In this example we'll work inside the package cl-nutes:
CL-USER> (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'nutes)
Let's create a tape of 3^12=531441. The default word width will be 36 trits.
CL-NUTES> (defparameter tape1 (create-tape (expt 3 12)))
Let's create a program for the assembler to work with:
CL-NUTES> (defparameter program1 (create-prg))
Let's compile and add the "Hello World" to the program:
CL-NUTES> (hello program1)
Let's load our program to the tape:
CL-NUTES> (load-tape tape1 program1)
Let's run it:
CL-NUTES> (run-tape tape1)
Name? Yoel
Hello World,Yoel