This is our team ( aka Exchange Students ) !!
- Achmad Rif'an
- Muhammad Raffi Ramadhan
- Bagus Tri Atmojo
- Nanda Putriasari
- M. Hendro Junawarko
In the scenario, we are Indonesian students participating in a student exchange scholarship program. We study cyber security abroad. Because lately it is viral, news of data leaks that occur in Indonesia.
We have the intention to pentest the network infrastructure in Indonesia. Indonesia. We started the pentest to the MikroTik Public Router and then entered the network subnets on each island of Indonesia, such as :
- Java
- Kalimantan
- Sumatra
Furthermore, we conducted pentest to computer servers on each of these islands. That's why we named this lab Is14nd Exploit Project.
Our team is tasked with planning, building labs, creating vulnerabilities, conducting penetration testing, and implementing recommendations/remediation which are all run in a virtual simulation lab of network infrastructure and computer servers.
Is14nd Exploit Project is a project to create a simulation lab that is built using virtual devices. The entire lab uses tools and assets that can be obtained for free, so that it can be learned by many people, including students, students, and workers.
The main purpose of this project is educational, the lab is expected to penetration testing skills and introduce the techniques used in securing a network infrastructure. used in securing a network infrastructure.
In this lab, users will be given access to a simulated environment that is similar to a real-world environment, so that users can practice and gain practical experience in identifying and fixing practical experience in identifying and fixing security holes.