0.14.3 (2023-02-06)
- stable version will faild when bump version (5650002)
0.14.2 (2023-02-06)
- zcloak-ci-ghact-build: fix throw level error when no skip-beta arg (18ae4ab)
0.14.1 (2023-02-06)
- zcloak-dev-version: fix the script will update dependencies with workspace protocol. (8cdf3e7)
0.14.0 (2023-02-06)
- zcloak-dev-build-ts: replace workspace protocol version to semver in package dependencies. (80662d6)
0.13.0 (2023-02-06)
- lint, dev: up deps, add skip-beta arg for zcloak-ci-ghact-build. (00c581b)
0.12.0 (2022-12-15)
- upgrade deps (7323b4c)
0.11.3 (2022-12-09)
- ci: skip public folder (a50909a)
0.11.2 (2022-12-09)
- ci: public folder exists error (700c37d)
0.11.1 (2022-12-09)
- ci: use public folder exists instead .skip-lint (45c2f78)
0.11.0 (2022-12-09)
- ci: add .skip-lint file to skip lint dependencies (6c02015)
0.10.5 (2022-12-05)
- ci: skipt npm (cadf8f2)
0.10.4 (2022-12-05)
- build: fix build includes error (96f3e12)
0.10.3 (2022-12-05)
- ci: skip npm when level=4 (4122883)
0.10.2 (2022-12-05)
- ci: remove spaces. (242f481)
- ci: when the patch version number is 0, the changelog output error. (88cfd2d)
##0.10.1 (2022-12-05)
- ci: when the patch version number is 0, the changelog output error. (88cfd2d)
0.10.0 (2022-12-05)
- ci: not push changes because the level is less 4. (9b159cc)
0.8.1 (2022-12-01)
- use angular instead conventionalcommits (51c01e5)
0.8.0 (2022-12-01)
0.7.6 (2022-12-01)
- skip lint dependencies when hash .skip-build file.
- allow to build js and jsx files.
- allow to build js and jsx files.
- fix zcloak-dev-run-lint tsc not throw error.
- fix zcloak-lint would not lint the type dependencies in locals.
- fix @zcloak/lint dependencies.
- add @zcloak/lint package, it to lint dependencies in package.json, and also lint references in tsconfig.build.json when local dependencies.
- add zcloak-dev-lint-dependencies ci.
- don't make packageInfo.json
- bump version manual
- update babel config
- update prettier config
- update jest config
- check dependencies when build
- add eslint-plugin-header
- up deps
- upgrade dependiencies
- Add github release script support.