- 开场白
- Hypocrite 伪君子
- flake 一个很不可靠,说话不算话的人
- coocoo
- Loony bin
- thot
- Spoiled brat
- racial slur
- Excuse you
- 其他比较常见的祖安问候语
- 知识点来源
Today we're talking about some slang words, or idioms, or not even idioms, just things people say that could be prejudiced or insulting. 今天我们说些俚语、习语、或人们常说的带有偏见或侮辱性的语言。
I want to do this episode because those are not words you typically learn in the text books. It's more colloquial. 这些词不是在书本上能学到的,更多是口语上的。
So today, we're gonna learn those words and hopefully it's helpful to you. 今天所学的知识,希望对您能有所帮助。
You're such a hypocrite. 你真是一个伪君子(口不对心的人)
Hey, did you hear that Amy started eating meat again? 你听说没,Amy又开始吃肉了。
What? Last week she told me eating meat is murder. 啥?上周她还跟我说吃肉就是谋杀呢。
I know. What a hypocrite. 我知道啊。就是个伪君子嘛。
- flaky adj. 不可靠的,说话不算的
- Someone is such a flake. 某人说话不可信。
- Someone is so flaky. 某人很不可靠。
Hey, how are you doing? 你怎么样?
Don't get me started. Jason blew me off again yesterday. 别提了。Jason 昨天又放我鸽子了。
I konw. He's such a flake. I don't even know why you keep doing this to yourself. 他就是个不可靠的人,你干嘛总相信他呢?
Well, you know what they say. Love hurts. 哎,人们常说嘛,爱情就是痛苦的。
- Someone is acting crazy. 某人很怪、很疯狂
- Someone is coocoo. 某人是疯的。
- 不要轻易对别人说,但如果别人对你说,起码要能听懂 😂
Amy is kinda coocoo. Yesterday she told me she was a witch. I don't know how to respond to that. Amy是有点疯的。昨天她跟我说她是个巫婆。我都不知道怎么回答。
- 不正式的精神病院 psychiatric hospital
- 这个也不要轻易对别人说哦
Someone is so crazy. He should be put into the loony bin. 某人太疯了,应该被关进精神病院。
- 是
that hoe over there
的简写。那边的那个放荡女,就是一种骂人方式。 - 如果听到有人对你说 thot 的话,不要忍了,质问他
What did you just call me? 你刚才叫我什么??
- 被宠坏了的小孩。非常自我为中心的,不顾他人感受的
Stop being such a spoiled brat. 你不要再这样不懂事了!
- 带有种族歧视的言语
- 如果有人对你说
,指中国人(但是是带有歧视性的) - 那在确保自身安全的情况下,必须得反击了!
You are such an ignorant racist! 你真是一个无知的种族歧视者! You should be ashamed of yourself! 你应当为自己的行为感到羞耻!
- 可以理解成
- 也是一个非常没有教养的问候语
- jerk 混蛋
- ass / asshole 混蛋
- pig 猪头 You're a pig
- dumb / stupid 傻
- dumb blonde 指所有的金发女生都智商低
- idiot / retard 傻子
- punk 混小子