A Directory that can handle a list of organizations sharing a common segment such as hotels, airlines etc.
Throws if organization not found in the index
Initializer for upgradeable contracts.
Allows the owner of the contract to change the segment name.
Adds an organization to the registry
Removes the organization from the registry
Get all the registered organizations.
Returns a segment name.
Return registeredOrganizations array length.
Set the list of contract interfaces supported
Add new organization in the directory. Only organizations that conform to OrganizationInterface can be added. ERC165 method of interface checking is used.
Emits OrganizationAdded
on success.
Allows a owner to remove an organization
from the directory. Does not destroy the organization contract.
Emits OrganizationRemoved
on success.
Event triggered every time segment value is changed
Event triggered every time organization is added.
Event triggered every time organization is removed.