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131 lines (111 loc) · 6.41 KB

File metadata and controls

131 lines (111 loc) · 6.41 KB


Spring is a Java based open source, light weight , loosely coupled , aspect oriented and dependency injection based application.

  • Maven , Gradle.
  • Spring Boot v 2.0.1
  • Spring Data JPA.
  • Spring Core
  • Spring Annotations
  • Spring Java Configuration
  • Spring AOP
  • Spring MVC
  • Hibernate CRUD
  • Spring Security
  • Cloud Foundry Configuration and deploy with spring Boot.
  • Actuator <<<<<<< HEAD
  • Spring Swagger.


  • Spring Swagger.



  • Spring Modules

    1. Spring Core
    2. Spring Context
    3. Spring AOP
    4. Spring DAO
    5. Spring Web MVC
    6. Spring ORM.
  • Spring Boot

    1. Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run". We take an opinionated view of the Spring platform and third-party libraries so you can get started with minimum fuss. Most Spring Boot applications need very little Spring configuration.
    2. Spring Boot can be created with Spring Initializr(, Spring Boot CLI , STE IDE(Starter Project) with the required configuration.
    3. Setups the default Configuration , starts Spring Application Context , Perform class path scan , Starts Tomcat Server.
    4. Whenever an Object is returned from the REST Controller in the form of an array , Spring boot will return the list in an JSON Format.
    5. Bill of Materials - List of dependencies that spring boot will download and add in the class path based on version specified in pom.
    6. Embedded Tomcat Server - Convenience , Servlet Container config is now app config , Standalone Application , best for microservice architecture.
    7. Application.port complete list of properties ->
    8. spring-boot-devtools will enable auto update the cache. thymeleaf will check for html resources under templates , but for jsp we need to provide the parser and source for the jsps.
  • Spring Data JPA

    1. ORM is the approach of taking object oriented data and mapping to a relational datastore (e.g. a RDBMS)
    2. Hibernate is an implementation of an ORM framework
    3. JPA is the EE standard specification for ORM in Java EE. Hibernate is also an implementation of this specification, in that you can use the standard JPA APIs and configure your application to use Hibernate as the provider of the spec under the covers.
  • Spring Core

     	Build a complete Spring MVC and Hibernate CRUD Project ... all from scratch
      Set up your Spring and Hibernate development environment with Tomcat and Eclipse
      Wire beans together in the Spring container using Inversion of Control
      Configure the Spring container for Dependency Injection
      Define Spring Beans using the @Component annotation
      Perform auto-scanning of Spring beans to minimize configuration
      Automatically wire beans together using @Autowired annotation
      Apply all Java configuration to Spring Beans (no xml)
  • Spring MVC

      Set up your Spring MVC environment with configs and directories
      Create controllers using @Controller annotation
      Read HTML form data using @RequestParam
      Leverage Spring MVC model to transport data between controller and view page
      Define Request Mappings for GET and POST requests
      Minimize coding with Spring MVC Form data binding
      Apply Spring MVC form validation on user input
      Create custom Spring MVC form validation rules
  • Hibernate

      Perform object/relational mapping with Hibernate
      Leverage the Hibernate API to develop CRUD apps
      Develop queries using the Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
      Integrate Spring MVC and Hibernate together in a Single Application Project
      Apply advanced Hibernate mappings: one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many
  • Spring AOP

      Apply Aspect-Oriented-Programming AOP for cross-cutting concerns
      Examine AOP use-cases and how AOP can resolve code-tangling
      Create AOP pointcut expressions to match on method invocations
      Leverage AOP annotations: @Before, @After, @AfterReturning, @AfterThrowing, @Around
      Create a real-time application using AOP and Spring MVC together in a single project
  • Spring Security

      Secure your web application with Spring Security
      Set up your Maven pom.xml file with compatible Spring Security dependencies
      Configure Spring Security with all Java configuration (no xml)
      Create custom Spring Security login pages with Bootstrap CSS
      Add logout support using default features of Spring Security
      Leverage Spring Security support for Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
      Define users and roles for authentication
      Display user login info and role using Spring Security tags
      Restrict access to URLs based on user role
      Hide and Display content based on user role
      Add JDBC authentication, store user accounts and passwords in the database
      Store encrypted passwords in the database using bcrypt
      Register new users and encrypt passwords using Java code.
  • Maven

      Simplify your build process with Maven
      Create Maven POM files and add dependencies
      Search Central Maven repository for Dependency Coordinates
      Run Maven builds from the Eclipse IDE.
      Actuator will help explain about the health of db.
      mvn spring-boot:run --debug
      mvn clean install
      java -jar Spring4JSE8.jar
  • Access In Memory Db

    http://localhost:8080/h2-console/ Specify the Driver Class Name - org.h2.Driver JDBC URL - jdbc:h2:mem:testdb User Name - sa password -

  • Deployment steps for Cloud Foundry

cf login -a - to Login to Cloud Foundry Console.
cf push (OR)
cf push Spring4JSE8 -p target/Spring4JSE8-2.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war - Deploy the jar into Cloud Foundry.
cf logs Spring4JSE8 --recent
In case you need to change the buildpacks. Use -b

java -jar target/Spring4JSE8-2.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war -s http://localhost:9080 declarative-linter < Jenkinsfile

  • Spring Boot with Swagger


  • Spring Boot with Actuator

Health Check - http://localhost:8080/Spring4JSE8/actuator/health