Prop | Type | Default | Note |
geojson |
Geojson description of object. | |
strokeColor |
String |
stroke property in GeoJson if present else #000 |
The stroke color to use for polygons and polylines. |
fillColor |
String |
fill property in GeoJson |
The fill color to use for polygons. |
strokeWidth |
Number |
stroke-width property in Geojson if present else 1 |
The stroke width to use for polygons and polylines. |
color |
String |
marker-color property in GeoJson |
The color to use for points. |
lineDashPhase |
Number |
(iOS only) The offset (in points) at which to start drawing the dash pattern. Use this property to start drawing a dashed line partway through a segment or gap. For example, a phase value of 6 for the patter 5-2-3-2 would cause drawing to begin in the middle of the first gap. | |
lineDashPattern |
Array<Number> |
An array of numbers specifying the dash pattern to use for the path. The array contains one or more numbers that indicate the lengths (measured in points) of the line segments and gaps in the pattern. The values in the array alternate, starting with the first line segment length, followed by the first gap length, followed by the second line segment length, and so on. | |
lineCap |
'butt' | 'round' | 'square' |
The line cap style to apply to the open ends of the path. Possible values are butt , round or square . Note: lineCap is not yet supported for GoogleMaps provider on iOS. |
lineJoin |
'miter' | 'round' | 'bevel' |
The line join style to apply to corners of the path. Possible values are miter , round or bevel . |
miterLimit |
Number |
The limiting value that helps avoid spikes at junctions between connected line segments. The miter limit helps you avoid spikes in paths that use the miter lineJoin style. If the ratio of the miter length—that is, the diagonal length of the miter join—to the line thickness exceeds the miter limit, the joint is converted to a bevel join. The default miter limit is 10, which results in the conversion of miters whose angle at the joint is less than 11 degrees. |
zIndex |
Number |
Layer level of the z-index value | |
onPress |
Function |
returns the selected overlay value with the onPress functionality | |
markerComponent |
React Node |
Component to render in place of the default marker when the overlay type is a point |
title |
string |
The title of the marker. This is only used if the component has no children that are a <Callout /> |
tracksViewChanges |
Boolean |
true | Sets whether this marker should track view changes. It's recommended to turn it off whenever it's possible to improve custom marker performance. This is the default value for all point markers in your geojson data. It can be overriden on a per point basis by adding a trackViewChanges property to the properties object on the point. |
import React from 'react';
import MapView, {Geojson} from 'react-native-maps';
const myPlace = {
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: [
type: 'Feature',
properties: {},
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [64.165329, 48.844287],
const Map = props => (