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A JavaScript API for interacting with Divvy in Node.js and the browser

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  • Connect to a divvyd server in JavaScript (Node.js or browser)
  • Issue divvyd API requests
  • Listen to events on the Divvy network (transaction, ledger, etc.)
  • Sign and submit transactions to the Divvy network

In this file

  1. Installation
  2. Quick start
  3. Running tests

Additional documentation

  1. Guides
  2. API Reference

Also see


Via npm for Node.js

  $ npm install divvy-lib

Via bower (for browser use)

  $ bower install divvy

See the bower-divvy repo for additional bower instructions

Building divvy-lib for browser environments

divvy-lib uses Gulp to generate browser builds. These steps will generate minified and non-minified builds of divvy-lib in the build/ directory.

  $ git clone
  $ npm install
  $ npm run build

Restricted browser builds

You may generate browser builds that contain a subset of features. To do this, run ./node_modules/.bin/gulp build-<name>

  • build-core Contains the functionality to make requests and listen for events such as ledgerClose. Only divvy.Remote is currently exposed. Advanced features like transaction submission and orderbook tracking are excluded from this build.

Quick start

Remote.js (remote.js) is the point of entry for interacting with divvyd

/* Loading divvy-lib with Node.js */
var Remote = require('divvy-lib').Remote;

/* Loading divvy-lib in a webpage */
// var Remote = divvy.Remote;

var remote = new Remote({
  // see the API Reference for available options
  servers: [ 'wss://' ]

remote.connect(function() {
  /* remote connected */
  remote.requestServerInfo(function(err, info) {
    // process err and info

Running tests

  1. Clone the repository

  2. cd into the repository and install dependencies with npm install

  3. npm test

Generating code coverage

divvy-lib uses istanbul to generate code coverage. To create a code coverage report, run npm test --coverage. The report will be created in coverage/lcov-report/.