Fork of surveyor to be compatible with rails 5 and more modern
Still a work in progress
gem 'surveyor2', require: 'surveyor'
Ruby >= 2.7.0
Rails >= 5.1
- Models
- Translations
- Parser
- Generators
- Migrations
- Routes
- Controller
- Views
- Example Survey
- Tasks
- Update from Surveyor
- Parse
- Unparse
- Remove
- Dump
- Controller
- Unparser
- Views
- Index
- Show
- Answer
A couple of improvement have been made to the original surveyor dependency strings:
- Accept parenthesis
- Accept negations
A couple of examples of possible dependencies strings now:
A and B
(A and B) or C
!(A and !B) or C
(!(A and B) and C or !(D or !E) and F) and !(C or B)
Clone, test with docker by running the docker-ci
script in the bin/
folder from the root directory, example:
To run rake spec, with ruby 2.7
and rails 6.1
./bin/docker-ci 2.7 spec 6.1
For usage instructions run the script without any arguments
The test suite makes use of dummy apps to test the installation of surveyor on a "real" app.
If you need to add a new version, do the following:
- Generate a minimal rails app with the target version
rails _RAILS_VERSION_ new --skip-gemfile --skip-javascript--skip-webpack-install --skip-bootsnap --skip-turbolinks --skip-jbuilder --skip-test --skip-system-test --skip-listen --skip-spring --skip-sprockets --skip-action-cable --skip-active-job --skip-active-storage --skip-action-text --skip-action-mailbox --skip-action-mailer --skip-hotwire
will be something like _7.0.1_
2. Copy over app/assets/images/rails.png
from a previous dummy (there's a test that involves loading of images from the app)
3. Run rails db:create db:migrate
on the dummy app folder to create the schema file4. Add
require "surveyor"on config/application.rb. 5. On most recent versions of Rails (7.0 onwards),
sprockets-railsis not included by default, so we need to remove references to
config.assets` in some places.