This is my personal finance manager (PFM). It works for me, and it's an upgrade of what I did few years ago (you can see the log of the project and the branch "old_version").
It's made with Ruby on Rails and few gems. As I said, it has the functionality I need, so probably it's not for you. If you think you can improve it, fork it and make a pull request :D
If you want to try it, make sure you have Ruby on Rails installed (tested with Ruby 3.3 and Rails 7.1). You probably want to use
To use PFM you should do:
$ git clone
$ cd pfm
$ bundle install
$ rake db:migrate
$ rake db:seed
$ rails s
I have created a simple docker-compose.yml in order to test PFM. The service will use this repository code as an external volume.
If you have Docker and docker-compose installed you can do:
$ docker-compose up
Then, you can go to http://localhost:3000 and you will see PFM's web.
If you need a minimal data to see how it works, you can execute:
$ docker-compose exec pfm rake db:seed
and it will create two accounts for testign and two movements.
If you stop the docker-compose, you will need to delete the file tmp/pids/
You should configure the application to use your locale. Change it in config/application.rb
# config.i18n.default_locale = :es
To change the default currency change it in config/initializers/money.rb , few examples:
config.default_currency = :eur
# config.default_currency = :usd
# config.default_currency = :gbp
This projects is unfinished and there are known bugs.