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File metadata and controls

47 lines (36 loc) · 2.48 KB


In this module we provide an easy way to write behaviors for the swarm. The user can pick between two differnet navigation modes, waypoint and velocity. If they are using waypoint navigation you can specify between three coordinate frames, LOCAL, GLOBAL, UTM where global is latitude and longitude. This specification changes what self.desired_ is, they become the logical ROS message, with the exception of utm which has a custom type since there is no ROS message. A table summarizes the options below.

Nav Mode Coordinate Frame desired type
Velocity None Twist
Waypoint Local Pose
Waypoint Global NavSatFix
Waypoint UTM utm_pose

Running a Behavior

As of August 2022 To run a behavior, launch CASA for your agent or simulation first. Once CASA is running run: ros2 launch behaviors or ros2 launch behaviors num_agents:=X. You will then be prompted with $What behavior do you want to run: where you would enter the name of the behavior in the yaml file, (i.e. example).

Adding a New Behavior

To write a new behavior, create a new python file in behaviors/src then you'll need to start with with this shell:

import rclpy
from behavior_interface.behavior_ros_interface import BehaviorRosInterface
from behavior_interface.nav_mode import NavMode
from behavior_interface.coordinate_frame import CoordinateFrame

class ExampleBehavior(BehaviorRosInterface):

    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(NavMode.WAYPOINT, coordinate_frame = CoordinateFrame.LOCAL)

    def stepAutonomy(self):

Change the inputs to the class inheritance to your desired nav mode and cooridinate frame.

Next you'll need to add your behavior to behaviors/config/behaviors.yaml following this format

  filename: <your-behavior-filename>.py
  class: <behaviors-classname>.py
    param1: a
    param2: b

In your yaml in put the first line should be a unique name for your behvior, filename is the name the python file you created in src/, class is the name of class you created in your behavior (i.e. ExampleBehavior) and finally you can list parameters under params that you want to pass into your behavior. They become ROS 2 parameters so get them the same way you would get any ROS 2 param.