- Introduction to Kubernetes and GKE (English)
- Introduction to Kubernetes with demo (Thai)
- Facebook live: https://www.facebook.com/imcinstitute/videos/4199946253380670
- Slide: https://bit.ly/opsta-k8s-intro
- gcloud with initial account and project
- kubectl
- helm
gcloud container clusters create gdg-demo --num-nodes 4 --zone asia-southeast1-a
# Wait for few minutes
- Walkthrough GKE features
- Create Cluster with one click
- High Availability Cluster
- Choose Kubernetes Version
- Create pools and choose number of nodes
- Nodes autoscaling
- Size of nodes
- Preemptible nodes
- Networking to do private cluster
- Shielded GKE Nodes
- Create GKE Cluster with command line
- See created cluster for one click upgrade available option
kubectl apply -f 01-pod.yaml
kubectl get pod
kubectl exec -it linux -c busybox -- sh
ping www.google.com
kubectl exec -it linux -c alpine -- sh
ping www.google.com
- Walkthrought Workloads Dashboard
- Overview configuration
- CPU, Memory, Disk
- Events
- Logs
kubectl apply -f 02-deployment.yaml
kubectl get deployment
kubectl get pod
watch kubectl get pod
# Scale replica to 3 on dashboard
kubectl apply -f 03-service-nginx-lb.yaml
kubectl get service -w
# Wait for few minutes until EXTERNAL-IP shows up
# Try to access to Nginx
- Walkthrough Services & Ingress Dashboard
kubectl apply -f 04-mariadb.yaml
kubectl get deployment
kubectl get pod -w
kubectl get service
# Wait for a minute to fully start MariaDB
# Test connect to MariaDB
kubectl exec -it linux -c busybox -- sh
telnet mariadb 3306
helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx
kubectl get deployment
kubectl get pod -w
kubectl get service -w
# Try to access to http://ipaddress
- Deploy Ingress to Nginx Service
kubectl apply -f 05-ingress-to-nginx.yaml
# Try to access from http://ipadress/nginx
- Deploy Ingress to Apache Service
kubectl apply -f 06-apache.yaml
# Try to access from http://ipadress/apache
kubectl get namespace
kubectl create namespace dev
kubectl get namespace
kubectl apply -f 02-deployment.yaml --namespace dev
kubectl get pod
kubectl get pod --namespace dev
watch -n1 kubectl get pod
# Rolling Update on Dashboard to httpd image
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm repo update
helm install wordpress bitnami/wordpress
kubectl get pod -w
kubectl get service -w
# Access via http://ipaddress
gcloud container clusters delete gdg-demo --zone asia-southeast1-a