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Improved JavaScript Type Testing

A robust alternative to JavaScript's built-in type testing.

See the test page for examples.

Type Names

This module uses an expanded set of type names that make no distinction between primitive values and objects. For example, 5 and new Number(5) are both of type "number".

Type Name Values
array Array objects
bigint bigint primitives
boolean false, true, Boolean objects
date Date objects
error Error objects
function Function objects
map Map objects
nan NaN, Number objects with value NaN
null null
number number primitives, Number objects; excludes NaN values
object instances of Object that don't match another type in this list
promise Promise objects
regex RegExp objects
set Set objects
string string primitives, String objects
symbol symbol primitives
undefined undefined
weakmap WeakMap objects
weakset WeakSet objects

Determine a Type

The is() function returns an object describing the type of its argument.



Returned object:

Property Description
.type The type name used by this module.
.typeof The value returned by the typeof operator.
.toStringTag The name used by Object.prototype.toString(). undefined for primitives.
.constructorName The name of the argument's constructor. undefined for primitives.
.isObject True if the value is an object.
.isPrimitive True if the value is a primitive.

Type Testing

Each of the type-testing methods return a boolean indicating if the argument is of that type.




Method Tests for
is.function() instance of Function
is.object() instance of Object
is.primitive() primitives
is.null() null
is.nullish() undefined, null
is.undefined() undefined
is.defined() not undefined


Method Tests for
is.boolean() false, true, instance of Boolean
is.falsy() false, undefined, null, NaN, 0, -0, 0n, "", document.all
is.truthy() not falsy


Method Tests for
is.bigint() bigint primitive instance of Date
is.numberish() number primitive, instance of Number

Numberish values can be more explicitly tested using the following methods:

Method Tests for
is.real() real numbers
is.infinite() Infinity, -Infinity
is.number() real numbers, Infinity, -Infinity
is.nan() NaN

Note that JavaScript doesn't always treat mathematical expressions of undefined or indeterminate form as you might expect. For example, 1/0 is an undefined form, but JavaScript evaluates it as Infinity.


Method Tests for
is.regex() instance of RegExp
is.string() string primitive, instance of String


Method Tests for
is.array() instance of Array instance of Map
is.set() instance of Set
is.weakmap() instance of WeakMap
is.weakset() instance of WeakSet

Other Common Types

Method Tests for
is.error() instance of Error
is.promise() instance of Promise
is.symbol() symbol primitive

Additional Methods

Method Description
is.empty(value) Tests if an object's .length or .size property equals zero.
is.of(value, class) Tests if value is an instance of class. (Same as using the instanceof operator.)