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TCW3 — Cross-platform GUI toolkit

Architectural Overview

           ┌─┤       Unit Tests       ││        Application       │
           │ └────────────────────────┘└───────────────────┬───┬──┘
  Simulate │ ╔═══════════════════╗ ┌────────────────────┐  │   │
    Events │ ║ tcw3::ui::views   ║ │   Custom Widgets   │  │   │
           │ ║      ╔════════════╝ └────────────┐       │  │ Initialization
         ┌─│─╢      ║ ╔═══════════════════════╗ │       │  │   │
Drawing, │ │ ║      ║ ║   tcw3::ui::theming   ║ │       │  │   │ Platform-
 layers, │ │ ╚══════╝ ╚═══════════════════════╝ └───────┘  │   │ specific
    etc. │ │ ╔═══════════════════════╗ ╔════════════════╗  │   │ operations
         │ │ ║     tcw3::uicore      ║ ║  tcw3::images  ║  │   │ (e.g., creating
         │ │ ╚═══════════════════════╝ ╚════════════════╝  ↓   │ a main menu on
         │ │ ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════╗ │ Cocoa)
         └─│→║                  tcw3::pal                    ║ │
           │ ╟───────────────────────────────────────────────╢ │
           └→║             testing (optional)                ║ │
             ╟───────────────┬───────────────┬───────────┐   ║ │
   Backends: ║    windows    │     macos     │    gtk    │   ║ │
             ╚═══════════════╧═══════════════╧═══════════╧═══╝ ↓
             │     Win32, WinRT, Cocoa, GTK, GLib, Pango, ...     │

tcw3::pal abstracts the underlying window system and graphics libraries. It defines the concept of main thread and a trait Wm for compile-time thread checking. Wm also provides several entry point functions for the clients to call. Several backends are provided. During a build, one of them is chosen based on the target platform and given feature flags, and its public types such as Wm (type) and HWnd are reexported at the crate root. The clients are supposed to use these reexported items.

The API surface of tcw3::pal is carefully designed so that all backends can implement the same interface, while ensuring the features of each target platform are well utilized, the abstraction overhead is reasonably low, and the engineering cost is acceptable. For example, details of widget handling are vastly different between platforms, so tcw3::pal has no concept of widgets, and widgets are instead realized by tcw3::uicore. On the other hand, with regard to text input handling, text input widgets are modeled as an abstract text storage and the widgets don't have to deal with key strokes entered by the user.

tcw3::pal has a headless backend named testing, which is used for testing various components built based on tcw3::pal. testing has a dedicated interface to programmatically control the simulated window system, which is exposed at tcw3::pal::testing.

tcw3::images provides a type HImg, which represents a scale-independent image that is rasterized on-demand. tcw3::ui::theming uses this extensively to render non-rectangular shapes in widgets. tcw3::images also manages the list of DPI scaling factors currently in use by the user's desktop. The cache of rasterized bitmaps are categorized by DPI scaling factors, and bitmaps are automatically released when the associated DPI scaling factor is no longer in use. To implement this cache management policy, a signaling mechanism that notifies changes in the global list of DPI scaling factors is needed, but tcw3::pal doesn't provide a facility for that. It's tcw3::uicore that tells tcw3::images which DPI scaling factor is in use and which one is no longer used. Other clients may do the same, but this is usually unnecessary.

tcw3::uicore is a widget toolkit built on top of the aforementioned subsystems. It introduces the concept of views, which are nestable rectangular regions inside a window that can receive user inputs and display graphical contents. It provides a framework for laying out views using layout objects. It's responsible for routing input events received by windows to appropriate views.

uicore is by no means meant to be a complete widget toolkit by itself. The appearance of views is not defined at all by uicore. Also, uicore doesn't completely hide pal, so TCW3 widgets and applications occasionally have to use pal directly.

tcw3::ui is an assortment of libraries built on top of uicore. tcw3::ui::theming is a styling framework that allows decoupling between logic and style. theming provides a view StyledBox, which is often used to define the appearance of widgets. tcw3::ui::mixins provides mix-ins, which handle input events (through composition) to implement common GUI behaviors. Other submodules provide useful premade views and layouts.

tcw3_designer (Designer) is a declarative framework for writing GUI components with less boilerplate code. It's meant to be invoked by a build script ( The generate code requires a runtime library located in tcw3::designer_runtime. designer stores the definition of components in meta crates. Build scripts invoking designer should import the definition of components they use from meta crates. For the widgets defined by tcw3::ui, the meta crate is [tcw3_meta].


Main Thread

TCW3 relies on the concept of main thread. A main thread is defined by the possession of an instance of a non-Send-able marker type tcw3::pal::Wm.

