osr2png is a CLI thumbnail generator for osu! maps.
as I am very lazy and only update this thing few times a year, lots of stuff gonna break. if that happens please file an issue.
Latest binaries for Linux/Windows can be downloaded from here.
Simply unpack the file somewhere and run it with your terminal.
./osr2png <arguments>
usage: main.py [-h] [-v] [-r REPLAY] [-b BEATMAP] [-m MESSAGE] [-s STYLE] [-width WIDTH] [-height HEIGHT] [-dim BACKGROUND_DIM] [-blur BACKGROUND_BLUR] [-border BACKGROUND_BORDER]
An open-source osu! thumbnail generator for lazy circle clickers.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-r REPLAY, --replay REPLAY
[Optional] The path of the .osr file
-b BEATMAP, --beatmap BEATMAP
[Optional] The path of the .osu file, if using a custom beatmap.
-m MESSAGE, --message MESSAGE
[Optional] The extra text at the bottom
-s STYLE, --style STYLE
Style of Image, [1: default 2: akatsuki]
-width WIDTH, --width WIDTH
[Optional] The width of the image.
-height HEIGHT, --height HEIGHT
[Optional] The width of the image.
-dim BACKGROUND_DIM, --background-dim BACKGROUND_DIM
[Optional] The dim of beatmap background.
-blur BACKGROUND_BLUR, --background-blur BACKGROUND_BLUR
[Optional] The blur of beatmap background.
-border BACKGROUND_BORDER, --background-border BACKGROUND_BORDER
[Optional] The border of beatmap background's dim.
./osr2png -r replay.osr
./osr2png -r replay.osr -b beatmap_file.osu
./osr2png -r replay.osr -dim 0.5 -border 50 -blur 15
./osr2png -r replay.osr -m "FINALLY FCED"