原始页面 | Backup of original English version
我的航空公式集包含相当完整的大圆航法和等角航法导航公式集合。它还包含标准大气特性和E6B功能。纯Ascii版本可以从ftp下载。其中一些功能已编程为Javascript 在线计算器,另一些功能已编程为Excel电子表格.
我编写了使用WMM或IGRF参考模型来计算地球表面上(或上方)任何地方的磁变化的软件。ftp提供了Mac,DOS,linux和Java可执行文件。网络计算器在此。 在GPL下发布的C源代码在此,Visual Basic版本在此(由Ian Billing提供)。
Francisco Bernal修改了代码,以制作具有交互式地图界面的Windows版本见此。它带有源代码和一个dll。16位版本
- A diary of a recent trip to Alaska
- Mountain flying for flatland airplanes. from SMXGIG 1996.
- Energy management and the pitch/power controversy Viewgraphs of a one hour presentation at SMXGIG97. Not yet annotated with what I said- someday...
- Flying in ice.
Viewgraphs from a one hour presentation at SMXGIG98. Not annotated either... It's a 1.3MB file. - Aerodynamics of the glide
A one hour presentation at SMXGIG99. Not annotated... - Just how high are we?
Another one hour presentation at SMXGIG2000 on altimetry. Not annotated... - VFR and IFR options
- from SMXGIG 2001 - Procedure turns
- from SMXGIG 2001 - Pressure Pattern Navigation
- from SMXGIG 2001 - Cloud physics and meteorology
- from SMXGIG 2002 (2.4MB) - Atmospheric stability. A pilot's primer
- from SMXgig 2003 (890Kb) - A mathematical analysis of turns around a point in a wind.
- GPS - How it works and how to work it.
- from SMXgig 2004 (ppt->html) - How to do an impromptu hold
(ppt->html) - C172RG electrical system (simplified)
- 1980 C172RG POH
- C172RG systems quiz
- 1966 Mooney M20E (Super 21) POH
- 1966 Mooney M20E systems
- IFR departure decision tree
(from Eckalbar's Structured IFR} - WAAS it all about?
(from SMXgig 2007) - Mountain Flying
(from FPI July 2007) - Spin Seminar
(Evan Reed's aug 07 FPI talk) - Weather in the vertical. Feb/March 2008 talk at FPI (adapted from my 2004/6 talks at SMX)
MP3 audio of this talk, courtesy of Jay Cotton and LBMG music. (30mb download!) (Zipped version - 27mb) - Flying the Garmin G1000
An intro to glass panels. (SMXGIG 2008) - The impossible turn. (Returning to the airort after engine failure) (Evan Reed's Oct 2008 FPI talk)
A fairly comprehensive quiz for an IFR flight test or ICC (updated May 2004)
A mountain flying quiz.
Some FAA legal opinions on the logging of PIC time.
Text of recommended flight instructor endorsements.
An Excel spreadsheet relating relative humidity, dewpoint and wet bulb temperature.
An Excel spreadsheet implementing a simple model of a constant speed prop.
Pressure altitude vs. mbar pressure. I use it to get freezing levels (FRZ) from RAOB skew_T plots
An Excel spreadsheet that creates a "road-map" style table of distances and bearings between airports. Created by another pilot using the Formulary! Enter your own airports.
An Excel 2000 spreadsheet by Glen Denning, with a user-friendly interface. It has a variety of great-circle navigation functions and interacts with a database of navigation fixes (VOR and Intersections supplied). Look under "downloads".
Joe Campbell的IFR日记-其中我也参与了!
Ed Williams是一个具有4200+小时 ATP-MEL Comm-SEL 的CFII注册飞行仪表教练。他在加利福尼亚利佛摩有一架C182。他为Aviation Seminars开发和教授周末地面学校课程。He specializes in IFR instruction out of HWD and LVK.