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Category Theory


  • There are objects and arrows (morphisms)
  • Composition:
    • If there's a morphism f from A to B, and there's a morphism g from B to C, there must be a morphism from A to C (g . f).
    • const compose = (f, g) => (x) => f(g(x))
  • Associativity of composition: (h . g) . f == h . (g . f)
  • Identity: For each A there must be a morphism from A to A.
    • const id = a => a


Types are sets of values>

In Set, objects are sets and morphisms are functions, and idenity maps each element to a set of itself.

Bottom () is a value in every type, corresponding to a non-terminating computation. Functions that can return bottom are partial functions.

Void is a type with no values (empty set). There's only one function that can return Void, which is an idenity of Void:

voidIdentity :: Void -> Void
voidIdentity a = a

() is called 'unit,' which is similar to void in imperative languages (think C++). Usually used for functions with side effects or that discard arguments.

foo :: Char -> ()
foo _ = ()

There are two possible functions that just take a Bool and return a Bool:

const id = a => a
// id(true) -> true
const not = a => !a
// not(true) -> false


  • Preorder is a category where morphisms are relations of being less than or equal.
  • Partial order is preorder where for all a <= b and b <= a, a == b.
  • Linear order (aka total order) is partual order where any two objects are in a relation with each other, one way or another.
  • Hom-set is a set of all morphisms from a to b in category C (C(a, b)).

Monoid as Set

Monoid is a set with binary operation which is associative, and there must be a unit in the set.

-- the Monoid type class:
class Monoid m where
  mempty  :: m
  mappend :: m -> m -> m


const left = a => ({ type: 'left', value: a })
const right = a => ({ type: 'right', value: a })
const m = e => {
  if (e.type === 'left') return e.value
  else return e.value ? 0 : 1