Welcome! 👋 Thank you for taking the time to contribute, feel free to ask questions.
We love to receive contributions from the community and hear your opinions! We want to make contributing to Clima-Flutter as easily as it can be.
- Report a bug
- Improve documentation
- Discuss the code implementation
- Submit a bug fix
- Propose new features
• Ensure you go through the README.md document so you can get familiar with the project.
• Check the Issues for open tickets and request to be assigned to whichever you want to work on.
• When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.
• Ensure to explain the estimated duration it would take you to complete the task upon assignment.
• Create a pull request, see this page for a guide on making pull request
• Wait for a review, you will be notified if your PR is ready to be merged or still needs some modifications or clarifications.
• Once merged, feel free to pick another Issue.
We look forward to your contributions.