Pingu is a famous nice little penguin living in the Antarctic. His family, like all families nearby, lives and works in igloos. Pingu frequently goes on adventures with his little sister, Pinga, and often gets into mischief with his best friend, Robby the Seal.
- Year of birth: 1984
- Father: Postman and toymaker
- Mother: Housewife
- Brothers and sisters: One younger sister called Pinga
- Best friend: Robby the seal
- Teacher and schoolmaster: Mr. Peng-Chips
- Love interest: Pingi
Nug Nug!
It seems that Pingu doesn't want to be shown here (I searched a lot for CC images and didn't find any on, which is an indicator for me that there is a strong copyright on showing original images). So this picture only shows what he looks like in an approximate way. Picture License: . Source: