you need the following packges installed `sudo apt-get install build-essential libevent1-dev `
For ubuntu you can use the packages or build from source
For mac os x you can use macports.
[httpd] vhost_global_handlers = _utils, _uuids, _session, _oauth, _users, _rewrite, _desk_pad
[couch_httpd_auth] require_valid_user = true
[httpd_global_handlers] _desk_pad = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_utils_dir_req, "/home/desk/src/desk/desk_pad"}
[vhosts] desk.qs:5984 = /desk_drawer/_design/desk_drawer/_rewrite/
- create virtual enviroment with virtualenv
- pip install requirements.txt
create the file
/etc/desk/worker.conf on the desk master
[worker] is_foreman = true
[couchdb] uri = http://localhost:5984 db = desk_drawer
/etc/desk/worker.conf on the desk dns node
[couchdb] uri = http://localhost:5984 db = desk_drawer
[powerdns] backend = sqlite db = /usr/local/etc/powerdns/dns.db user = passwd = name = ns1.qs