Event Loop

A TCW3 application enters a main event loop by calling Wm::enter_main_loop. The event loop monitors for events sent by the target window system, processes them, and calls application-provided event listeners (such as those in tcw3::pal::iface::WndListener) as needed.

You can use Wm::invoke and similar methods to have a custom closure called inside the main event loop. The following list summarizes the methods in this category:

  • Wm::invoke enqueues a closure to the event queue. This is a low-level method that uicore relies on, and application developers should prefer uicore::WmExt::invoke_on_update over this.

  • Wm::invoke_on_main_thread is similar to above, but can be called by any thread.

  • Wm::invoke_after enqueues a closure to be called after a given delay.

  • uicore::WmExt::invoke_on_update is similar to Wm::invoke, but ensures the closure is called before uicore updates window contents.

  • uicore::HWnd::invoke_on_next_frame is similar to Wm::invoke, but calls are synchronized to the refresh rate of the display where the given HWnd is currently located. You should use this method to schedule screen updates for animation.

Wm::terminate instructs the system to stop the main event loop, process all remaining events, and exit the application.

2D Graphics

Follow these steps to create a bitmap:

  1. Use tcw3::pal::BitmapBuilder::new to start constructing a bitmap.

  2. BitmapBuilder implements the trait tcw3::pal::iface::Canvas. Use the methods from this trait to issue 2D drawing commands.

  3. Finally, call tcw3::pal::BitmapBuilder::into_bitmap to convert the BitmapBuilder into an immutable tcw3::pal::Bitmap.

Text layout/rendering

To be filled


To be filled

Per-Monitor DPI

To be filled

Composition Layers

To be filled


To be filled

Styling Framework

To be filled

A view hierarchy and a styling element tree are independent from each other. However, there are some points at which there is a one-by-one relationship between them. Such points are useful for connecting widgets and thus represented by the trait Widget. This trait provides two methods each returning the root node of the corresponding type of subtree. The client of this trait can use them to embed the widget in outer trees. For example, Split has a method named set_children that receives two values of &dyn Widget and puts them on the respective sides of a splitter. Split itself implements Widget, so the user of Split can easily place a Split inside something that exposes a method equivalent to set_children.

The following diagram illustrates this model.

   view hierarchy     styling tree

     ┌ ─ ─│─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐
     │ A_view           A_elem ├ Widget A
     └─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─│─ ─┘
       ┌──┴──┐             │
     view  view            │
             │             │
            ─│─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─│─ ─ Widget A may expose this "socket",
             │             │    to which Widget B can be plugged in
             │             │
        ┌─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ┐
        │ B_view        B_elem ├ Widget B
        └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─┘

Some styling elements (only StyledBox at the moment, actually) support controlling the arrangement of their subviews through the styling framework. Subviews are modeled by the styling framework as follows: Each styling element is associated with a set of pairs of type (Role, HView). Role is used to identify subviews in stylesheets and to apply styling props to specific subviews.

Layouting Algorithm

uicore uses a two-phase layouting algorithm. The algoritm consists of the following steps:

  • Up phase: SizeTraits (a triplet of min/max/preferred sizes) is calculated for each view in a top-down manner using the local properties and subviews' SizeTraits.

  • The window size is constrained based on the root view's SizeTraits. The root view's frame always matches the window size.

  • Down phase: The final frame (a bounding rectangle in the superview coordinate space) is calculated for each view in a bottom-up manner.


To be filled


There are multiple ways for a TCW3 application to handle keyboard events, each having different goals and purposes:

  1. Define one or more accelerator tables (precompiled mapping from key combinations to action IDs) and provide the list of them through WndListener::interpret_event to have the backend translate keyboard events to action IDs, which are delivered to the currently focused view or window. (See the section Actions for more).

  2. (macOS only) Create menu items with key equivalents set to the desired key combination and its target set to nil. The Objective C messages generated by activating those menu items are converted to actions using accelerator tables if they are provided through WndListener::interpret_event. (See the section Actions for more).

  3. Define an accelerator table similarly, but use it in a window or view's keyboard event handler *Listener::key_* (pal::iface::WndListener, uicore::WndListener, uicore::ViewListener) to interpret the event.

    uicore delivers key events to a view or window. To determine the ultimate receiver, the uicore implementation of these methods examines the currently focused view, and moves up until the key_down or key_up methods (WndListener, ViewListener) returns true for the view or window.

  4. Use the text input API. The system processes input events and tells the application what to do by interfacing with the abstract text storage exposed via a text input context or by generating actions.

Upon receiving a keyboard event, the system tries each of these ways until the event is handled or there are no more ways to try. The exact order isn't strictly defined, but it usually looks like the following: 4 (modal only) → 2 → 1 → 3 → 4.

