- Console: provide API and console for management
- Worker: provider the service registration synchronization.
+----> |NacosClusterA|
| +-------------+ +-------------+
| |NacosClusterB|
Pull | +--+----------+
Info | +------------+ ^
| |ZooKeeper | |
| +--+---------+ | Push Info
| ^ Pull Info |
| | |
| ++-----------------------------+--+
<--------+ NacosSync1, NacosSync2,.... |
| |
| |
| |
| +---------+ |
+-----> |NacosSync| <-----+
|Database |
- All registration information will be stored in NacosSync DB.
- Multiple NacosSync instances will perform the same job.
- Multiple NacosSync instances ensure high availability.
- Multiple NacosSync instances performing the same job ensure the simplicity.
- NacosCluster target will dedup the synchronization information from Nacos.
- 数据库,增加字段,增加task_type, 比如 nacos-> nacos, or dubbo_zk -> nacos. 目前仅支持内部ConfigServer->Nacos
- 代码逻辑抽象,要吧现在的 SyncManagerService 改下,区分开不同的任务类型用不同的同步方式
- Console, 还未实现,目前用户只能通过API来访问:
- 重构代码,以NacosSync替换Skywalker,并去掉阿里内部特有的Driver,如数据库Driver。