V201907 (WSDL version: V201907)
*Target Data Objects and Enumerations are referable on the list of Data Objects (Enumerations).
As Dynamic Ads for Display enhancement, following features became available on uploading Item list file.
- Debug mode became available.
- Detail information such like uploading route, error information, etc, became available on file uploading.
- Status about periodic upload was added.
Adding images and videos by their aspect ratio became available.
On getMediaAdFormat of "DictionaryService", acquiring a flag for aspect ratio compatibility, actual number of aspect ratio, maximum file size, etc. became available.
Following changes were made in order to support ad distribution "PC Brand Panel."
- CampaignService (all available versions) :
This service supports get, add, update, and delete campaigns for "PC Brand Panel (Static Image)" and "PC Brand Panel (Video)". - AdGroupAdService :
This service supports create, get, update, and delete Banner ad (video). * "PC Brand Panel" is available for specific advertisers.
Measurement indexes used on Performance Report and Analytics were added and changed.
The following indexes were changed to client-side measurement.
- Impressions
** The data before June 30, 2019 will not be available.
** The server-side measurement data can be checked with the indexes "Impressions (previous)" and "CTR (previous)".
The definition of average CPV changed.
- Before : "view cost÷the number of paid video views"
- After : "view cost÷10 sec video views"
** "10 sec video views" is same with "the number of paid video views".
The method of counting Viewable impressions changed as follows. This is applied only to viewable impressions which occurs after the effective date.
- Before :
Viewable impressions is counted on the day when the ad is displayed.
- After :
Viewable impressions is counted on the day when the ad becomes viewable (the ad is displayed in viewer’s recognition range).
The following indexes were added to YDN API.
JA / EN | Field names of Performance Report | Field names of Analytics | description |
インプレッション数(旧)/ Impressions (previous) | IMPS_PREV | impsPrev | Impressions by server side measurement. Check the number of impressions before June 30, 2019 with this index. |
クリック率(旧)/ CTR (previous) | CLICK_RATE_PREV | clickRatePrev | Click through rate by server-side measurement. Check the number of impressions before June 30, 2019 with this index. |
メジャードインプレッション数 / Measured impressions | MEASURED_IMPS | measuredImps | Impressions that can count viewable impressions by client-side measurement. |
メジャードインプレッション測定率 / Measured impressions rate | MEASURED_IMPS_RATE | measuredImpsRate | Measurement rate of measured impressions to impressions by client-side measurement. |
ビューアブルインプレッション率 / Viewable impressions rate | VIEWABLE_IMPS_RATE | viewableImpsRate | Impression rate that can count viewable impressions by client-side measurement. |
ビューアブルクリック数 / Viewable clicks | VIEWABLE_CLICK | viewableClicks | Clicks for viewable impressions by client-side measurement. |
ビューアブルクリック率 / Viewable click rate | VIEWABLE_CLICK_RATE | viewableClickRate | CTR for viewable impressions by client-side measurement. |
動画の10秒再生数 / 10 sec video views | VIDEO_VIEWS_TO_10_SEC | videoViewsTo10Sec | Number of video views for 10 seconds or more. ** The value is same to charged video views. |
Due to renaming YDN ad types, some Enum names and Entity names were changed as follows.
These changes were applied to the import template and operation history on all available YDN API versions. Both previous and new names will be supported when importing with the template.
** For setting AdType with reporting filter on V201907, the setting has to be made with the changed AdType name.
Enum name (before) | Entity name (before) | Enum name (after) | Entity name (after) |
RESPONSIVE_AD | ResponsiveAd | RESPONSIVE_IMAGE_AD | ResponsiveImageAd |
VIDEO_AD | VideoAd | RESPONSIVE_VIDEO_AD | ResponsiveVideoAd |
NONE | None | BANNER_IMAGE_AD | BannerImageAd |
"Animation" field has been removed from getMediaAdFormat of DictionaryService due to the sunset of uploading animated GIF.
Some feature name and index names were changed. Learn more
Following Stats services were renamed as follows due to this change.
- totalClickCost → cost
- avgClickCost → avgCpc
ReportService was integrated with ReportDefinitionService.
The report definition and report job will be created with ReportDefinitionService after the release. Learn about details on the following document.
For periodic reports created on and before V201806, intervalType was changed to ONETIME. After this change, all periodic reports do not run.
LocationService has been closed.
- ReportDefinitionService
- LocationService *Closed on V201907
- ReportService *Closed on V201907
Service | Before V201903 | V201907 |
FeedDataService | No change in API IF. |
- Debug mode is available on getUploadUrl - getUploadStatus can acquire the file uploading route, error rate, completion date and status added for periodic upload. |
DictionaryService | No change in API IF |
- Cannot get animation and id field - Can get information for Aspect ratio |
AdGroupAdService | Create, update, get, delete campaigns of PC Brand Panel |
- Create, update, get, delete campaigns of PC Brand Panel - Can create, update, get and delete BannerVideoAd (Banner (video) ads). - Can get renamed Enum name and renamed Entity name |
StatsService | No change in API IF | Can get new index and renamed old index on client-side measurement. |
ReportDefinitionService | No change in API IF | - Can get new index and renamed old index on client side measurement. - Can create report definition and job entry at the same time |
ReportService | No change in API IF | Not available |
LocationService | Same location returns uniformly (without effecting to existing users) | Not available |
YDN API V201812 is scheduled to sunset as follows.
- Deprecation Date : September 2, 2019 (Mon)
- End of Life Date : December 2, 2019 (Mon)