                    Keyboard Event
            |(3)          |(1)                   |(2)              |(4)
            |             |                      v                 v
            |             |             ,-----------------,  ,------------,
            |             |             | Key equivalents |  | Text input |
            |             |             '-----------------'  '------------'
            |             |                      | SEL           |   |
            |             |     ,----------------+               |   |
System      |             |     |                |               |   |
- - - - - - | - - - - - - | - - | - - - ,        v            , -|- -|- - -
App         |             v     v       , ,-----------------, ,  |   |
            |     ,-----------------,   , | Other UI (e.g., | ,  |   |
            |     |  WndListener::  |   , |  "open" dialog  | ,  |   |
            |     | interpret_event |   , '-----------------' ,  |   |
            |     '-----------------'    - - - - - - - - - - -   |   |
            |             | Action ID                            |   |
- - - - - - | - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|- -|- - -
Widgets     |             |           ,--------------------------'   |
            |             |           |                              |
            v             v           v                              v
,------------------, ,---------------------,       ,----------------------,
| *Listener::key_* | | *Listener::*_action |       | TextInputCtxListener |
'------------------' '---------------------'       '----------------------'


Single-shot operations such as copying to clipboard are delivered to widgets as actions. Actions have global identifiers shared by all components, so they are suitable for common UI operations and application-wide operations, but not for widget-local operations.

Actions are generated through one of the following mechanisms:

  • The application creates one or more accelerator tables, which are mappings from key combinations to actions with a platform-specific representation. When the backend needs to interpret an input event, it calls WndListener::interpret_event (pal, uicore), which calls a given callback function for each active accelerator table until it finds an applicable mapping.
  • When a text input context is active, the system sends some commands as actions. See tcw3::pal::actions for the list of the commands that can be generated through this mechanism.
  • (macOS only) When the user selects an application menu item (the creation of this is out of the scope of TCW3) or inputs its key equivalent, Cocoa sends an Objective C message down a responder chain. If an application object happens to receive it, the TCW3 backend will attempt to translate it to an action. On macOS, accelerator tables define mappings from Objective C selectors to actions in addition to the aforementioned key-to-action mappings.

    Standard widgets from Cocoa use this responder chain as well. You can observe this by opening a standard file dialog and clicking the application's Edit menu, where you will find Cut/Copy/Paste are usable even in the dialog. Also, the user can customize the key equivalents of menu items in the user's system preference. This means you should prefer this mechanism over key-to-action mappings described in the previous bullet point.

Actions are identified by 16-bit integers (ActionId). Some ranges are reserved by TCW3 for common UI operations.

The pal backend calls the following methods of pal::iface::WndListener to perform an action or to see if an action is valid in the current state:

  • validate_action: Returns flags indicating such as whether the window can perform the action right now or not.
  • perform_action: Performs the action.

The uicore implementation of this trait forwards the calls to these methods to a view or window. To determine the ultimate receiver, the uicore implementation of these methods examines the currently focused view, and moves up until the validate_action method (WndListener, ViewListener) returns ActionStatus::VALID for the view or window.

Text Input

To be filled

Tab Order

The default tab order follows the pre-order of the view hierarchy. The order for sibling views are defined by Layout::subviews.

The default order can be overridden by HViewRef::override_tab_order_sibling and HViewRef::override_tab_order_child. These methods define a completely independent subtree that determines the tab order. The client is responsible for linking nodes correctly.

use tcw3::uicore::{HView, TabOrderSibling};
// root
//  ├─ v1
//  └─ v2
let root = HView::new(Default::default());
let v1 = HView::new(Default::default());
let v2 = HView::new(Default::default());
root.override_tab_order_child(Some([v1.clone(), v2.clone()]));

Headless Backend

The testing feature enables the testing backend of tcw3::pal, which is a headless backend that simulates the behavior of a real window system. This is mainly used for unit testing and is supposed to be enabled only when running tests by passing a command-line option like cargo test --workspace --all-features. When the feature is not enabled, the entry point function explained in the next paragraph will do nothing except for outputting a warning message.

Enabling the feature alone doesn't activate the headless backend. You need to call a specific entry point function and pass a closure. The closure will receive &dyn TestingWm that can be used to send simulated input events to the backend. See the documentation of tcw3::pal::testing for more details.

Note: You need to enable the testing feature to see the documentation.

tcw3::testing provides an attribute macro useful for writing unit tests using the testing backend.

Color Management

Color values are specified in the sRGB color space, unless otherwise specified.

Full color management support is yet to be implemented. Some backends are incapable of doing even a basic color management at the moment.