The XPanel Shopping Robot, known as XBot, provides users of XPanel with a Telegram bot for managing subscription sales. This panel is for commercial use and is provided with a license.
🟢 Connect to XPanel (SSH direct, SSH dropbear, SSH tls, SSH websocket)
🟢 Connect to Sanaei (Vmess, Vless, Trojan, Shadowsocks)
🟢 Display and list users who have executed the bot
🟢 Enable/Disable user access
🟢 List all completed sales
🟢 Ability to define an infinite number of servers
🟢 Ability to define capacity for each server
🟢 Ability to define an infinite number of packages
🟢 List all transactions that have taken place
🟢 Wallet
🟢 Send a public message to all users
🟢 Define and set text for different sections of the bot
🟢 Provide a test account (optional)
🟢 Mandatory entry of mobile number (optional)
🟢 Activate the connection guide for different platforms (Android, iOS, Linux, Windows)
🟢 Display connection ports (optional)
🟢 Extend subscription (optional)
🟢 Do not display servers that have reached capacity in the sales category (optional)
🟢 Delete expired accounts after 4 days (optional)
🟢 Activate digital currency payment gateway ( (optional)
🟢 Activate card-to-card transfers (optional)
🟢 Activate USD to Toman currency conversion (optional)
🟢 Ability to take backups
🟢 Change the admin panel login path
🟢 Support for Persian and English languages in the panel and bot
🟢 Activate day/night mode
🟢 Notify the admin of card-to-card transaction confirmation
🟢 Notify the user of card-to-card transaction approval
🟢 Ability to choose a custom username for subscription
🟢 Mandatory membership in a channel
🟢 Ability for users to add manual configurations (xpanel)
🟢 Agency with a percentage discount
🟢 Set the bot menu from the panel
🟢 Backup every 12 hours from xpanel servers
🟢 Connection QR Code for SSH, V2Ray subscriptions
The panel is provided for commercial use, and the license is issued on the domain. Changing the domain is also possible through the XBot Telegram bot.
To install, simply enter the following command:
bash <(curl -Ls --ipv4)
Setting up a Telegram webhook:{token}/setWebhook?url=
{token}: Your bot's token The domain or subdomain you have configured in your panel
Required Operating System
Ubuntu 18+ (Recommended: Ubuntu 20)
Please note that you should upgrade server resources according to the number of users using the bot.
To enable SSL on the domain, use popular CDNs such as Cloudflare and select the "flexible" option in the SSL/TLS settings.