see here
- dynamic config of nav
- dynamic page title
- support disqus comment
- support valine comment
- support category
- support math
- hugo version must be higher than
- Add the repository into your Hugo Project repository as a submodule, git submodule add themes/theme-fd.
- Configure your config.toml. You can either use this minimal configuration as a base, or look for a complete explanation about all configurations here. The config.toml inside the exampleSite is also a good reference.
- Build your site with hugo server and see the result at http://localhost:1313/.
Coder is licensed under the MIT license
mkdir -p assets/sass && cd
touch _override.scss
add blow content in _override.scss
$avatar: '';
If you have no content of some category, you will get 404.html, so you can modify config.toml
to hide some headers