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We now live in the heart of the gay neghbourhood and it is where all the action was.</p><p>On Saturday, as a preparation, Denise's friend Elizabeth came over and they made cup-cakes colored in all the rainbow colors. I colored mine with stars and hearts to make it pretty. We planned on serving those to our landlord who invited us over for Sunday.</p><p>On Sunday the streets were closed, there were stages and booths and music everywhere. Unfortunately, it was raining, but it stopped toward the afternoon. We invited all our friends to stop over in case they are in the area and an old acquaintance of us, Marla Gold, whom we met once (long story) but a year later started working with Denise, came over early on. We had some food, made sangria, and went out to watch the parade with the sangria in a bottle. We met up with Marla's brother (Jason) and her new date on the street and watched the end of the parade, at which point Avital joined us and we all head back to our place to hang out with our landlord for a little while. We ended up in our back yard, all of us plus a couple friends of Marla's brother and their baby. We drank sangria, avital played the guitar and we all sang, it was great! We never met those people before yet we felt a good connection. We love having new people over!</p><p>I don't have the pictures here, but Avital's pictures can found if you click <a class="wpGallery" href="http://picasaweb.google.com/AZeePhotos/PrideParade2009?authkey=Gv1sRgCLqokZvs5fKTIQ#" target="_blank">here</a>. When you click it will open a new window, just click on the pictures and they will get bigger, and you will have arrow above the the picture to see the next one of the previous one. He has a couple of pictures of Denise and I (and the cup-cakes) there.</p><p>The week went by and this weekend Mike was visiting his parents so he came over on Saturday. It was good seeinghim after so long, we went for lunch, Him, Denise, Elizabeth and Mike's friend Britny. It was good catching up and we played some catch afterward (which is just throwing a baseball to each other), appropriate game for catching up! He had to leave early and we had a busy day Sunday so we had an early night.</p><p>Today we went to work in the farm. One of Denise's best friend, Daniel, is an organic farmer ad on Sundays he has volunteers coming to help him out with whatever need getting done in the farm. Today we mostly weeded out the different areas, nothing too exciting. He usually "pays" the volunteers with food, which is nice. Maxim and LisBeth came with the kids but were there really late, so we stayed after everyone left to do some work and then went to their place for lunch, which ended up being a lot of fun, Denise and Lisbeth played Barbie with Rene (the girl) while the boys played computer games. Not much happaned after, we just drove home, I was really really tired but now I am not falling asleep.</p><p>I don't really feel writing about my mood, work etc since we speak about on the phone, but today it is a bit better. Denise and I had a long chat on the way home about the future, the complication etc and I think we are quite confident with each other. It won't be easy working a future for us together but we plan on going through it. She certainly keeps me afloat this time of my life which is not easy.</p><p>That's it for now!</p><p><strong></strong></p></div><footer class="content__footer"><div class="entry-wrapper"><div class="content__actions"><div class="content__share"><button class="btn--icon content__share-button js-content__share-button"><svg width="20" height="20" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="https://yfarkash.github.io/sunrisesunset/assets/svg/svg-map.svg#share"></use></svg> <span>Share It</span></button><div class="content__share-popup js-content__share-popup"><a href="https://api.whatsapp.com/send?text=Pride%20and%20farm https%3A%2F%2Fyfarkash.github.io%2Fsunrisesunset%2Fpride-and-farm.html" class="js-share whatsapp" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><svg class="icon" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"><use xlink:href="https://yfarkash.github.io/sunrisesunset/assets/svg/svg-map.svg#whatsapp"/></svg> <span>WhatsApp</span></a></div></div></div></div><nav class="content__nav"><div class="wrapper"><div class="content__nav-inner"><div class="content__nav-prev"><a href="https://yfarkash.github.io/sunrisesunset/moving-denises-birthday.html" class="content__nav-link" rel="prev"><div><span>Previous</span> Moving, Denise's birthday</div></a></div><div class="content__nav-next"><a href="https://yfarkash.github.io/sunrisesunset/t-shirts-and-movies.html" class="content__nav-link" rel="next"><div><span>Next</span> T-shirts and movies</div></a></div></div></div></nav></footer></article></main><footer class="footer"><div class="wrapper"><div class="footer__copyright"><p>Powered by Publii</p></div><button onclick="backToTopFunction()" id="backToTop" class="footer__bttop" aria-label="Back to top" title="Back to top"><svg width="20" height="20"><use xlink:href="https://yfarkash.github.io/sunrisesunset/assets/svg/svg-map.svg#toparrow"/></svg></button></div></footer><script defer="defer" src="https://yfarkash.github.io/sunrisesunset/assets/js/scripts.min.js?v=ffcbea6c02c8178d10092962b235a5b0"></script><script>window.publiiThemeMenuConfig={mobileMenuMode:'sidebar',animationSpeed:300,submenuWidth: 'auto',doubleClickTime:500,mobileMenuExpandableSubmenus:true,relatedContainerForOverlayMenuSelector:'.top'};</script><script>var images = document.querySelectorAll('img[loading]');
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