Point Detector - is an application that may help you to find closest places to your current location. The app built using modern tech-stack tools such as Room, Firebase, Dagger 2 and MVVM for the architechture.
The application is now available on Google Play Market!
- Room - is using to cache data from remote source of data and to store user created data.
- Dagger 2 - is using to manage the dependencies for each component in project.
- Firebase RealtimeDatabase - is using as a remote data store; in application used only to cache localy data about food banks points.
- Kotlin Coroutines - is using for asynchronous jobs.
- GitHub Actions - is using for CI/CD
- Clean + MVVM artchitechture
You can see that project contains core, data, domain and presentation layers. Core and data layers are independent from other layers.