFile",
+ "readFileSync",
+ "readlink",
+ "readlinkSync",
+ "realpath",
+ "realpathSync",
+ "rename",
+ "renameSync",
+ "rmdir",
+ "rmdirSync",
+ "stat",
+ "statSync",
+ "symlink",
+ "symlinkSync",
+ "truncate",
+ "truncateSync",
+ "unwatchFile",
+ "unlink",
+ "unlinkSync",
+ "utimes",
+ "utimesSync",
+ "watch",
+ "watchFile",
+ "writeFile",
+ "writeFileSync",
+ "write",
+ "writeSync",
+ "Dirent",
+ "Stats",
+ "ReadStream",
+ "WriteStream",
+ "FileReadStream",
+ "FileWriteStream",
+ "F_OK",
+ "R_OK",
+ "W_OK",
+ "X_OK",
+ "constants",
+ "promises"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ http: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "Agent",
+ "ClientRequest",
+ "IncomingMessage",
+ "OutgoingMessage",
+ "Server",
+ "ServerResponse",
+ "createServer",
+ "get",
+ "request",
+ "maxHeaderSize",
+ "globalAgent"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ http2: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "connect",
+ "constants",
+ "createServer",
+ "createSecureServer",
+ "getDefaultSettings",
+ "getPackedSettings",
+ "getUnpackedSettings",
+ "Http2ServerRequest",
+ "Http2ServerResponse"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ https: {
+ namedExports: new Set(["Agent", "globalAgent", "Server", "createServer", "get", "request"]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ inspector: {
+ namedExports: new Set(["open", "close", "url", "console", "Session"]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ module: {
+ namedExports: new Set([]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ net: {
+ namedExports: new Set(["connect", "createConnection", "createServer", "isIP", "isIPv4", "isIPv6", "Server", "Socket", "Stream"]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ os: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "arch",
+ "cpus",
+ "endianness",
+ "freemem",
+ "getPriority",
+ "homedir",
+ "hostname",
+ "loadavg",
+ "networkInterfaces",
+ "platform",
+ "release",
+ "setPriority",
+ "tmpdir",
+ "totalmem",
+ "type",
+ "userInfo",
+ "uptime",
+ "tmpDir",
+ "constants",
+ "EOL"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ path: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "resolve",
+ "normalize",
+ "isAbsolute",
+ "join",
+ "relative",
+ "toNamespacedPath",
+ "dirname",
+ "basename",
+ "extname",
+ "format",
+ "parse",
+ "sep",
+ "delimiter",
+ "win32",
+ "posix"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ perf_hooks: {
+ namedExports: new Set(["performance", "PerformanceObserver", "monitorEventLoopDelay", "constants"]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ process: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "version",
+ "versions",
+ "arch",
+ "platform",
+ "release",
+ "moduleLoadList",
+ "binding",
+ "domain",
+ "config",
+ "abort",
+ "umask",
+ "chdir",
+ "cwd",
+ "dlopen",
+ "uptime",
+ "reallyExit",
+ "hrtime",
+ "cpuUsage",
+ "memoryUsage",
+ "kill",
+ "exit",
+ "getuid",
+ "geteuid",
+ "getgid",
+ "getegid",
+ "getgroups",
+ "initgroups",
+ "setgroups",
+ "setegid",
+ "seteuid",
+ "setgid",
+ "setuid",
+ "stdout",
+ "stderr",
+ "stdin",
+ "openStdin",
+ "allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags",
+ "assert",
+ "features",
+ "setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback",
+ "hasUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback",
+ "emitWarning",
+ "nextTick",
+ "env",
+ "title",
+ "argv",
+ "execArgv",
+ "pid",
+ "ppid",
+ "execPath",
+ "debugPort",
+ "argv0",
+ "mainModule",
+ "emit"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ punycode: {
+ namedExports: new Set(["version", "ucs2", "decode", "encode", "toASCII", "toUnicode"]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ querystring: {
+ namedExports: new Set(["unescapeBuffer", "unescape", "escape", "stringify", "encode", "parse", "decode"]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ readline: {
