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File metadata and controls

50 lines (39 loc) · 2.62 KB

Jade Player

Jade Player is a media player for Android. The goal is to implement a local audio & video playback while doing online radio streaming. However, only audio playback has been fully implemented. I also hope to integrate lyrics and sound identification


  • MVVM architecture
  • Used HTTP for REST calls and Glide custom loaders for image loading
  • Fetched album and artist images from Spotify and
  • Employed Jetpack Components like Data Binding, LiveData, Navigation, Room (for storing recently saved tracks)
  • Used Timber for logging and Firebase Crashlytics for crash data collection
  • I Applied ExoPlayer and I borrowed heavily from Universal Android Music Player for playback management
  • Used Koin for service locator


  1. Clone the repo to your local machine
  2. Spin up a Firebase project and start a collection named "properties" in Cloud Firestore. Then add a document named "keys" to it. Finally add the following field-value pairs:
Field Value
acrHost "VALUE"
acrKey "VALUE"
acrKeyFile "VALUE"
acrSecret "VALUE"
acrSecretFile "VALUE"
lastFmKey "VALUE"
spotifyClientId "VALUE"
spotifySecret "VALUE"

Please, remember to use a rule that allows unauthenticated reads.

  1. Add the app to the Firebase project and save google-services.json to PROJECT/app folder
  2. Open and run the the project with Android Studio 3.x


Feature requests, issues and pull requests are welcome.


Jerryson Ibe: UI/UX Designer ( Dribble | Behance)

Isma'il Ahmad: Graphic Artist ( Dribble | Behance | Instagram)