After change detected by NPM browser is automatically refreshed as well
- in
npm run watch
Versioning enables caching of assets in browser for as long as possible. Compiling assets creates also public/mix-manifest.json
that contains name of the asset file with it's hash. Every change made in asset file will cause new hash to be generated, thus browser will know to get the latest version from server.
To enable versioning, just set mix.version()
in webpack.mix.js
Then, to include asset in view, use {{ mix('path/to/asset') }}
to generate correct link to asset
- Choose basic tools - font & font-sizes, colors, icons
- Components - buttons, inputs, navbars, etc
- 3 basic steps:
- Sketching - on a paper or in the painting tool
- Prototyping - coding component in HTML
- Applying styles & Finishing
- 3 basic steps:
- Page composition - where to put what
Web browsers have some default styling automatically applied to HTML elements (body margin, heading's size and margins, etc.). To suppress this, we can use Normalize ( or any other normalize/reset CSS library