+ namedExports: new Set(["Interface", "clearLine", "clearScreenDown", "createInterface", "cursorTo", "emitKeypressEvents", "moveCursor"]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ repl: {
+ namedExports: new Set(["writer", "REPLServer", "REPL_MODE_SLOPPY", "REPL_MODE_STRICT", "start", "Recoverable"]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ stream: {
+ namedExports: new Set([]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ string_decoder: {
+ namedExports: new Set(["StringDecoder"]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ timers: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "setTimeout",
+ "clearTimeout",
+ "setImmediate",
+ "clearImmediate",
+ "setInterval",
+ "clearInterval",
+ "active",
+ "unenroll",
+ "enroll"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ tls: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "getCiphers",
+ "convertALPNProtocols",
+ "checkServerIdentity",
+ "parseCertString",
+ "createSecureContext",
+ "SecureContext",
+ "TLSSocket",
+ "Server",
+ "createServer",
+ "connect",
+ "createSecurePair"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ trace_events: {
+ namedExports: new Set(["createTracing", "getEnabledCategories"]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ tty: {
+ namedExports: new Set(["isatty", "ReadStream", "WriteStream"]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ url: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "Url",
+ "parse",
+ "resolve",
+ "resolveObject",
+ "format",
+ "URL",
+ "URLSearchParams",
+ "domainToASCII",
+ "domainToUnicode",
+ "pathToFileURL",
+ "fileURLToPath"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ util: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "callbackify",
+ "debuglog",
+ "deprecate",
+ "format",
+ "formatWithOptions",
+ "getSystemErrorName",
+ "inherits",
+ "inspect",
+ "isArray",
+ "isBoolean",
+ "isBuffer",
+ "isDeepStrictEqual",
+ "isNull",
+ "isNullOrUndefined",
+ "isNumber",
+ "isString",
+ "isSymbol",
+ "isUndefined",
+ "isRegExp",
+ "isObject",
+ "isDate",
+ "isError",
+ "isFunction",
+ "isPrimitive",
+ "log",
+ "promisify",
+ "TextDecoder",
+ "TextEncoder",
+ "types"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ v8: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "cachedDataVersionTag",
+ "getHeapSnapshot",
+ "getHeapStatistics",
+ "getHeapSpaceStatistics",
+ "setFlagsFromString",
+ "Serializer",
+ "Deserializer",
+ "DefaultSerializer",
+ "DefaultDeserializer",
+ "deserialize",
+ "serialize",
+ "writeHeapSnapshot"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ vm: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "Script",
+ "createContext",
+ "createScript",
+ "runInContext",
+ "runInNewContext",
+ "runInThisContext",
+ "isContext",
+ "compileFunction"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ worker_threads: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "isMainThread",
+ "MessagePort",
+ "MessageChannel",
+ "moveMessagePortToContext",
+ "threadId",
+ "Worker",
+ "parentPort",
+ "workerData"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ },
+ zlib: {
+ namedExports: new Set([
+ "Deflate",
+ "Inflate",
+ "Gzip",
+ "Gunzip",
+ "DeflateRaw",
+ "InflateRaw",
+ "Unzip",
+ "BrotliCompress",
+ "BrotliDecompress",
+ "deflate",
+ "deflateSync",
+ "gzip",
+ "gzipSync",
+ "deflateRaw",
+ "deflateRawSync",
+ "unzip",
+ "unzipSync",
+ "inflate",
+ "inflateSync",
+ "gunzip",
+ "gunzipSync",
+ "inflateRaw",
+ "inflateRawSync",
+ "brotliCompress",
+ "brotliCompressSync",
+ "brotliDecompress",
+ "brotliDecompressSync",
+ "createDeflate",
+ "createInflate",
+ "createDeflateRaw",
+ "createInflateRaw",
+ "createGzip",
+ "createGunzip",
+ "createUnzip",
+ "createBrotliCompress",
+ "createBrotliDecompress",
+ "constants",
+ "codes"
+ ]),
+ hasDefaultExport: true
+ }