Working Botletics ( SIM7000A shield on Arduino Uno with Verizon to Adafruit IO.
Code had to be shortened considerably (especially the embedded status strings) to enable use on Arduino Uno.
Currently using a standard, activated Verizon 4G/LTE sim card out of an iPhone 6S.
Note: While doing initial testing I was unable to succesfully send a text or make a call. I think Verizon may not be allowing the SIM7000A on the voice/sms part of the network. Internet access is working. I'm guessing this is because the SIM7000A connects to the CAT-M1 part of the network.
Note: The SIM7000A is on Verizon's approved LTE Cat-M1 list.<eCategories=Cat%20M1&gps=&gpio=&hwformfactor=&searchBox=&page=0&pageSize=12&loading=false&moreToShow=true&sms=&voicecapable=&developerkit=
Other random Verizon info: