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API functions of suid_sudo module

Some constants (e.g. True / true, False / false) will have different symbols between Python and Ruby. Please read it according to each language.

In Perl, keyword arguments should be passed as a string-named hash, and truth values are treated according to usual language semantics. For example, you can write as:

suid_emulate(use_shebang => 1);


In Python,

import suid_sudo

will import suid_sudo module.

from suid_sudo import *

will import all public APIs below to the current module, useful for short scripts.

In Ruby, use of

require 'suid_sudo'

will load SUID_SUDO module. (capitalized for Ruby constant.)

If you want to use it without module prefix, write:

require 'suid_sudo'

(Direct inclusion of SUID_SUDO module will import many internal private symbols.)

in Perl,


will load the module into the SUID_SUDO package.

use SUID_SUDO ":all";

will also import API functions into current package context.

Set-up Routine


Emulate behavior of set-uid binary when invoked via sudo(1).

This function is to be invoked as early as possible in the script intended to be invoked via sudo.

It detects whether the user invoking the script via sudo, and set real uid and real gid appropriately. In more detail,

  • Real user ID and real group ID are set to that of invoking users, obtained from the environmental variables set by SUDO.
  • Effective User ID and Group ID are set to root.
  • Secondary group list is initialized to the default setting of invoking users. (Sudo set it to root, but it is not usually what people wants. Unfortunately, it is hard to reset it to that before the sudo invoked.)

The function returns true when setuid is effective (either natively or by emulation): false otherwise (invoked directly as either root or a non-root user).

All arguments are optional and these meanings are as follows:

  • realroot_ok: default False. Specify whether the script can be invoked as real root user (via sudo by root).

  • nonsudo_ok: default False. Specify whether the script can be invoked by root user without sudo. When enabled, misconfiguration might open security holes to ordinary users; be extremely careful and do not use unless really required; root users can still use script using this module by realroot_okoption above and invocation via explicit sudo.

  • sudo_wrap: default False. If set to True, the script will try to invoke itself via sudo(1), when root privilege is not available. Sudo must be configured appropriately so that required ordinary users can invoke this script (by its full-path with python command).

    A special command-line argument is used to communicate between invoking/self-invoked scripts, thus the function MUST be called before any command-line processing (e.g. argparse in Python).

  • use_shebang: default False; only meaningful when sudo_wrap=True. If set to True, the module will directly invoke the script itself as an executable, expecting "#!" feature of the underlying operating system to work.

    Use of this flag requires changes to the sudo configuration.

  • python_flags: (Python only) default "I"; only meaningful when sudo_wrap=True and use_shebang=False. A string containing one-character flags to be passed to the python interpreter called when sudo_wrap=True.

    In Python 2.7, "I" flag will be translated to combination "-E -s" flags.

  • ruby_flags: (Ruby only) default "T"; only meaningful when sudo_wrap=True and use_shebang=False. A string containing one-character flags to be passed to the Ruby interpreter called when sudo_wrap=true.

  • perl_flags: (Perl only) default "T"; only meaningful when sudo_wrap=True and use_shebang=False. A string containing one-character flags to be passed to the Ruby interpreter called when sudo_wrap=true.

  • inherit_flags: default False; only meaningful when sudo_wrap=True and use_shebang=False. If set to True, it will pass some of the flags originally passed to the Python/Ruby/Perl interpreter. It's always safer to specify explicitly using *_flags option.

  • env_pass: default []; list of names of environment variables which passed the wrapped command. Effective only with sudo_wrap=True. Its value is encoded to special environmental variable; it exploits the fact that sudo passes all variables starts with "LC_".

    Caution: passing some system-defined variables such as IFS, LD_PRELOAD, LD_LIBRARY_PATH will lead to creation of a security hole. This option can bypass security measures provided by sudo, if the script really tells this module to do so. Use this feature only when it is really needed.

  • showcmd_opts:

    default None; if a string is given, this function will compare it with first command-line argument. If it matches, it shows the command line for the re-invocation and exit. If True (1 in Perl) is passed, it is treated as "--show-sudo-command-line".

Privilege Switching Functions

There are four functions performing switching between privileges. These functions will set user-ids and group-ids accordingly and set some user-related environmental variables (e.g. HOME) as well.

An optional parameter "setenv=False" will skip setting user-related environmental variables (not available in Perl).

See the "Exceptions" section for special handling of the errors in these functions.

Each of these functions can be used either as an ordinary function, or with a block of code, according to the syntax of each languages. As an ordinary function, it will just change the UID/GID. With a code block, it will revert the UID/GID setting after execution.

In Python, a code block can be specified using "with" statement. The following two blocks are similar after call to suid_emulate().


with temporarily_as_user:
    ... do_user_level_task ...

In Ruby, a code block can be specified as a block parameter to functions, as follows:


temporarily_as_user {
    ... do_user_level_task ...

In Perl, a code block can be specified as a code reference argument to functions as follows:

... do_user_level_task ...

temporarily_as_user {
    ... do_user_level_task ...

In Ruby, you can also use system-builtin Process::UID and Process::GID modules. Please do not mix use of these modules and the functions below.


Set effective user/group ID to the privileged user, and real user/group ID to the unprivileged user. Secondary groups are set to those of the unprivileged user.


Set both real and effective user/group IDs to the privileged user. Secondary groups are set to [0]. It is useful when invoking setuid-aware program (e.g. mount(8)) as root.


Set effective user/group ID to the unprivileged user, and real user/group ID to the privileged user. Secondary groups are set to those of the unprivileged user.

It should not be used to run any untrusted code or programs, because these can regain the root privilege by seteuid(2) or temporarily_as_root() above.


Set both real and effective user/group ID to an ordinary user, dropping any privilege for all the future.

It can be used to execute a command for which the calling user can do whatever (e.g. shell, editor or language interpreter), or to perform possibly-dangerous operation (e.g. eval or import).

After calling this, the process can not call temporarily_as_root() or other similar functions to revert the privileged status anymore. Using this as an context manager (Python) / with a block argument (Ruby/Perl) is also meaningless. If really needed, consider using fork() or {call/run}_in_subprocess() described below to separate the unprivileged operations to a child process.

Calling an External Program

in Python

In Python, if you need to call an external program with an altered privilege, pass one of the above privilege-changing function to a preexec_fn parameter of functions in subprocess built-in module.

import subprocess["vi", "/tmp/file"],

in Ruby: spawn_in_privilege

In Ruby, a wrapper function spawn_in_privilege is provided. It will take the argument similar to exec or system builtin, with two additional arguments at the beginning:

  • The first argument is either a symbol :system or :spawn. If :system is given, the function will wait for the process termination and returns the return status of the called program. If :spawn is given, the function will return immediately when invoking the child program is succeeded, and its process ID is returned.

    In either case, if it cannot "exec" the child program, it will raise an appropriate OSError instance synchronously.

  • The second argument is either

    • a symbol corresponding to the names of the above four privilege-changing functions, representing what privilege will be passed to the called program;

    • A Method or Proc object, which is called before invoking the child program (similar to preexec_fn in Python).

  • The rest of arguments will be passed to the "exec" built-in.

The usage equivalent to above Python example is as follows:

spawn_in_privilege(:system, :drop_privileges_forever,
                    "vi", "/tmp/file")

in Perl: spawn_in_privilege

The function spawn_in_privilege for Perl is similar for that of Ruby. Differences are:

  • The type of the first argument is string.
  • The type of the second argument is either a string or a code reference (or code grob).
  • The rest arguments are passed to exec of the Perl.

Its semantics tends to be similar to system() in Perl; however,

  • SIGINT/QUIT signals are not ignored (at least currently).

  • If exec is failed, it will die instead of setting $? to -1.

  • The rest arguments are passed to exec of Perl builtin. However, if it is a single array reference, it will be specially translated to bypass any shell interventions. The arguments are translated as follows:

    spawn_in_privilege(..., ..., a) => exec(a)
    spawn_in_privilege(..., ..., a, b) => exec(a, b)
    spawn_in_privilege(..., ..., [a]) => exec a (a)
    spawn_in_privilege(..., ..., [a, b]) => exec a (a, b)
    spawn_in_privilege(..., ..., [[a, a0], b]) => exec a (a0, b)

If the first argument is "spawn" and the execution of command has succeeded, it will return the process ID of the child.

Please do not use "child reaper" signal handlers with "system".

Running Some Code in Sub-process

As said above, untrusted code should be run with "completely untrusted" privilege. It means that the result of such untrusted computations cannot be used in any trusted operations later.

To resolve this, the module provides a helper function which will evaluate some portion of program within a forked subprocess.

Return value of the evaluation is returned to caller, using inter-process communications. Such value is restricted to safe ones presentable in JSON or a little more; it cannot be a class instances with special methods (it obviously causes a security issue). Simple booleans, numbers, strings, or lists or hashes of those values are all OK.

Exceptions are also propagated to the caller in a limited manner. Most of the built-in exceptions (especially system-call errors) are transparently passed to the parent; non-builtin Exceptions are either coerced to a parent built-in exception or wrapped with WrappedSubprocessError exception.

The called function MUST return some value or raise an exception within Python. If you intend to exec() an external process, consider using other functions.

call_in_subprocess (for Python)

In Python, call_in_subprocess function takes a one function pointing to a function closure.

To evaluate arbitrary expression within a dropped privilege, either write:

# clean way
def _():
    return what_to_do(...)
result = call_in_subprocess(_)


# dirty trick
def result():
    return what_to_do(...)

Current implementation uses a safe subset of Pickle bytecode for return value communication in Python.

run_in_subprocess (for Ruby)

In Ruby, run_in_subprocess function takes a block argument.

To evaluate arbitrary expression within a dropped privilege, write:

result = run_in_subprocess {

Current implementation uses YAML.safe_load for return value communication in Ruby.

run_in_subprocess (for Perl)

In Perl, run_in_subprocess can be similarly used as Ruby. All exceptions are propagated as a simple string. Current implementation uses JSON (JSON::PP) for return value communication in Perl.

Misc functions

Functions in this section are not exported; these should be called via an explicit module reference.


It displays how the script will be re-invoked via sudo, to standard error stream (usually a console).

Parameters use_shebang, {python|ruby|perl}_flags, inherit_flags, pass_env are as same as suid_emulate().


It returns strings representing the command-line patterns for re-invocation. It returns a pair; the first element is a descriptive string for re-invocation pattern, and the second element is one used as an entry in sudoers file.

Parameters use_shebang, {python|ruby|perl}_flags, inherit_flags, pass_env are as same as suid_emulate().

A string given in user_str parameter is used for users specification in sudoers patterns.

Defined Exceptions

The following exceptions are implemented for Python and Ruby.


A general runtime error raised during processing by suid_sudo module. It is derived from RuntimeError in Python and Ruby.


A runtime error raised during initial setup of this module.


A runtime error raised when "gaining" some privileges is failed.


A fatal runtime error raised when "dropping" privileges is failed.

Failure on dropping privileges (including reverting to the lower privileges after high-privilege code is run) is really security-critical. Such an event is quite unlikely to happen in usual cases, but once happened and if improperly handled, it will cause dangerous security issue: some code to be run in privileges higher than expected.

To mitigate this, for an extra caution, such failure is treated not like a usual exception, but like a call to exit(); its event will not be captured by try: ... except RuntimeError: ... in Python or simple begin ... rescue ... in Ruby. (Internally, SUIDPrivilegesSettingFatalError is derived from BaseException in Python or SecurityError in Ruby.)

Any finally clauses, as well as the simplest try: ... except: ... clause in Python still cover these cases, so be careful what to write in these clauses.

If you really need this case to be handled, you must be very careful to write exception-handling code in the manner which can be run with unknown/unexpected privileges; then, you can capture this "exception" explicitly by its name.


A runtime error raised when call_in_subprocess or run_in_subprocess had a failure. Most common cause of this error is that the given code did not return a value (e.g. by calling "exec()").


A runtime error raised when the code called with call_in_subprocess or run_in_subprocess raised a non-builtin exception. It is a subclass of SUIDSubprocessError.

Errors in Perl

In Perl, a blessed object defined in SUID_SUDO:: package hierarchy will be thrown (by die) when any error has occurred. See perlfunc manual page for details on how to handle these in an object-oriented way. SUIDPrivilegesSettingFatalError is not provided in Perl, as exception handling constructs of Perl are very simple.



Yutaka OIWA

This file should be treated as a part of suid_sudo module, distributed under Apache License 2.0.